


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……







汉语拼音:ràng wǒ mén



  1. Let's take a minute to hear about a few local customs.


  2. As you venture out into the wild, allow the light that we shine to begin to illuminate your own state of being.


  3. A baby panda ? ? Let? s send her back to her mother today, ? say one of the children . ? Yes, let s , ? the ? other children say.


  4. "Well, " said salesman, "Let's see what's the matter, " He then pulled the cable and the chain saw sprang into action.


  5. He knew that if left to ourselves, we were without hope, without remedy , so He took the form of a servant and died to save us.


  6. Yet poor Nigerians fear that corrupt officials will pocket the savings. The subsidies at least benefit us a bit, they say.


  7. This drove us absolutely crazy with sexual frustration, so every opportunity we got to be alone, we tried to get some fast relief.


  8. TWST: Could we start out with a quick overview and little history of U. S. Wireless, just to set the stage for our readers?


  9. This is not to my taste at all but I still prefer it to the rest as it gives us some idea about how he sees himself, which is interesting.


  1. 让我们试试

    Let's find out.

  2. 那让我们。


  3. 让我们看看

    Let's play a little.

  4. 让我们开始

    Go ahead and roll it.

  5. 让我们假设…

    let us assume that...

  6. 让我们拭目以待。

    Let's see it.

  7. 让我们言归正传!

    Let's return to our mutton!

  8. 让我们来看看。

    Let's see.

  9. 让我们试试吧!

    Let us try it!

  10. 让我们试试吧!

    Let us try it!

  11. 让我们有意识。

    and essentially provide us with our consciousness.

  12. 让我们手牵手。

    Let's hand in hand.

  13. 好,让我们看看。

    OK. Let's see.

  14. 好,让我们谈谈。

    OK, let's talk.

  15. 让我们来试试。

    Let's have a go at it.

  16. 让我们玩吧。

    Seven eight nine, Let's play.

  17. 肉让我们满足

    It satisfies us.

  18. 好,让我们试试。

    Okay. Let's try that.

  19. 还让我们买单

    we're the ones paying.

  20. 让我们感同身受。

    When somebody's in pain, we pick up the pain.

  21. 让我们干杯吧!

    Let us drink a toast!

  22. 让我们低下来。

    Let's bring it down.

  23. 让我们干杯吧!

    Let us drink a toast!

  24. 让我们去外面。

    Let's get out of here.

  25. 你让我们为了你

    You got us on a mission.

  26. 让我们玩跳绳。

    Let's play rope skipping.

  27. 让我们开始缝合

    Let's close.

  28. 让我们开始吧。

    Let's just get started, okay.

  29. 让我们开始行动

    And let's do it.

  30. 不过让我们看看

    But let's see what you can do.


  1. 问:让我们一起微笑吧拼音怎么拼?让我们一起微笑吧的读音是什么?让我们一起微笑吧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:让我们一起微笑吧的读音是,让我们一起微笑吧翻译成英文是 Let's Smile

  2. 问:让我们跟踏着小路拼音怎么拼?让我们跟踏着小路的读音是什么?让我们跟踏着小路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:让我们跟踏着小路的读音是,让我们跟踏着小路翻译成英文是 Caminemos pisando las sendas de nuestra inmens...

  3. 问:让我们理髮以符合社会主义生活方式拼音怎么拼?让我们理髮以符合社会主义生活方式的读音是什么?让我们理髮以符合社会主义生活方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:让我们理髮以符合社会主义生活方式的读音是,让我们理髮以符合社会主义生活方式翻译成英文是 Let's trim our hair in accordance with the social...

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