


劝勉:~志(勉励意志)。~行(xíng )。奖~。勉~。~精图治。姓。古同“厉”、“砺”,磨炼,振奋。……





汉语拼音:lì zhì








  1. 奋志,集中心思致力于某种事业。

    汉 班固 《白虎通·谏诤》:“励志忘生,为君不避丧生。”《旧唐书·李渤传》:“ 渤 耻其家污,坚苦不仕,励志於文学,隐於 嵩山 ,以读书业文为事。” 陈春生 《戊申熊成基安庆起义记》:“﹝ 成基 ﹞遂渡 江 至 安庆 ,入 年徽 武备练军学堂,励志学习,屏絶嗜好。”



  1. A multitude of preachers and healers had been raised up in his image, with their own TV shows and motivational books, to carry on the work.


  2. To see a globes in a grain of sand . And a he audio-videoen in an forgetting olderous flower Hold infinity in an hour.


  3. Let me share with you some interesting observations that I believe serve as great motivational lessons.


  4. Wherever you find your motivation quote, keep it close to you, and let it inspire you to greatness!


  5. You've probably read some of these books, or at least come across major personal development ideas in magazines or online.


  6. In our school has started an inspirational speech activity, students have been a lot of education, have been moved by his spirit.


  7. A 38-year-old, high school diploma turns from a pedicab driver to a University doctor; this is not just a simple inspirational story.


  8. The only pleasure lies in watching a film like this inspirational comedy warmth.


  9. You think it was the resolution of Goujian, the Yue king?


  1. 我的励志书

    All my selfhelp books.

  2. 女性励志剧

    Female inspirational teleplay.

  3. 魅力女人励志圣经

    The Bible of charming and successful women

  4. 国家励志奖学金,国家助学金

    The National Encouragement Scholarship and National Student Stipend awarded

  5. 如何对青年进行励志教育

    How to nourish the ambition and enterprise in youth

  6. 借一些励志的录音带来听听。

    Borrow some motivational audio tapes.

  7. 这就是有关于他的励志故事。

    Here is his inspiring story.

  8. 我喜欢的非常励志的一个英文电影。

    Sports and movie, I love it!

  9. 是一段关于滑冰少女的励志故事。

    Skating is a section on the girl's stories.

  10. 是一段关于滑冰少女得励志故事。

    Skating is a section on the girl's stories.

  11. 我们都有自己喜欢的励志名言。

    We all have our favorite inspirational sayings.

  12. 我们都有自己喜欢得励志名言。

    We all have our favorite inspirational sayings.

  13. 没有正视悲伤的励志,会显得空洞无为。

    Endeavourers not face up to grief, inaction will appear empty.

  14. 下面这个励志故事可不是每天都能遇到。

    You don't run across a story this inspiring every day.

  15. 催人奋进的励志故事,扬起你理想的风帆。

    Inspiring stories of raceup your ideal sail.

  16. 他经常找一些励志故事来激励我们继续努力。

    He often found some inspiring stories to encourage us to continue making great efforts.

  17. 他经常找一些励志故事来激励我们继续努力。

    He often found some inspiring stories to encourage us to continue making great efforts.

  18. 励志, 梦想的天空, 你可以达到最闪亮的一颗星!

    Aim high, dream the sky, you can reach the brightest star!

  19. 在侃英语的过程中我掺进了一些励志的东西。

    I have put some motivational and inspirational stuff in my blog.

  20. 仅有的乐趣就在于看一部像这样励志喜剧温情片。

    The only pleasure lies in watching a film like this inspirational comedy warmth.

  21. 为了取得成功,你就要大量地阅读励志书籍和观看励志电影!

    In order to be successful, you must read a large number of motivational books and watching inspirational movies!

  22. 就像铁被励志格言大全锈腐化,嫉妒被本身的感情毁灭。

    As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.

  23. 手环是用合成硅橡胶上写的一些励志词语的大圆环。

    Bracelets has a round hunk of synthetic silicon rubber stamped with the couragous phrase.

  24. 也许明天上帝就会把你带走 一首励志的歌!

    Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take U away.

  25. 英国会举办毕业典礼, 但不会从外面请人来做励志演讲。

    In Britain there are graduation ceremonies, but no outside motivational speakers.

  26. 开放的古旧书架上摆上了很多成功战胜癌魔的励志书籍。

    An open antique chest was home to inspirational books and pamphlets on breast cancer.

  27. 手环是用合成硅橡胶上写得一些励志词语得大圆环。

    Bracelets has a round hunk of synthetic silicon rubber stamped with the couragous phrase.

  28. 类似这样的图片,太多了,我们管这些叫励志情色片。

    And these images, there are lots of them out there, they are what we call inspiration porn.

  29. 约翰积极的人生观使他成为世界上最受欢迎的励志家之一。

    John's positive outlook has made him one of the world's most popular motivators.

  30. 英语励志名言夜是不会消失的。我知道, 它藏在白天的心里。

    Night should never die out, I know, it lingers at the back of Day.


  1. 问:励志拼音怎么拼?励志的读音是什么?励志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励志的读音是lìzhì,励志翻译成英文是 To encourage so as to achieve some goals....




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