







汉语拼音:chóu jí







  1. 筹措聚集。

    鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·范爱农》:“有几个人便秘密地开了一个会,筹集川资。” 洪深 《青龙潭》第一幕:“ 杨大先生 :不瞒你们说,县里几个真有钱的绅士,最怕有这种摊派公债和筹集经费的事,早已搬到 上海 的外国租界里去了。”



  1. The fundraiser was held at Progressive Field, home of baseball's Cleveland Indians, currently in first place in the American League Central.


  2. The bank would then shoulder the loss, meaning it would have to raise capital and dilute existing shareholders.


  3. One was the son of a schoolteacher, another the son of a textile-mill manager. A third pawned his wife's jewels to help raise money.


  4. He said the government could borrow enough money to pay each man a dollar and a half a day.


  5. He focused on the 'repo' market, in which firms sell assets in exchange for cash to fund operations, often just overnight or for a few days.


  6. Mr. Chen said the funding will be used for marketing and possibly for acquisitions of other companies to expand its user base.


  7. Or Lehman has been trying to sell off some of its assets, including its asset management unit to raise money.


  8. It is not clear how much money Huawei could raise from a sale of a stake in the division, which is being arranged by Morgan Stanley.


  9. She was a champion fundraiser, she was such an impassioned advocate for her own company.


  1. 资金筹集管理

    funds raising management

  2. 是为了筹集奖学金

    It's for scholarships.

  3. 筹集与发放制度

    The system of raising and issuing the pension

  4. 养老基金筹集模式

    pension funds arising patterns

  5. 我们正在筹集资金。

    We are building up funds.

  6. 筹集到一笔资金

    make a raise of

  7. 竞选资金筹集活动

    the solicitation of money for election funds

  8. 筹集下一笔资金

    Raising the Next Sum of Fund

  9. 为新操场筹集资金

    Raised the money for the new playground.

  10. 资金的筹集容易吗?

    And is it easy to raise that money?

  11. 协助筹集蓝天奖基金。

    To assist raising BlueSky Award Fund.

  12. 为这个组织筹集资金。

    To raise funds forthese organizations.

  13. 水利工程基建投资筹集

    funding of capital cost of water project

  14. 因此,我们需要筹集资金。

    So we have to raise some money.

  15. 通过自愿捐款筹集资金

    to be financed through voluntary contributions

  16. 筹集资金是你的任务。

    Raising money is your job.

  17. 社会保障资金该如何筹集?

    How to Collect Social Security Funds?

  18. 公司决定筹集低息贷款。

    The company decided to float a loan at lower interest rates.

  19. 学校经费不足, 怎样筹集

    If the schools are short of funds, how are you going to raise them?

  20. 为艺术筹集资金的彩票

    lottery funding for the arts

  21. 在这里筹集资金,对吗

    for Bay and Toby's school here this weekend, right?

  22. 为一定的目的筹集资金。

    collect funds for a specific purpose.

  23. 浅议社会保险基金的筹集

    How to raise social insurance funds

  24. 您们想筹集多少债务资本?

    How much loan capital would you like to raise?

  25. 他们通过演出来筹集资金。

    They put on performances to collect money.

  26. 他们筹集资金准备竞选总统。

    They are raising money to run for President.

  27. 他们正在多方设法筹集资金。

    They are trying by all possible means to raise funds.

  28. 他帮着筹集了很多钱。

    He has helped to raise a lot of money.

  29. 他们为收容所筹集善款。

    They collected charity for the asylum.

  30. 他们为收容所筹集善款。

    They collected charity for the asylum.


  1. 问:筹集拼音怎么拼?筹集的读音是什么?筹集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹集的读音是chóují,筹集翻译成英文是 raise

  2. 问:筹集资本拼音怎么拼?筹集资本的读音是什么?筹集资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹集资本的读音是chóu jí zī běn,筹集资本翻译成英文是 call for capital

  3. 问:筹集高额资金拼音怎么拼?筹集高额资金的读音是什么?筹集高额资金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹集高额资金的读音是chóu jí gāo é zī jīn,筹集高额资金翻译成英文是 high level of financing



筹集:拼音chóu jí。基本解释[raise (money)] 筹取征集、聚集。详细解释筹措聚集。鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·范爱农》:“有几个人便秘密地开了一个会,筹集川资。” 洪深 《青龙潭》第一幕:“ 杨大先生 :不瞒你们说,县里几个真有钱的绅士,最怕有这种摊派公债和筹集经费的事,早已搬到 上海 的外国租界里去了。”

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