




1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……


1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……





汉语拼音:zhěng qí huà yī








  1. We have codes and standards that tell us that the lights should be so much lux and of great uniformity.


  2. Now, instead of marching as one, we were ready to get loose.


  3. Collective action should be neat, including the size range of motion to be consistent and uniform.


  4. Select Gigabit Ethernet technology, and gradually analysis, planning, a structured, uniform, specific and thoughtful school network.


  5. It is far from clear that BYD's labor-intensive process can achieve the uniformity of quality required for electric car batteries.


  6. But its decline across Europe is not uniform; in each country, the church faces a different mixture of threats and residual strengths.


  7. From the synchronised drumming to the synchronised swimming , China's Olympics have left the world agape .


  8. Born of Mr. Jackson's fascination with military symbolism, 'The Drill' sent a message of 'unity and strength in numbers, ' Mr. Payne says.


  9. What is greater is the demand for uniformity and its consequence: the criminalization of difference and variety.


  1. 穷人不是一个整齐划一、固定不变的群体。

    The poor are not a homogeneous and fixed group.

  2. 现在, 没有了整齐划一得行进, 队伍开始变得松散了。

    Now, instead of marching as one, we were ready to get loose.

  3. 这还使得所有正式语文网页的外观更为整齐划一。

    This has also resulted in a more uniform appearance of web pages in all official languages.

  4. 鼓手们上下翻飞得鼓槌在黑暗中闪耀出整齐划一得红光。

    Drummers rattled in the pitch dark, their neon red sticks flashing in military time.

  5. 划一条6厘米的线段。

    Draw a line of 6 cm long.

  6. 每人划一小时桨,然后休息一下。

    Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest.

  7. 全国各地的价格涨幅将不会划一。

    The price rises will not be uniform across the country.

  8. 立法不统一,执法不划一得现象愈显突出。

    The phenomenon of not unified Legislation and not uniform enforcement becoming prominent.

  9. 用刀片在面包中间划一长痕,约1厘米深。

    Make a 1 cm deep slash in the center along the length of the dough.

  10. 萝丝是划一艘船而且不知道该哪里去。

    Rose is rowing a boat and does not know where to go.

  11. 把鞋放成整齐的一排。

    Arrange shoes in a neat row.

  12. 衣服叠放成整齐的一摞。

    The clothes were folded in a neat pile.

  13. 在这一页的底部划一条线。

    Draw a line at the bottom of the page.

  14. 这一方向得电流可以作为是莫尔斯电码中得一划。

    A flow in one direction could be the same as a dash in Morse.

  15. 这一方向的电流可以作为是莫尔斯电码中的一划。

    A flow in one direction could be the same as a dash in Morse.

  16. 球在空中划了一条弧线, 进了球门。

    The ball swerved into the net.

  17. 水深了,她腾起身子,舒开双臂长长地一划。

    The water was deep, but she lifted her white body and reached out with a long, sweeping stroke.

  18. 每个人划了一小时桨,然后休息。

    Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest.

  19. 在笔记本的一页的中间划一条竖线。

    Draw a vertical line down the center of your notebook paper.

  20. 家长要求这个小孩把鞋放成整齐的一排。

    The child was required to arrange his shoes in a neat row by his parents.

  21. 我们划出一小块地方作为孩子们的游戏场, 并立桩标明。

    We've set aside a small area as a children's playground, and staked it off.

  22. 耕犁在雨水流过的迹印上来回地划了一列列的犁沟。

    The ploughs crossed and recrossed the rivulet marks.

  23. 那女孩划火柴点燃一根烟。

    The girl struck a match to light a cigarette.

  24. 贝壳上的花纹排列整齐一环接一环。

    Patterns on the shell element array element access.

  25. 贝壳上得花纹排列整齐一环接一环。

    Patterns on the shell element array element access.

  26. 一排整齐的刘海

    A tidy fringe of hair

  27. 立桩划出了一小块地打井用。

    A small area has been staked off for well.

  28. 他已穿戴整齐并修饰一新准备出席国会。

    He was suited up and combed down for his congressional appearance.

  29. 蓄着一撇整齐小胡子的英俊男子。

    A handsome man with a clipped moustache.

  30. 她在她的衬衫沿着边缘一排整齐的缝线。

    She made a neat row of stitches along the edge of her shirt.



指有条有理,全都一样 整齐 : ①有秩序,有条理,不凌乱:队伍很整齐|整齐划一|迈着整齐的步伐。




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