




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:jīn mén



1.见“ 金马门 ”。

2.见“ 金明门 ”。





金门 [jīn mén]
  1. 饰以黄金的门。指天子之门。




  1. Tana River across the top of the pipeline up to two piers, the Yuanwang It is like the momentum of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


  2. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, is often the place where romance starts.


  3. Zale has five years to pay back Golden Gate Capital, which gave it a $150 million lifeline earlier this month.


  4. The next day, with a push of a telegraph button in the White House, President Franklin Roosevelt opened the bridge to cars, too.


  5. They also drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and down San Francisco's Lombard Street, one of the steepest and curviest roads in the world.


  6. Like the outline of a mountain peak, a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge is visible above the summer fog in San Francisco Bay.


  7. In 1972, Alcatraz became part of the new Golden Gate National Recreation Area and today receives more than a million visitors a year.


  8. Jinmen Guli means old place in Tianjin for the reason that Jinmen is another name for Tianjin and Guli implies old place.


  9. But the Golden Gate Bridge was not named for its orange color. It was named for the body of water that it crosses, the Golden Gate Strait.


  1. 金门之战始末

    The story about Jinmen War

  2. 金门高地国家公园

    Golden Gate Highlands National Park

  3. 金门传统建筑撷要

    Abstract of the traditional architecture of Jinmen

  4. 真理佳音, 广传金门

    Good News Widely Spreads on Kinmen

  5. 金门学生飞舟探厦门

    Jinmen students cross the sea to visit Xiamen

  6. 坐船去看了看金门。

    To get a glimpse of Kinmen aboard a boat.

  7. 你看, 这就是大金门。

    Look, this is the great golden gate.

  8. 金门大桥开通于1937年

    The Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1935.

  9. 你看,这就是大金门。

    Look, this is the great golden gate.

  10. 你看,前面是金门大桥。

    Ahead you see the Golden Gate Bridge.

  11. 山那边一定是金门桥了。

    That must be the golden gate bridge beyond the hill.

  12. 金门大桥是由钢做的。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is made of steel.

  13. 厦门和金门有这么近的距离。

    Xiamen is so close to kinmen.

  14. 不是,是在叫做金门的海峡之上

    No, its over a strait called Golden Gate.

  15. 金门桥面一定该是金色的吗?

    Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden?

  16. 一个是渔民码头,另一个是金门公园。

    One is the Fisherman's Wharf and the other is the Golden Gate Park.

  17. 那麽金门桥就是必定要去的了。

    Then the Golden Gate Bridge is a must.

  18. 你观光过旧金山的金门大桥吗?

    Have you ever visited the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?

  19. 金门大同之家弘法,小同修表演。

    A performance by little fellow practitioners at the Kinmen Utopia Family.

  20. 对不起, 这站牌是往金门大桥的吗?

    Excuse me, is this the right bus to go to the Golden Gate bridge?

  21. 金门岛上污染源对沿岸水质之影响

    Influences of land effuent from Jinmen Island on coastal waters

  22. 接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。

    Then, I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock.

  23. 图1金门人过去利用滑轮取水灌溉农地。

    The people of Kinmen use waterwheels to irrigate their fields. 0.

  24. 在我在金门公园下车前还有多少站?

    How many stops are there before I get off for Golden Gate park?

  25. 你要送我金门女声音乐节的入场券吗?

    You got me tickets to the Golden Gate Femfest?

  26. 每年都有数百人跳下金门大桥。

    Every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge.

  27. 每年都有数百人跳下金门大桥。

    Every year,hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge.

  28. 这部片就是叙述戴胜在金门的生活史。

    The video is about the life histories of Hoopoe in Kinmen.

  29. 建筑工人于金门工人注册中心内参与培训课程。

    Workers undergo training at one of the Gammon Workers Registration Centres.

  30. 你知道这座桥梁为什么取名为金门大桥吗?

    Do you know how it got its name?


  1. 问:金门拼音怎么拼?金门的读音是什么?金门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门的读音是Jīnmén,金门翻译成英文是 金门县 Kinmen County, lying in Quanzhou of Fujia...

  2. 问:金门迪拼音怎么拼?金门迪的读音是什么?金门迪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门迪的读音是jīnméndí,金门迪翻译成英文是 Kinmundy

  3. 问:金门大学拼音怎么拼?金门大学的读音是什么?金门大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门大学的读音是jīn mén dà xué,金门大学翻译成英文是 Golden Gate College

  4. 问:金门大桥拼音怎么拼?金门大桥的读音是什么?金门大桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门大桥的读音是,金门大桥翻译成英文是 Golden Gate Bridge

  5. 问:金门机场拼音怎么拼?金门机场的读音是什么?金门机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门机场的读音是,金门机场翻译成英文是 Kinmen Airport

  6. 问:金门炮战拼音怎么拼?金门炮战的读音是什么?金门炮战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门炮战的读音是,金门炮战翻译成英文是 Second Taiwan Strait Crisis

  7. 问:金门菜刀拼音怎么拼?金门菜刀的读音是什么?金门菜刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门菜刀的读音是,金门菜刀翻译成英文是 Kinmen knife

  8. 问:金门高粱酒拼音怎么拼?金门高粱酒的读音是什么?金门高粱酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门高粱酒的读音是,金门高粱酒翻译成英文是 Kaoliang

  9. 问:金门国家消遣区拼音怎么拼?金门国家消遣区的读音是什么?金门国家消遣区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门国家消遣区的读音是Jīnmén Guójiā Xiāoqiǎnqū,金门国家消遣区翻译成英文是 Golden Gate National Recreation Area

  10. 问:金门酒厂篮球队拼音怎么拼?金门酒厂篮球队的读音是什么?金门酒厂篮球队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门酒厂篮球队的读音是,金门酒厂篮球队翻译成英文是 Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor

  11. 问:金门海峡 (美国)拼音怎么拼?金门海峡 (美国)的读音是什么?金门海峡 (美国)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门海峡 (美国)的读音是,金门海峡 (美国)翻译成英文是 Golden Gate

  12. 问:金门防御司令部顾问组组长拼音怎么拼?金门防御司令部顾问组组长的读音是什么?金门防御司令部顾问组组长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金门防御司令部顾问组组长的读音是jīn mén fáng yù sī lìng bù gù wèn zǔ zǔ zhǎng,金门防御司令部顾问组组长翻译成英文是 Chief of the Kingmen Defence Command Advisory T...



“金门”是个多义词,它可以指金门(魏郡县名), 金门(美国旧金山海峡名), 金门(中医穴位), 金门(苏州城门), 金门(汉语词语)。

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