


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……





汉语拼音:huó miàn






  1. 用水揉和面粉。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·饼法》:“酒鱼眼沸,绞去滓,以和麵,麵起可作。” 唐 费冠卿 《答萧建》诗:“搜泥如和麵,拾橡半添穜。” 刘真 《春大姐》三:“她看了看正拿着面盆要去和面的 秀芳 。”



  1. Soon the Boar will go up to the Fox's corpse. and, standing over it, will breathe into its eyes and face.


  2. One morning Mrs. Kirk, mixing a pudding, nearly started out of her skin as she heard the thud, thud in her grate.


  3. One day, I noticed the sole was almost off one of his shoes and he was putting cardboard in its place so he could go to work.


  4. pork , powder , and biscuit was the cargo , with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and red ruth and the captain.


  5. Mix the white flour, remaining sugar and the butter with your fingers in a bowl until it becomes like a breadcrumb consistency.


  6. Simulation shows that this method can increase the performance of line array and plan array at different degrees.


  7. I need not your needles; they're needless to me; for kneading of noodles, are needless, you see.


  8. Ics building technologies offers a full line of esd coatings and toppings , allowing you to cost effectively design an esd-control system.


  9. SUPERIOR EPOXY PRIMER 171 will penetrate into concrete, sealing the surface to improve adhesion of epoxy toppings and coatings.


  1. 如何兼顾点和面的关系。

    How to give attention to points and planes.

  2. 她用水和面做成面团。

    She mixed the flour and water to a paste.

  3. 和面般地直至你的屈服。

    He kneads you until you pliant.

  4. 先天性外展神经和面神经麻痹综合征

    Mobius syndrome

  5. 把水和面和成光滑的面团。

    Mix the flour and water into a smooth paste.

  6. 不要使用乳液、药膏和面霜。

    Do not use lotions, ointments and creams.

  7. 高层建筑热压中和面位置的确定

    Determination of Hot Pressing Neutral Plane Position of High Building

  8. 这个字包括一个矩形和面的一个点。

    The character contains a dot within a rectangle.

  9. 和面时撒点碱面儿可以使面粉发酵。

    Add soda powder to the flour when you are mixing it, and it will ferment.

  10. 和面时撒点碱面儿可以使面粉发酵。

    Add soda powder to the flour when you are mixing it, and it will ferment.

  11. 我要开始和面了,请把面板拿给我。

    I am going to knead the dough. Please give me the kneading broad.

  12. 我要开始和面了,请把面板拿给我。

    I am going to knead the dough. Please give me the kneading broad.

  13. 有两种主要的地震波体波和面波。

    There are two chief kinds of seismic waves body waves and surface waves.

  14. 饺子的做法是先和面,和字就是合。

    Approach is to first dumplings and noodles, and the word is competent.

  15. 供应商应负责底漆和面漆的喷涂。

    The supplier shall be responsible for the painting of base coating and finish coating.

  16. 她在一个很大的盆子里和面。

    She mixed the dough in a large basin.

  17. 图10表示贡缎里和面的多次内反射光谱。

    In Fig10 are shown the MIR spectra of the back and face of a sateen fabric.

  18. 这套旅行组包括的洗面霜,浴液和面霜。

    The travel kit comprises face cleanser, lotion and moisturizer.

  19. 您用温水和面是对的, 可以和的软一点。

    Your face with warm water and is right, and can be a little soft.

  20. 固体绝缘材料体电阻率和面电阻率的试验方法

    Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials

  21. 案,案与桌的最大不同,在于腿子和面的关系。

    Case of the table with the biggest difference is that dioica and face.

  22. 新研制的水基锆英粉涂料包括底涂料和面涂料。

    The developed water based zircon powder coatings include base coating and surface coating.

  23. 在和面的时候掺和一点白糖口感会更好。

    The flour would taste better if we added a little white sugar during the dough-making process.

  24. 民意调查采取问卷和面访两种方式进行。

    Public survey is conducted through questionnaires and interviews.

  25. 这个简单目标分解的方法只是关注弧和面的问题。

    The simplex decomposition will only concern arcs and faces.

  26. 这个简单目标分解得方法只是关注弧和面得问题。

    The simplex decomposition will only concern arcs and faces.

  27. 听神经瘤显微手术治疗和面听神经功能保护的探讨

    Microsurgery of acoustic neuroma with facial and acoustic nerve preservation

  28. 内镜下鼓室窦和面神经隐窝的应用解剖学

    Applied anatomy of sinus tympani and facial recess under endoscope

  29. 其中的大量武器、弹药和面罩上都有他的指纹。

    It was full of weapons, ammunition and face masks which had his fingerprints.

  30. 美白香皂和面霜中所使用的汞是无机形式的汞。

    The form of mercury used in skin lightening soaps and creams is inorganic mercury.


  1. 问:和面拼音怎么拼?和面的读音是什么?和面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和面的读音是huómiàn,和面翻译成英文是 knead dough

  2. 问:和面机拼音怎么拼?和面机的读音是什么?和面机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和面机的读音是,和面机翻译成英文是 doughmaker

  3. 问:和面板拼音怎么拼?和面板的读音是什么?和面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和面板的读音是,和面板翻译成英文是 breadboard



和(huó): 释义: 在粉状的物体中加液体搅拌或揉弄使有粘性。用水揉和面粉。

和面相关文献: 北魏贾思勰《齐民要术·饼法》:“酒鱼眼沸,绞去滓,以和面,面起可作。” 唐费冠卿《答萧建》诗:“搜泥如和面,拾橡半添穜。”刘真《春大姐》三:“她看了看正拿着面盆要去和面的 秀芳 。” 例:~面∣~泥。


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