




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……







汉语拼音:wǒ de wò shì



  1. It was time for a noon break. I opened my bedroom and a brightly picture came into my eyes! It was my son's great work!


  2. The moonlight shone into my bedroom, as it did then, and I saw a vision on the ceiling, a white figure looking down on me.


  3. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, ready to be angry again when I asked her what she had done with the money.


  4. I got an antique tub with a faucet trickling down in the small lavatory.


  5. I woke up to the sound of a hailstorm beating my bedroom window to a pulp.


  6. My room is going to get first treatment once in a while, more than making the bed.


  7. Upstairs was my bedroom, Baba's room, and his study, also known as "the smoking room, " which perpetually smelled of tobacco and cinnamon.


  8. When the weather is chilly and my energy is down, I retreat to my bedroom much earlier than I anticipate.


  9. At six o'clock or so, the quiet clink of breakfast spoon on cereal bowl would travel from the kitchen and down the hall to my bedroom.


  1. 滚出我的卧室。

    Get out of my bedroom.

  2. 我的卧室向东。

    My bedroom faces east.

  3. 我的卧室向东。

    My bedroom faces east.

  4. 滚出我的卧室。

    Get out of my bedroom.

  5. 我的卧室朝南。

    My bedroom has a southern exposure.

  6. 我的卧室朝南。

    My bedroom has a southern exposure.

  7. 我在打扫我的卧室。

    I am cleaning my bedroom.

  8. 我的卧室在顶层。

    My bedroom is on the top floor.

  9. 我的卧室面对公园。

    My bedroom looks on to the garden.

  10. 还在我的卧室里。

    In my own bedroom.

  11. 还在我的卧室里。

    In my own bedroom.

  12. 我的卧室比你的小。

    My bedroom is smaller than yours.

  13. 我的卧室就在上面。

    My bedroom is immediately above.

  14. 我想我要打扫我的卧室。

    I reckon I will clean my bedroom.

  15. 上周我打扫了我的卧室。

    Last week I cleaned my bedroom.

  16. 我的卧室在房子的顶层。

    My bedroom was situated on the top floor of the house.

  17. 我喜欢我的卧室干净整洁。

    I like my bedroom to be clean and tidy.

  18. 我的卧室里总是黑漆漆的。

    My bedroom is always black as the night.

  19. 我的卧室紧挨着父母的卧室。

    My bedroom is in a tight proximity with my parent's bedroom.

  20. 我的卧室紧挨着父母的卧室。

    My bedroom is in a tight proximity with my parent's bedroom.

  21. 这个熊猫在我的卧室,丹尼。

    The panda is in my bedroom, Danny.

  22. 我在考虑重新装修我的卧室。

    Im think about redecorating my bedroom.

  23. 我想重新装修一下我的卧室。

    Im thinking about redecorating my bedroom.

  24. 我的卧室有很好的窗景。

    I have a good outlook from my bedroom.

  25. 我的卧室里有一张摇椅。

    There is a rocking chair in my bedroom.

  26. 我的卧室里有天花板和地板!

    And my bedroom has a ceiling and a floor!

  27. 我的卧室里有一张小床。

    There is a small bed in bedroom.

  28. 我的卧室在大门和浴室之间。

    My bedroom is between the front door and the bathroom.

  29. 我的卧室里有九个布娃娃。

    I have nine dolls in the bedroom.

  30. 穿过过厅就能到我的卧室。

    You can come to my bedroom through the entrance hall.



游戏名:我的卧室 分类:换装小游戏 日期:11-06-11 大小:507032K 专题:休闲娱乐

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