


1. 蹲 [dūn]蹲 [dūn]两腿尽量弯曲,像坐的样子,但臀部不着地:~下。~伏。~踞。~腿。〔~苗〕在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止多余茎叶生长。喻呆着或闲居:~膘。~窝。~班房(坐牢)。……





汉语拼音:dūn xià



  1. "Maya, " I said, crouching down at her level, looking into her eyes, "very nice to meet you. "


  2. I was shocked to see me, but she seems to be taken for granted, but it struck lower part of the body.


  3. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.


  4. Mrs. Youfu, with tears in her eyes, walks slowly towards Dongsheng and crouches down, daunting Dongsheng's face . . .


  5. Legs & Back Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull for a total-body workout like no other.


  6. Jeremy, how important is the gym for you, i would like to know how much do you squat and bench?


  7. "Then we're quits, " she said. She knelt down beside him and helped to pick up the trash.


  8. She rushed to John's side and bent down next to him. She gently petted his hair, trying to soothe him.


  9. Stand as close to the object as possible, positioning it between your knees as you squat.


  1. 蹲下,蹲下

    Get down, get down!

  2. 蹲下,蹲下,都蹲下!

    Sit down!sit down!everyone down!

  3. 蹲下,蹲下,都蹲下!

    Sit down! sit down! everyone down!

  4. 罗弗!蹲下!

    Rover! Sit!

  5. 她蹲下来。

    She squatted herself down.

  6. 弯曲或蹲下

    To bend or stoop.

  7. 她蹲下身。

    She had squatted down on her heels.

  8. 坐下, 跪下, 蹲下

    sit, kneel, crouch, etc down

  9. 不许动,蹲下。

    Don't move.Get down.

  10. 不许动,蹲下。

    Don't move. Get down.

  11. 他催促他们蹲下。

    He urged them to keep down.

  12. 他催促他们蹲下。

    He urged them to keep down.

  13. 站起来。坐下。蹲下。

    Stand up. Sit down. Squat down.

  14. 贝蒂蹲下来点火。

    Betty squatted down to light the fire.

  15. 两手叉腰两膝蹲下

    deep knee bend with hands on hips

  16. 她在火炉旁蹲下来。

    She squatted down by the fire.

  17. 站起来又蹲下,刚蹲下又站起来。

    Stand up and then squat, just squat down again stand up.

  18. 蹲下,略微弯一点腰。

    Crouch down and bend over a little bit.

  19. 于是,我蹲下,失望地。

    Thereupon, I squat down, disappointedly.

  20. 宾克蹲下来检查伤口。

    Bink squatted to inspect the cut.

  21. 他蹲下把身子藏起来。

    He crouched down for shelter.

  22. 双脚稍分开,蹲下。

    Squat with your feet a little less than shoulder distance apart.

  23. 尝试蹲下并锁紧目标。

    To aim accurately, try ducking.

  24. 蹲下,转过身去,转过去。

    Get down! turn around. turn around.

  25. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。

    The lion crouched ready to pounce.

  26. 大象蹲下它庞大的身躯。

    The elephant lowered its great bulk.

  27. 哎呀!你们前面的人蹲下来!

    those in the front , squat down !

  28. 两人蹲下就聊起来了。

    Squatting down, the two of them started to have a chat.

  29. 并蹲下让他看洁白的花瓣

    The petals are pure white.

  30. 己跟前蹲下,拉过她的手。

    F front of crouch down base, once pulled her hand.


  1. 问:蹲下拼音怎么拼?蹲下的读音是什么?蹲下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹲下的读音是,蹲下翻译成英文是 crouch

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