






1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:rǔ bái sè






  1. It is possible to use opalescent glass for the frame and transparent antique glass for the subject as well as the background.


  2. Dining room ground handling for the milky white tiles easy to take care of, in the law-abiding, in a few more lighter.


  3. The substance comes out of its tube as a cream, not the colour of "tan" it will decide to be.


  4. At the moment, my heart seemed a bit smoother. Even in the eyes of the world seems to have no longer gray, but the milky white and bright.


  5. White particles which appeared on the surface of beans and the wall of bottles, during the shelf life of broad bean paste were investigated.


  6. I fell in love with this guitar from the moment I saw it, with it's white on deep cream detailing, its really a beauty.


  7. Space round the central hall of its main materials used in the wall of white plastic plate, the more bright and spacious space.


  8. The last is the one with a wide white stripe and a narrower milky-blue stripe, overlaid with sprays of wildflowers.


  9. Blood in my head continued to circle, a settled memory like milk-white thing on bottom of cups came from my brain.


  1. 墙是乳白色的。

    The wall is ivory.

  2. 金白,乳白色系列。

    Gold white, milky white series.

  3. 乳白色带兰光液体

    Milky white liquid with blue light

  4. 选择冷色系,比如乳白色。

    Choose a cool colour such as cream.

  5. 这件衬衫是乳白色的。

    The shirt is creamy.

  6. 蛋白石是乳白色的宝石。

    Opals are milky gems.

  7. 蛋白石是乳白色得宝石。

    Opals are milky gems.

  8. 乳白色西装款羊毛短外套

    Max Mara ivory white wool short coat

  9. 最好是底色为乳白色的。

    And preferably something with a creamy white background.

  10. 乳白色的孔雀幽灵般消沉。

    Now droops the milk white peacock like a ghost.

  11. 我看看那个乳白色的马吗?

    May I see that ivory horse ?

  12. 她穿着乳白色紧身绸衣。

    She wore clinging ivory silk jersey.

  13. 那王子骑著乳白色的马。

    The prince rode a, milkwhite horse.

  14. 莲,花乳白色,有时淡黄色。

    California dogtooth violet with creamy white flowers sometimes yellowtinged.

  15. 日光中的雨滴似乎是乳白色。

    Raindrops caught in a sunbeam seem to opalesce.

  16. 日光中的雨滴似乎是乳白色。

    Raindrops caught in a sunbeam seem to opalesce.

  17. 乳白的象蛋白玛瑙一样发出乳白色的

    Exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an Opal.

  18. 日光中得雨滴似乎是乳白色。

    Raindrops caught in a sunbeam seem to opalesce.

  19. 印着醒目黑字的乳白色标牌

    a sign painted cream, with the lettering picked out in black

  20. 正常的精液呈乳白色或淡黄色。

    Normal semen was milky white or light yellow.

  21. 里面得乳白色很纯,如牛奶一般。

    Are pure white inside, as milk in general.

  22. 里面的乳白色很纯,如牛奶一般。

    Are pure white inside, as milk in general.

  23. 卵乳白色, 近椭圆形, 卵壳韧而软。

    Egg ivory, oblong and the shell is toughening and soft.

  24. 卵乳白色有光泽,表面有网状刻纹。

    Eggs ivory luster, the surface has mesh groove.

  25. 在春天,这种乳白色的花朵分外迷人。

    The creamy white flowers are attractive in the spring.

  26. 校服包括乳白色的裤子和蓝色的衬衫。

    The school uniform consists of cream pants and a blue shirt.

  27. 校服包括乳白色的裤子和蓝色的衬衫。

    The school uniform consists of cream pants and a blue shirt.

  28. 眼珠子灰灰的,上面有一些乳白色的斑点。

    The eyes, dull grey, and flecked with dots of milky white.

  29. 有黑色, 乳白色和浅黄色斑纹的猫。

    A cat having black and cream and yellowish markings.

  30. 一种乳白色的半透明或不透明的玻璃。

    A milky white translucent or opaque glass.


  1. 问:乳白色拼音怎么拼?乳白色的读音是什么?乳白色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳白色的读音是,乳白色翻译成英文是 lacte

  2. 问:乳白色的拼音怎么拼?乳白色的的读音是什么?乳白色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳白色的的读音是,乳白色的翻译成英文是 opalescent

  3. 问:乳白色油漆拼音怎么拼?乳白色油漆的读音是什么?乳白色油漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳白色油漆的读音是rǔ bái sè yóu qī,乳白色油漆翻译成英文是 broken white

  4. 问:乳白色玻璃拼音怎么拼?乳白色玻璃的读音是什么?乳白色玻璃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳白色玻璃的读音是rǔ bái sè bō lí,乳白色玻璃翻译成英文是 milk glass

  5. 问:乳白色指示灯拼音怎么拼?乳白色指示灯的读音是什么?乳白色指示灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳白色指示灯的读音是rǔ bái sè zhǐ shì dēng,乳白色指示灯翻译成英文是 opalescent indicating light

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