







汉语拼音:gōng xián








  1. 亦作“ 弓絃 ”。弓上的弦。

    《管子·形势》:“射者,弓弦发矢也。” 汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传记越地传》:“ 麻林山 一名 多山 , 句践 欲伐 吴 ,种麻以为弓絃。”《梁书·曹景宗传》:“我昔在乡里,骑快马如龙,与年少辈数十骑,拓弓弦作霹靂声,箭如饿鴟叫。” 清 龚自珍 《水调歌头·寄徐二义尊大梁》词:“结客五陵英少,脱手黄金一笑,霹靂应弓弦。” 徐迟 《狂欢之夜》:“当他看到周遭的恐怖时,他的心像弓弦一般的震荡了。”



  1. Bela indicated Rem and Cabell with an angry gesture of her chin, fingering her bow as if she were ready to fire.


  2. The point of the bow and string, the pressure of bow and the bow speed are the basic and significant three elements of bow technique.


  3. In his first year at the school, the 14-year-old has been allowed to work on only one major aspect of archery: the release of the bowstring.


  4. Coastal line of China symbols bowstring, while the Yangtze River goes upstream from Shanghai to Chongqing like an arrow.


  5. The archer pulls the string straight back, slowly, precisely , not doing anything that might pull the arrow off the target line.


  6. Your powder may be damp, your bow-string may be relaxed, but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order.


  7. I said a lair conditionere string not Gin. . . goodness me!


  8. I said a bow string not Gin. Ah , nevermind !


  9. The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also used frequently in jazz ensembles, especially played pizzicato.


  1. 上弓弦辅助器

    bow stringer.

  2. 双弓弦桁架

    double bowstring truss.

  3. 弓弦绷得很紧。

    The bowstring is stretched taut.

  4. 蒙古族弓弦乐器

    Mongolian bow instrument

  5. 如同蓄势待发的弓弦

    Quiver like a bowstrings pulse

  6. 弓弦发出拨弦音。

    The bowstring was twanging.

  7. 弓弦发出拨弦音。

    The bowstring was twanging.

  8. 弓弦一定要绷紧。

    The bowstring must be drawn tight.

  9. 要拉开弓弦挺难得。

    It is hard to bull back the bowstring .

  10. 要拉开弓弦挺难的。

    It is hard to bull back the bowstring.

  11. 弓弦与钢铁将会胜利

    Bow string and steel will prevail

  12. 轻型弓弦式挂篮

    light bowstring basket cantilever

  13. 缺少柔韧而坚固的弓弦。

    It is missing a strong and flexible bowstring.

  14. 弓弦连系弓两端的弦。

    The cord attached to both ends of an archers bow.

  15. 弓两端用来缚弓弦凹口

    the groove at either end of a bow for holding the bowstring

  16. 她的神经如弓弦一样紧张。

    Her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow.

  17. 使用弦发出的声音,比如弓弦。

    Sound with a twang, as of a bowstring.

  18. 我说的是弓弦, 不是轧棉!

    I said a bow string not Gin. Ah, nevermind!

  19. 她的神经如弓弦一样紧张。

    Other parameters , If the thickness of tape , Taut power and braking torque, etc. calculations.

  20. 右手搭在弓弦上,缓缓后拉。

    My right hand puts on the bowstring and opens pulling slowly.

  21. 弓上的凹口弓两端用来缚弓弦凹口

    The groove at either end of a bow for holding the bowstring.

  22. 弓弦乐器运弓过程的力学分析

    A mechanical analysis of the process of bowing

  23. 射箭弓弦的中心被复直径尺寸指南

    Guide for center serving diameter dimensions for archery bow strings

  24. 弓箭手拉紧弓弦将箭瞄准靶子。

    The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.

  25. 弓片决定了弓的拉力也是系弓弦的地方。

    The limbs are what the string attaches to and dictate the weight of the bow.

  26. 弓弦接触的发音点也会影响音响效果。

    The sounding point where the bow intersects the string also influences timbre.

  27. 要做第一件事就是弯弓,装上弓弦。

    The first thing to be done was to bend the bow in order to attch the string.

  28. 轻型弓弦式挂篮悬臂施工方法探讨

    Discussion on Cantilever Construction Method of Light Bowstring Basket Cantilever

  29. 更羸突然松开弓弦,大雁直挺挺地摔了下来。

    Geng Lei releases it suddenly. The wild goose falls stiffly on the ground.

  30. 第一件要做的事就是弯弓以装上弓弦。

    The first thing to be done was to bend the bow in order to attach the string.


  1. 问:弓弦拼音怎么拼?弓弦的读音是什么?弓弦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦的读音是gōngxián,弓弦翻译成英文是 bowstring

  2. 问:弓弦式拼音怎么拼?弓弦式的读音是什么?弓弦式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦式的读音是gōng xián shì,弓弦式翻译成英文是 bowstring

  3. 问:弓弦拱拼音怎么拼?弓弦拱的读音是什么?弓弦拱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦拱的读音是gōng xián gǒng,弓弦拱翻译成英文是 bowstring arch

  4. 问:弓弦乐器拼音怎么拼?弓弦乐器的读音是什么?弓弦乐器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦乐器的读音是,弓弦乐器翻译成英文是 Bowed string instrument

  5. 问:弓弦屋盖拼音怎么拼?弓弦屋盖的读音是什么?弓弦屋盖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦屋盖的读音是gōng xián wū gài,弓弦屋盖翻译成英文是 bowstring roof

  6. 问:弓弦式梁拼音怎么拼?弓弦式梁的读音是什么?弓弦式梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦式梁的读音是gōng xián shì liáng,弓弦式梁翻译成英文是 bowstring beam

  7. 问:弓弦桁架拼音怎么拼?弓弦桁架的读音是什么?弓弦桁架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦桁架的读音是gōng xián héng jià,弓弦桁架翻译成英文是 bowstring truss

  8. 问:弓弦过松拼音怎么拼?弓弦过松的读音是什么?弓弦过松翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦过松的读音是gōng xián guò sōng,弓弦过松翻译成英文是 understrung; low-braced

  9. 问:弓弦过紧拼音怎么拼?弓弦过紧的读音是什么?弓弦过紧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦过紧的读音是gōng xián guò jǐn,弓弦过紧翻译成英文是 overstrung; high-braced

  10. 问:弓弦式大梁拼音怎么拼?弓弦式大梁的读音是什么?弓弦式大梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦式大梁的读音是gōng xián shì dà liáng,弓弦式大梁翻译成英文是 bowstring girder

  11. 问:弓弦式桁架拼音怎么拼?弓弦式桁架的读音是什么?弓弦式桁架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦式桁架的读音是gōng xián shì héng jià,弓弦式桁架翻译成英文是 bow and string girder

  12. 问:弓弦式桁梁拼音怎么拼?弓弦式桁梁的读音是什么?弓弦式桁梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦式桁梁的读音是gōng xián shì héng liáng,弓弦式桁梁翻译成英文是 bow and string girder

  13. 问:弓弦缠线部分拼音怎么拼?弓弦缠线部分的读音是什么?弓弦缠线部分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓弦缠线部分的读音是gōng xián chán xiàn bù fèn,弓弦缠线部分翻译成英文是 serving



gōngxián [bowstring]∶弓上的弦 [straightaway]∶比喻比弯道短而直的路线 顺着小路走,净走弓弦,近便多了 射者,弓弦发矢也。——《管子·形势》

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