






1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……



汉语拼音:dì yī juàn



  1. And that's just Volume One. The next installment, not due for several years, will bring the story up to the present.


  2. Before entering, each person got to choose a free copy of either volume 1 of the Haruhi novels or the first volume of the manga.


  3. Since leaving office, Mr Chirac, who published the first volume of his memoirs this week, has become an unlikely figure of affection.


  4. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual: Tests, Procedures and Data, Third Edition: Volume One: Anthropometry -- 3e.


  5. A sign in the window announced that the store was offering(14) the first volume of a set of encyclopedias at the special price of 29 cents.


  6. Its first volume is composed of a main text and several other auxiliary texts.


  7. The second book of the "Principles" developed the ideas of the first book but included some idea of resistance offered to motion.


  8. Seven hundred pages of Beckett's letters, nearly three pounds in weight, with another three bricks to come.


  9. A complete contents is to be found in Volume One.


  1. 第一卷有二十章。

    Twenty chapters comprise Book One.

  2. 第一卷写到战争结束。

    The first volume goes down to the end of the war.

  3. 贸发会议议事录, 第一卷

    UNCTAD Proceedings, Vol. I

  4. 地牢城主的助手, 第一卷

    Dungeon Masters Assistant Vol I

  5. 一套已计划出版的丛书的第一卷。

    The first volume of a proposed series.

  6. 编录第一卷的时间现在尚不知晓。

    It is not known when the first volume was compiled.

  7. 编录第一卷得时间现在尚不知晓。

    It is not known when the first volume was compiled.

  8. 夏威夷大使们的闲散调子吉他第一卷。

    Masters Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Vol.

  9. 还记得那个名字吗, 理想国的第一卷?

    Do you remember that name, Book I of the Republic?

  10. 第一卷付印时下面的一卷才构思好。

    The sequel had been merely blocked out when the first volume went to press.

  11. 第一卷付印时下面得一卷才构思好。

    The sequel had been merely blocked out when the first volume went to press.

  12. 第一卷民用胶卷在世博会上亮相得。

    The first tool film for domestic use was launched in World Expo.

  13. 第一卷民用胶卷在世博会上亮相的。

    The first tool film for domestic use was launched in World Expo.

  14. 资本论第一卷教学与研究中的学术争鸣

    Academic Contending in the Course of Teaching and Studying Volume One of on Capital

  15. 而且, 亚里士多德在政治学第一卷中写到。

    And so, Aristotle writes in Book One of the Politics.

  16. 读过第一卷,甚至是第一页,谣言便不言自明了。

    After reading book one, it was immediately apparent the rumor is true.

  17. 一本是诺顿现当代诗歌选集, 第一卷, 第三版。

    One is the first volume of The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Third Edition.

  18. 慕理,罗马书注释,第一卷,附录讨论巴特的信心观。

    John Murray on Karl Barth Murray, Commentary on Romans, Vol. 1, appendix.

  19. 创世纪是圣经的第一卷书,它以世界的创造为开始。

    The Book of Genesis which is the first book of the bible starts with the Creation of the world.

  20. 第一图里黑发卷毛用的兵器真奇怪, 象刀又象刺。

    The weapon in the first pic which used black frizzle is quite strange, it likes Dao and pointed weapon.

  21. 创世纪是律法书的第一卷书,律法书包括旧约圣经的前五卷书。

    Genesis is the first book of the Torah which consists of the first five books of the Bible.

  22. 地质论评2003年第49卷第一作者索引

    First Writer Index of Vol.49,2003, Geological Review

  23. 乔伊斯第第一次出版的是一卷短片小说。

    Joyce's first publication was a volume of short fiction.

  24. 第一, 坏消息一到, 她父亲得财产全部一卷而空。

    In the first place, her father's fortune was swept down with that fatal news.

  25. 第一,坏消息一到,她父亲的财产全部一卷而空。

    In the first place,her father's fortune was swept down with that fatal news.

  26. 但实际上, 第三次浪潮也将第一次浪潮中的人卷了进来。

    But in fact, the third tide also has coverd the first tide's persons.

  27. 清江隔河岩第一级垂直升船机卷筒应力试验

    Stress Test for Hoisting Drum of Qingjiang Geheyan Vertical Shiplift

  28. 第一个人把右边裤腿卷了起来,露出了肉乎乎的小腿肚。

    The first had his right trouser leg rolled up to reveal a meaty calf.

  29. 这卷磁带的顺序不对。请插入这盘磁带族中的第一盘磁带。

    Tapes in this family require sequential access. Please insert the first tape in this family.

  30. 这是首卷, 展现了一个上下车短片关键的第一步。

    This first volume reveals the crucial initial steps for getting a short film off the ground.




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