




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……





汉语拼音:zhāng zǐ yí



  1. Zhang Ziyi also is done a bit probably muddleheaded, the report with farfetched so much, watch audience of not clear China the view to her.


  2. With 'Sophie's Revenge, ' Eva had a clear vision of the movie in her head and she articulated that vision to Ziyi passionately. '


  3. When asked why Zhang did not reveal the name list as well as the deposit details, her answer makes me admire her to a larger extent.


  4. Maggie Cheung has walked away from movies, Michelle Yeoh has changed her style, Zhang Ziyi has not lived up to her promise.


  5. On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.


  6. Ziyi Zhang is very beautiful, especially her eyes, they are very charm, as well as her hair, loose and soft, and looks very comfortable.


  7. The law firm also made public the deposits details of Zhang Ziyi Funds, demonstrating that Zhang did not steal one cent.


  8. Afterwards, Zhang was actively collecting money in Canne Film Festival, claiming that she wished to accumulate one millions dollars.


  9. Zhang was caught sunbathing on a beach in a topless bikini with her multi-millionaire boyfriend.


  1. 是章子怡主演的?

    Is Zhang Ziyi starring in it?

  2. 是章子怡主演的 吗?

    Is Zhang Ziyi starring in it?

  3. 章子怡应该受到指责吗

    Does Portraying a Geisha Deserve Rebuke

  4. 是章子怡主演得 吗

    Is Zhang Ziyi starring in it?

  5. 章子怡愿为心上人息影。

    Zhang Ziyi willing to give up actin.

  6. 张艺谋和章子怡评论音轨

    Audio Commentary with Director Zhang Yimou and Star Ziyi Zhang

  7. 章子怡于1979年2月9日在北京出生。

    Zhang ZiYi was born in Beijing on February 9, 1979.

  8. 章子怡在里面没有武打的镜头。

    For a film in which the action is directed by legendary fight choreographer Yuen WooPing, the fight scenes are pretty tepid and unimaginative.Zhang Ziyi doesnt have a single fight scene.

  9. 章子怡已经成功挤入好莱坞的名利场。

    Zhang Ziyi has successfully insinuated herself into the vanity fair in hollywood.

  10. 在好莱坞, 为什么章子怡和杨紫琼出名?

    Why are Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong famous in Hollywood?

  11. 一切水落石出, 章子怡在接受采访时泣不成声。

    The truth finally coming out, Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed.

  12. 我是艺伎回忆录剃掉体毛的章子怡。

    I'm memoir of a geisha before she shaved.

  13. 章子怡本人对于出任凤凰水城代言人充满期待。

    Ziyi as I look forward to a spokesman for the Phoenix Shuicheng.

  14. 我听说有两位女主角, 范冰冰和章子怡。

    I heard that there are two leading actresses, Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi.

  15. 章子怡的新电影叫什么名字?夜宴还是宴会?

    What is the title of Ziyi's new movie ?Night Banquet or The Banquet ?

  16. 章子怡得新电影叫什么名字?夜宴还是宴会?

    What is the title of Ziyi's new movie ? Night Banquet or The Banquet ?

  17. 所有的捐款被放进于美国注册的章子怡基金。

    All money was to be put into Zhang s Ziyi Foundation founded in the USA.

  18. 所有得捐款被放进于美国注册得章子怡基金。

    All money was to be put into Zhang s Ziyi Foundation founded in the USA.

  19. 尽管有这些不如意的事情,章子怡的事业还是蒸蒸日上。

    In spite of the frustrations, Zhang's career was moving at high speed.

  20. 在论坛里, 看到不少网友依然对章子怡群起而攻之。

    In the forum, a wealth of neticizens still attacked Zhang fiercely.

  21. 在她的第一部影片我的父亲母亲里, 章子怡的表演扣人心弦。

    In her first film The Road Home Zhang Ziyi gave a breathless performance.

  22. 章子怡因一直未对诈捐指责做出回应而饱受批评。

    Zhang Ziyi has been criticized for not replying to accusations of charity fraudleveled against her.

  23. 章子怡被指在星期三晚上直播得春节联欢晚会上假唱。

    Zhang Ziyi was accused of lip annual Spring Festival evening gala broadcast live on Wednesday night.

  24. 章子怡被指在星期三晚上直播的春节联欢晚会上假唱。

    Zhang Ziyi was accused of lip annual Spring Festival evening gala broadcast live on Wednesday night.

  25. 章子怡被真正认为是一个有着辉煌未来的年轻女演员。

    Ziyi is taken seriously as a young actress with a brilliant future.

  26. 章子怡被真正认为是一个有着辉煌未来得年轻女演员。

    Ziyi is taken seriously as a young actress with a brilliant future.

  27. 如果章子怡参加六级考试,那她会感觉像是离开水的鱼。

    Zhang Ziyi is a fish out of water if she goes to the CET 6 examination.

  28. 谁说章子怡好我跟谁急,那是一坨可怕的狗屎劣质音乐。

    I will smack anyone who defends her, because that was just one horrendous conglomeration of shitty music industriness.


  1. 问:章子怡拼音怎么拼?章子怡的读音是什么?章子怡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:章子怡的读音是Zhāng Zǐyí,章子怡翻译成英文是 Zhang Ziyi, a Chinese Actress



章子怡(Zhang Ziyi),1979年2月9日出生于北京,电影演员,2000年毕业于中央戏剧学院。 1998年被张艺谋发掘,主演电影《我的父亲母亲》而成名,该片荣获柏林国际电影节银熊奖。1999年担任李安执导的影片《卧虎藏龙》女主角“玉娇龙”一角,该片斩获中国第一个奥斯卡最佳外语片奖等众多国际大奖,因此跻身国际影坛。2005年主演由斯皮尔伯格监制的好莱坞电影《艺伎回忆录》,成为首位担任好莱坞A级制作大片女主角的华人影星,并获得美国电影金球奖、英国电影学院奖、美国演员工会奖影后提名,入选当年《时代周刊》“影响世界的100人”和“中国电影百年百位优秀演员”。2010年亚洲电影博览会授予其“近十年最杰出女演员奖”。2013~2014年,凭借《一代宗师》摘得亚太电影大奖、亚太电影节、亚洲电影大奖等10座影后桂冠,章子怡成为华语电影史上首位荣获大众电影百花奖、中国电影华表奖、中国电影金鸡奖、香港电影金像奖、台湾电影金马奖等华语五大电影奖最佳女主角奖的女演员;其主演的《太平轮》于2014年12月上映。 自2005年起其担任奥斯卡终身评委,并担任第77和78届奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾;2006、2009、2013年三次出任戛纳国际电影节评委。演艺事业外,章子怡积极参与推广中国电影,担任中国电影的海外推广大使。

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