











汉语拼音:jié zhì mù qián



  1. Caja Castilla La Mancha, a small lender in central Spain, is so far the only Spanish institution that has needed rescuing.


  2. But the price did not last too long time, a day after the 4S Pujiang thousand yuan, up to now it has dropped to 6999 yuan price.


  3. Up to now, no specific reports of casualties, but local media said the crash caused by fear of casualties.


  4. We may now revive up to this point the course of this memorable battle.


  5. Most politicians never get so much attention. Up to now, the Plan had been working nearly perfectly.


  6. So far this year, his fund is up 8% net of fees, though it is down a bit this month, he said.


  7. Up to now, the company has 285 satellites into space, the total number of global active 50% of commercial satellites.


  8. So far, manufacturers have not established a universal labeling system to indicate the production materials and efficiency of every product.


  9. Finally, the WISCO up to the present, summed up the construction of the ERP, and proposed the direction of further integration.


  1. 截至目前为止

    up to now

  2. 截至目前, 报名人数众多。

    So far, turnout is heavy.

  3. 截至目前为止, 你还喜欢洛杉矶吗?

    How do you like L.A. so far?

  4. 官方称截至目前至少有13人死亡。

    Officials say at least thirteen deaths are reported so far.

  5. 截至目前,品牌化运动已经相当不错。

    The branding campaign has gone quite well, so far.

  6. 截至目前,共抽取矿井积水80。27万立方米。

    So far,a total of 802,700 cubic meters of water in the mine.

  7. 截至目前我们已经做了大量的努力

    Technology can change our understanding of nature.

  8. 截至目前我们达到的峰值是八月份的44,000

    The high that we've had so far is 44, 000 in August.

  9. 截至目前你做枪手写了多少本书了?

    How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

  10. 截至目前你做枪手写了多少本书了?

    How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

  11. 截至目前, 当局好像还是不知该如何应对。

    So far the regime has seemed unsure how to react.

  12. 然而截至目前为止, 我们尚未收到汇款额。

    However, up to this date, we dont appear to have received your remittance.

  13. 截至目前, 一个新教会正在筹备之中。

    By now, plans for the building of a new church were in preparation.

  14. 截至目前,一个新教会正在筹备之中。

    By now, plans for the building of a new church were in preparation.

  15. 截至目前为止, 湖人队客场战绩还不错。

    AUBURN HILLS, Mich. So far, so good for the Lakers.

  16. 截至目前, 尚未发现其它有症状得接触者。

    To date no other symptomatic contacts have been found.

  17. 截至目前,尚未发现其它有症状的接触者。

    To date no other symptomatic contacts have been found.

  18. 截至目前已同200多个团队接触,实现签约16个。

    Up to now have contact with more than 200 teams,and signing 16.

  19. 截至目前, 恐怖分子和警方仍在对峙之中。

    So far, terrorists and the police are still in confrontation.

  20. 然而截至目前为止, 我方尚未收到汇款额。

    However, up to this date, we don't appear to have received remittance.

  21. 不过, 截至目前最大的困难是减少钠含量。

    By far the most difficult challenge, however, is cutting sodium.

  22. 截至目前为止,只有2宗个案需转介警方跟进。

    So far, only 2 cases were referred to the Police for tracing of defaulters.

  23. 截至目前, 欧盟领导人并未同意这种交换条件。

    European leaders have thus far rejected such a quid pro quo.

  24. 这场选举胜负难分,截至目前还不知鹿死谁手。

    The election is a toss up,the winner still have not is determined.

  25. 截至目前,我们已习惯于有人告诉我们这样的惊喜。

    By now, we had gotten used to such surprises being sprung on us.

  26. 截至目前,我们已习惯于有人告诉我们这样的惊喜。

    By now, we had gotten used to such surprises being sprung on us.

  27. 截至目前, 被批准逮捕得涉案犯罪嫌疑人已达18名。

    Up to present, is authorized the arrest be involved a case the suspect to reach18.

  28. 截至目前,被批准逮捕的涉案犯罪嫌疑人已达18名。

    Up to present, is authorized the arrest be involved a case the suspect to reach18.

  29. 截至目前为止,警方并未对他们的挑衅作出反应。

    So far the police have refused to respond to their provocations.

  30. 截至目前, 该笔借款尚未归还得本金还有450万元。

    Up to now, such borrowers have not yet returned to the amount of 4.5 million yuan.


  1. 问:截至目前联邦授命的全部兵种拼音怎么拼?截至目前联邦授命的全部兵种的读音是什么?截至目前联邦授命的全部兵种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:截至目前联邦授命的全部兵种的读音是jié zhì mù qián lián bāng shòu mìng de quán bù bīng zhǒng,截至目前联邦授命的全部兵种翻译成英文是 Total Federal Commissioned Service to Date...

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