


1. 蚂 [mǎ]2. 蚂 [mā]3. 蚂 [mà]蚂 [mǎ]〔~蟥〕环节动物,身体长形,稍扁,黑绿色,尾端有吸盘。生活在池沼或水田中,吸食人畜的血液。亦称“马鳖”、“水蛭”。〔~蚁〕见“蚁”。蚂 [mā]〔~螂〕“蜻蜓”的俗称。(螞)……




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:mǎ yǐ shǎng shù



  1. It's a little hot, but not too bad. For really hot, you should try the noodle dish in front of you. It's called "Ants Climbing a Tree. "


  2. You should try some authentic Chinese food. Like, Lion's Head, or Ants on the Tree.


  3. Jessica: Could you tell me what Ants on the Tree is please?


  4. The ant climbs the tree


  1. 我爬上树。

    I climbed up a tree.

  2. 他们爬上树。

    They up a tree.

  3. 罗汉扒上树

    braised vegetables, lo hon style.

  4. 狗赶猫上树。

    The dog treed the cat.

  5. 猫追熊上树

    Cat chases black bear up tree.

  6. 狗把猫撵上树。

    The dog treed the cat.

  7. 这个男孩爬上树。

    The boy climbed up the tree.

  8. 我们撞上树的时候

    He was sucked out the side.

  9. 缘绳而下, 爬上树。

    swarm down a rope, up a tree

  10. 汽车撞上树的一次

    Car hitting a tree?

  11. 猫爬上树躲了起来。

    The cat treed.

  12. 猴子能很快爬上树。

    The monkeys can climb up the tree quickly.

  13. 和什么时候千万别上树

    when you could never climb a tree.

  14. 我们在房屋周围栽上树。

    We planted trees about the house.

  15. 他们需要用梯子爬上树。

    They needed to climb up the tree with ladders.

  16. 他们需要梯子来爬上树。

    They needed to climb up the trees with ladders.

  17. 他像猫一样地爬上树。

    He climBed the tree like a cat.

  18. 她爬上树, 躲进枝桠里。

    She climbed the tree and hid in the branches.

  19. 跳上大得石头或爬上树?

    Jump onto the rock or climb the tree?

  20. 跳上大的石头或爬上树?

    Jump onto the rock or climb the tree ?

  21. 他爬上树, 藏在树枝後面。

    He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.

  22. 他爬上树,藏在树枝后面。

    He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.

  23. 汤姆爬上树把猫捉了下来。

    Tom climbed the tree to get this kitten down

  24. 男孩毫无困难地爬上树去。

    The boy got up the tree without difficulty.

  25. 猴子在上面从高爬上树图片

    Monkeys High Up In A Tree from

  26. 他看见一群猴子爬上树去。

    He saw a host of monkeys climbing up the trees.

  27. 我们不知道他为什么会撞上树

    We don't know why his car went off the road.

  28. 你不用手能爬上树那棵树吗?

    Can you climb tree without your hands.

  29. 那只小猫爬上树但下不来了。

    The kitten climbed the tree and couldnt get down.

  30. 可是,有个小男孩儿不能爬上树。

    However, one little boy could not up a tree.



“蚂蚁上树”是个多义词,它可以指蚂蚁上树(由李金蔚、刘姝含等演员演出的话剧), 蚂蚁上树(双子叶药大戟科植物), 蚂蚁上树(沐足、按摩手法), 蚂蚁上树(股市术语中的K线图形态“蚂蚁上树”), 蚂蚁上树(中国菜品名称), 蚂蚁上树(5、股市术语中的K线图形态“蚂蚁上树”)。

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