







汉语拼音:sān sì







  1. 犹言再三再四。


  2. 表示为数不多。

    宋 欧阳修 《归自谣》词:“春艳艳,江上晚山三四点。”



  1. And I had the key to that woman's apartment, and in three or four hours she would be mine once more!


  2. "I think in the next three or four years, there's going to be huge growth, " she said, "because philanthropy has become mainstream. "


  3. To me two millions are a trifle, but you are losing three or four of the best years of your life.


  4. He had a red-checked kaffiyeh wrapped around his head and was sitting with three or four guys twice his size on the bed of a pickup truck.


  5. The tall boy liked to go up the steps two or three at a time.


  6. clay-cold want to be send to cremate, many painful! - Forbid to smile! This feared to entwine me to have 34 years at least.


  7. Out for the evening on a rare warm night, I saw three or four people do a double take as I passed by and regard me with intrigue.


  8. E. coli usually takes three or four days to make a person sick, but it may take a week or more.


  9. During one of my lessons he asked how much practising I was doing.


  1. 公元三四世纪

    Fourth to the Sixth Centuries.

  2. 三四比横带

    sesquiterious fascia.

  3. 四角三四面体

    deltoid dodecahedron.

  4. 三四楼梯间的楼梯平台

    A landing between the third and fourth floors

  5. 弹指又过了三四年。

    So another three or four years quickly passed.

  6. 回家休息至少三四天。

    Go home and rest for at least three or four days.

  7. 我们大概下午三四点到。

    We'll be there somewhere between 3 and 4 pm.

  8. 他三四天内要离开这儿。

    He will leave here in three or four days.

  9. 大同大概比我年长三四岁。

    Da tong is three or four years elder than me.

  10. 三四个月之后就怠慢耍滑。

    Then three or four months later starts slacking.

  11. 我在他后面叫了三四次。

    I called after him three or four times.

  12. 你们点的足够三四个人吃的。

    You ordered enough fo three or four people.

  13. 好的 我可能三四天后回来。

    All right, I might be back in three, four days.

  14. 大蒜头上还只得三四茎嫩芽!

    It had grown only four measly shoots!

  15. 那块方地又分作三四畦,

    This plot, consisting of three or four beds

  16. 我每天练习钢琴三四个小时。

    I would drill the piano for three or four hours a day.

  17. 我每天练习钢琴三四个小时。

    I would drill the piano for three or four hours a day.

  18. 三四拍是华尔滋曲的节拍。

    Threefourths meter is waltz time.

  19. 整个模拟试验一般要三四个小时。

    It took about three to four hours to run the simulation.

  20. 三四,修行就是修正自己错误的观念。

    Cultivation is correcting ones wrong concepts.

  21. 建立这种根据地的时间, 需要三四年。

    Three or four years are needed to build such base areas.

  22. 三四片就行,我快挺不住了。

    Three or four pills. I'm hitting the wall.

  23. 像这样讨钱的儿童,不止三四个。

    Resemble the children of such panhandle, more than 32.

  24. 沙漠中的蜗牛甚至能一睡三四年。

    Desert snails may even doze for three or four years.

  25. 我大概每三四个月见他一次。

    I see him maybe once every three, four months.

  26. 不知道,我想得有三四个小时吧

    I don't know. Three or four hours I think.

  27. 你告诉我在这儿要待三四个月。

    You told me to stay here for three or four months.

  28. 每伐倒一棵树就要种上三四棵树。

    For every tree cut down, three or four new ones are planted.

  29. 每砍倒一棵树就要种上三四棵树。

    For every tree cut down, three or four new ones are planted.

  30. 沙漠中得蜗牛甚至能一睡三四年。

    Desert snails may even doze for three or four years.


  1. 问:三四郎拼音怎么拼?三四郎的读音是什么?三四郎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三四郎的读音是Sānsìláng,三四郎翻译成英文是 Sanshirō

  2. 问:三四比横带拼音怎么拼?三四比横带的读音是什么?三四比横带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三四比横带的读音是sān sì bǐ héng dài,三四比横带翻译成英文是 sesquitertious fascia

  3. 问:三四对线作业拼音怎么拼?三四对线作业的读音是什么?三四对线作业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三四对线作业的读音是sān sì duì xiàn zuò yè,三四对线作业翻译成英文是 three or four party line service

  4. 问:三四五定直角法拼音怎么拼?三四五定直角法的读音是什么?三四五定直角法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三四五定直角法的读音是sān sì wǔ dìng zhí jiǎo fǎ,三四五定直角法翻译成英文是 three-four-five rule



“三四”是个多义词,它可以指三四(《偷星九月天》中三月和四月CP的简称), 三四(汉语词语)。

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