




1. 铛 [dāng]2. 铛 [chēng]铛 [dāng]同“当”。铛 [chēng]烙饼或做菜用的平底浅锅:饼~。温器:酒~。茶~。……



汉语拼音:líng dang






  1. 专指因受外力摇晃而发声的铃。球形或扁圆形,下部或中部开一条口,里面放金属丸或小石子。式样大小不一,有骡马系带的、儿童玩的或做服饰的。

    《清会典事例·兵部·军器》:“铃鐺十五年更换,风绳三年更换。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》一:“听听声儿吧,铃铛似的!” 菡子 《源远流长》:“我要在下面扯绳子响铃铛,你们就按着铜柱死劲往下捶。”



  1. She said, "Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I'll be able to dance even faster. "


  2. and half an hour later four sledges with bells drove up to the steps, their runners crunching, with a clanging sound, over the frozen snow.


  3. To Carrie, the sound of the little bells upon the horse-cars, as they tinkled in and out of hearing, was as pleasing as it was novel.


  4. Thinking it a mark of distinction, the dog grew proud of his bell and went tinkling it all over the marketplace.


  5. five-star beautiful flowers like a small bell waves roll out of the ring sounds, I seemed to have entered a fairy-tale world.


  6. The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "They're bells. "


  7. Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat? "


  8. THis lasted perhaps half a minute, or a minute, but it seemed like an hour. Then , suddenly , all the bell stopped.


  9. We want a star, ten bells and the tree. How much are they?


  1. 自行车铃铛

    a bicycle bell.

  2. 铃铛摇摆,铃铛响

    Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring.

  3. 摇铃铛的狼

    The Wolf That Rang the Bell.

  4. 铃铛能管用吗?

    Saved by the bell?

  5. 铃铛丁零零作响.

    The bell went a ting-a-ling.

  6. 铃铛响,铃铛响,铃铛摇啊摇

    Jingle bell rock Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock.

  7. 给猫系上铃铛

    to bell a cat.

  8. 那是铃铛摇啊摇

    Thats the jingle bell rock.

  9. 小铃铛的清脆响声。

    the silvery notes of the little bells

  10. 现在铃铛跳跃开始了

    Now the jingle hop has begun

  11. 熟悉蜡烛, 书籍和铃铛?

    Familiar with candle, with book, and with bell?

  12. 不需要给傻瓜系铃铛。

    There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool.

  13. 我该给你挂个铃铛。

    We should get you a bell.

  14. 铃锤,钟锤铃铛内的击锤

    The tongue of a bell.

  15. 我的铃铛在课桌上吗?

    Is my bell on the desk?

  16. 将三叶草的铃铛忘记。

    The Clover bells forgot.

  17. 猫的脖子上有个铃铛。

    There is a bell around the cat's neck.

  18. 是圣诞铃声,发出响亮铃铛声。

    J is for jingle bells jangling bright.

  19. 它轻轻摇晃马具上的铃铛。

    He gives his harness bells a shake.

  20. 这天, 马身上都挂着铃铛。

    The horses wore their bells that day.

  21. 好象是个受到振动的铃铛。

    It was like the tinkling of a bell.

  22. 他们把他们的铃铛猛的扔了出去。

    They hurled away their bells.

  23. 他们把他们的铃铛猛的扔了出去。

    They hurled away their bells.

  24. 带着铃铛的卫士在夜间巡逻。

    Guards with bells did night patrols.

  25. 一个银色的铃铛, 象征着自由!

    A silver bell! A symbol of freedom and liberty!

  26. 愚者, 跪下, 摇响你的铃铛!

    Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!

  27. 你从哪儿找到的带铃铛的床单?

    Where do you even find sheets with bells on them?

  28. 海的肚脐上戴着一个铃铛。

    The sea wears a bell in its navel.

  29. 海得肚脐上戴着一个铃铛。

    The sea wears a bell in its navel.

  30. 你能听到那个铃铛的声音吗

    Can u hear the jingle bell


  1. 问:铃铛拼音怎么拼?铃铛的读音是什么?铃铛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铃铛的读音是língdang,铃铛翻译成英文是 small bell

  2. 问:铃铛刺拼音怎么拼?铃铛刺的读音是什么?铃铛刺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铃铛刺的读音是língdāngcì,铃铛刺翻译成英文是 Halimodendron halodendron

  3. 问:铃铛子拼音怎么拼?铃铛子的读音是什么?铃铛子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铃铛子的读音是língdāngzi,铃铛子翻译成英文是 Anisodus luridus

  4. 问:铃铛刺属拼音怎么拼?铃铛刺属的读音是什么?铃铛刺属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铃铛刺属的读音是língdāngcìshǔ,铃铛刺属翻译成英文是 Halimodendron



“铃铛”是个多义词,它可以指铃铛(相关歌曲), 铃铛(游戏人物), 铃铛(洛天依演唱歌曲), 铃铛(名称简介), 铃铛(动漫人物)。

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