




1. 茜 [qiàn]茜 [qiàn]红色:~纱。~衫。~裙。……



汉语拼音:kǎi qiàn



  1. 网络
  2. Cathy;Kathy;Casey

  1. 凯茜有什么?

    What does Cathy have?

  2. 凯茜兴奋异常。

    Cathy was beside herself with excitement.

  3. 凯茜整天沮丧着。

    Cathy felt blue all day.

  4. 凯茜是个空中小姐。

    Kathy is an air hostess.

  5. 凯茜渴望出去旅行。

    Kathy have an itch to travel.

  6. 你在做什么,凯茜?

    What are you doing, Cathy?

  7. 我是凯茜。凯茜是我的名字。

    My name's Cathy. Cathy's my name.

  8. 她的名儿叫凯茜。

    Her name is Cathy.

  9. 凯茜戴着一顶帽子。

    Cathy is carrying her hat.

  10. 凯茜和珍一起回家。

    Cathy and Jane are going home together.

  11. 耶尔聪明, 而凯茜迟钝。

    Yale is clever and Kathy is dull.

  12. 她正在等她的朋友,凯茜。

    She is waiting for her friend, Cathy.

  13. 凯茜躺在床上看书。

    Kathy lay on the bed and read.

  14. 他们发现凯茜并没有死。

    They found that Daycee Nicole was not dead.

  15. 我会干活的,凯茜回答。

    I shall work,'replied Cathy.

  16. 凯茜觉得她能够处理一切。

    Cathy thought that she had the answer to everything.

  17. 凯茜待我像亲姐妹一样。

    Cathy was like a sister to me.

  18. 那时候凯茜还没有搬走。

    At that time, Cathy had not removed.

  19. 菲利浦开始与凯茜认识。

    Philip became acquainted with Kathy.

  20. 我叫凯茜,很高兴认识您!

    My name is Kathy Hart. Nice to meet you!

  21. 嗨。凯茜。去参加毕业典礼吗

    Hello, Cathy. Going to the commencement

  22. 凯茜让我们看看檀香扇好吗?

    Cathy Can you show us some sandal wood fans

  23. 凯茜作了一个粗略的计算。

    Cathy did a rough calculation.

  24. 凯茜,你已决定点什么 菜吗?

    Cathy, have you made up your mind?

  25. 丹尼尔品尝了凯茜做的食物。

    Daniel tasted the food Cathy made.

  26. 她取名凯瑟琳,但人叫她凯茜。

    She is named Catherine, but is called Cathy.

  27. 凯茜后来成为一位眼科外科医生。

    Cathy later went on to become an ophthalmic surgeon.

  28. 凯茜已经完成了她的数学作业。

    Cathy has done her Maths homework.

  29. 凯茜在城里时在金夫人家搭伙。

    Cathy is boarding with Mrs King while she's in town.

  30. 凯茜已经给奶奶发了一封信。

    Cathy has sent a letter to Grandma.


  1. 问:凯茜·爱兰拼音怎么拼?凯茜·爱兰的读音是什么?凯茜·爱兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凯茜·爱兰的读音是Kǎiqiàn·Àilán,凯茜·爱兰翻译成英文是 Kathy Ireland

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