








1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:lǐng dǎo bān zǐ



  1. Rwanda says that it has no wish to get sucked back in to its neighbouring country, but is fed up with the lack of leadership in Kinshasa.


  2. This question of the leading groups has a bearing on whether or not the Party line will be implemented.


  3. Senator Joe Lieberman, who caucuses with the Democrats, said he found the public scolding "very troubling" .


  4. "It is possible to say that the new leadership of Kyrgyzstan has effectively been recognized by Moscow, " he said.


  5. These are no doubt amplified as the Communist party begins the delicate process of transitioning power to a new set of leaders next year.


  6. The question of exposing and criticizing the Gang of Four and consolidating the leading bodies.


  7. To be responsible for the daily administration of the leadership and leading cadres of related financial institutions.


  8. Strengthening the Ideological and Political Construction of Leading Groups in Universities in the Light of "Three Represents"


  9. The Party's leading bodies at all levels in the localities are the Party congresses at these levels and the committees they elect.


  1. 改组领导班子

    reorganize the leading body.

  2. 领导班子大换血。

    A complete change in the leadership has occurred.

  3. 领导班子得换人。

    The leadership must be changed.

  4. 领导班子必须团结。

    The leading body must unite.

  5. 团结务实的现任领导班子

    The united and pragmatic current leading group

  6. 来宾与学院领导班子成员合影

    Group Photo of Visitors and the College Leadership

  7. 高校领导班子坚持民主集中制问题

    The issue of adhering to democratic centralization in university leadership

  8. 首席执行官加强了他的领导班子。

    The CEO has beefed up his staff.

  9. 领导班子具有团结,作,拓进取精神。

    The management has the unity, the cooperation, explores and develop the spirit.

  10. 第一, 必须建立一个坚强的领导班子。

    First, it is imperative to build a strong leadership.

  11. 新的领导班子放弃了秘密间谍计划。

    The new administration say bye-bye to Secret Spy Program.

  12. 有的单位领导班子散, 与闹派性有关。

    Some are lax, which is a failing related to factionalism.

  13. 有得单位领导班子散, 与闹派性有关。

    Some are lax, which is a failing related to factionalism.

  14. 为了支持新的领导班子, 他们决定留下来。

    They decided to stay in su ort of the new leadership.

  15. 为了支持新地领导班子, 他们决定留下来。

    They decided to stay in support of the new leadership.

  16. 高素质的领导班子是用好人才的前提。

    The leadership actors of one troupe of Gao character is just the premise which use a good man.

  17. 第一, 一定要建立敢字当头得领导班子。

    First, it is essential to establish bold leadership in every factory and enterprise.

  18. 每年我院都要对领导班子进行培训。

    The leadership groups are trained in our college every year.

  19. 第一,一定要建立敢字当头的领导班子。

    First, it is essential to establish bold leadership in every factory and enterprise.

  20. 领导班子走马换将后, 工作有了起色。

    Things are looking up as a result of a reshuffle of the leading group.

  21. 关于揭批四人帮和整顿领导班子的问题。

    The question of exposing and criticizing the Gang of Four and consolidating the leading bodies.

  22. 略论领导班子贯彻民主集中制的几个问题

    Some Problems on How to Implement Democratic and Centralized System for Leading Groups

  23. 领导班子还是要注意年轻化, 要选马克思主义者。

    We have to select as members of the leading bodies younger people and Marxists.

  24. 本届党政领导班子年富力强, 团结奋进, 富有战斗力。

    The current party leadership the prime of life, forging ahead in unity and full of fighting.

  25. 国家领导班子的治国方式存在一些严重的问题。

    There's some serious problems with the way the state's leadership has been running the show.

  26. 解决落后村问题,必须把村级领导班子建设好。

    Solve backward village problem, must class the leading group has been built.

  27. 领导班子,特别要注意提拔有发展前途的人。

    We should pay special attention to promoting competent individuals to leading positions.

  28. 我们今后配备领导班子的时候,要选用什么人呢?

    What kind of people should we select for future leading bodies?

  29. 本厂拥有雄厚的技术力量和团结奋进的领导班子。

    We have strong technical strength and forge ahead in unity leadership.

  30. 整顿领导班子,一个重要方面就是要把作风整顿好。

    One important aspect of consolidating the leading bodies is the rectification of their style of work.


  1. 问:领导班子拼音怎么拼?领导班子的读音是什么?领导班子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领导班子的读音是lǐngdǎobānzi,领导班子翻译成英文是 a leader group that constitutes several member...



“领导班子”是个多义词,它可以指领导班子(卢苏宁小说), 领导班子(词语释义)。

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