




1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:jìn chù








  1. 安置在左右。

    汉 王褒 《九怀·通路》:“畜鴳兮近处,鲸鱏兮幽潜。”

  2. 附近的地方。

    《太平广记》卷二三九引 唐 胡璩 《谭宾录·裴延龄》:“ 开元 天宝 中,近处求覔五六丈木,尚未易得。” 茅盾 《子夜》十五:“马路上四处都响起了警笛的凄厉的尖音;这是近处的警署得了报告,派警察赶来分头兜捕。”



  1. Some went into the bank and some stood near the front.


  2. Near the unconformity surface hole section, chemical erosion is serious and easy to form a high-quality reservoir.


  3. The sun was just coming up over the tops of the trees, and a distant voice was calling, and nearby a chanting of Sanskrit was in the air.


  4. I ask Yunlin to look for a room nearby, and he is of course pleased and agrees with alacrity to help me.


  5. He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife.


  6. Closer to, my mother's face: her eyes sad, lost in the distance. I call out to her, and she smiles. I smile back. Now we are both happy.


  7. Nearby discharge more of a strong 1045, the Great Music has no income, the air has been filled with casual attitudes of gunpowder incense.


  8. As a boy, he had learned to watch his mother closely to figure out whether she was going to hug him or hit him.


  9. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by.


  1. 近处鼓声大作。

    Drums are banging somewhere.

  2. 近处有书店没有?

    Is there a bookstore near here?

  3. 从近处看某事

    to see something close up/ to

  4. 他过去曾住在近处。

    He lived close at hand.

  5. 他的宿舍就在近处。

    His dormitory is within a stones throw distance.

  6. 近处一个饭馆也没有。

    There are no restaurants nearby.

  7. 他们在近处向我们开火。

    They opened fire at us at close range.

  8. 近处有人喊我得名字。

    My name was uttered by someone near me.

  9. 近处有人喊我的名字。

    My name was uttered by someone near me.

  10. 悉尼近处有20个良好的海滩。

    There are20 fine beaches close to Sydney.

  11. 远处的是风景, 近处的才是人生。

    The distance is the scenery, life is near.

  12. 近处的地里种上了小麦。

    The fields around had been sown with wheat.

  13. 火在远处是明灯,火在近处烧伤人。

    The fire which lights us at a distance will Bum us when near.

  14. 这是我第一次在近处看见他。

    It was my first glimpse of him close to.

  15. 他跳下公共汽车直奔近处的酒吧。

    He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.

  16. 我到您窗子下面的近处来望望。

    I come to gaze upon your windows near at hand.

  17. 火在远处是明灯, 它在近处烧灼人

    The fire which lights up at a distance will burn us when near

  18. 但是他必须从近处, 而不是从远处开始。

    But he must begin with the near and not with the far.

  19. 他是远视眼,近处的东西看不清。

    He's long-sighted – he can't see anything properly close to.

  20. 离我家很近处有许多商店和酒店。

    There are many shops and restaurants close to my hone.

  21. 怪圈中心近处的那个小圆圈,就是小数点。

    The little dot near the centre is the decimal point.

  22. 南希疲惫地瘫坐到近处的椅子上。

    Nancy dropped into a nearby chair.

  23. 她还不曾走到近处往看过那娃娃。

    She had not yet beheld that doll close to.

  24. 它像巨人般地高耸在近处的林木间。

    It towered like a giant above all the other tree near by.

  25. 这声音好象来自近处漂来得木头上。

    The sound seemed to come from some driftwood close at hand.

  26. 这声音好象来自近处漂来的木头上。

    The sound seemed to come from some driftwood close at hand.

  27. 从这里可以看到近处的河及远处的山。

    You can see the river in the near distance and the mountains beyond.

  28. 没有放大镜,我连近处的东西都看不清。

    Without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up.

  29. 没有放大镜,我连近处得东西都看不清。

    Without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up.

  30. 没有放大镜,我连近处的东西都看不清。

    Without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up.


  1. 问:近处拼音怎么拼?近处的读音是什么?近处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近处的读音是jìnchù,近处翻译成英文是 vicinity

  2. 问:近处格拼音怎么拼?近处格的读音是什么?近处格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近处格的读音是jìn chù gé,近处格翻译成英文是 adessive



近处,指附近的地方。语出《太平广记》卷二三九引 唐 胡璩 《谭宾录·裴延龄》:“开元天宝中,近处求覔五六丈木,尚未易得。”

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