




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……





汉语拼音:wǒ yào chī fàn



  1. Well do not say, I had caught a bug, I have to eat, good-bye!


  2. I am leaving for my meals. Let's chat next time, OK?


  3. I shook my head and recited earnestly and helplessly, 'I want to eat. I'm hungry.


  4. i need to eat, you can talk to me later(talk later)


  1. 一个邻居总是在我刚要吃饭时来我家。

    One of my neighbors had a habit of rolling round just when I was getting ready for dinner.

  2. 第二天中午你终于答应我要一起吃饭了,我挺高兴的。

    At noon the next day you finally agreed to join me for dinner, and I was happy.

  3. 我要去餐馆吃饭

    I want to. eat dinner at a restaurant.

  4. 我要去肯尼什家吃饭

    Um, I'm supposed to join the Kennishes for dinner.

  5. 我要是错了就请你吃饭。

    I'll stand a dinner for you if I'm wrong.

  6. 中午我要去姑婆家吃饭。

    I will go to my great aunt's home for lunch at noon.

  7. 中午我要去姑婆家吃饭。

    I will go to my great aunt's home for lunch at noon.

  8. 现在我又多了一张嘴要吃饭。

    Now I have another mouth to feed.

  9. 服务员,我要一张两人吃饭得桌子

    Waiter, a table for two, pleases.

  10. 我要做。我好久没帮你付吃饭的钱了。

    I want to.I haven't paid for your dinner for a long time.

  11. 我要接着谈美国的饮食习惯和上馆子吃饭。

    I'll go on with my talk about food habits and eating out in the United States.

  12. 接下来这几个星期我要怎么用它来解决吃饭问题

    If my half was 73 bucks.

  13. 我要做一只木碗, 等我长大了, 让爸爸妈妈用它吃饭。

    Oh, Im making a little trough for you and mother to eat from when Im big.

  14. 饿死了,我要去餐车吃饭。

    I'm very hungry I need go to the dining car.

  15. 饿死了,我要去餐车吃饭。

    I'm very hungry I need go to the dining car.

  16. 我要请詹娜吃饭,我需要大概一百块

    I want to take Jenna out. I need like 98 bucks.

  17. 我知道黑鬼要吃饭,但我们一定要扮演黑人吗。

    I know a niggas got to eat but do we got to play sambo

  18. 今晚不必为我们准备饭了, 我要在外面吃饭。

    Don't prepare anything for me tonight, I shall be dining out.

  19. 每次我说要出去吃饭, 我男朋友都说他没钱了。

    Every time I say I want to go out for dinner, my boyfriend says he's broke.

  20. 他今晚要请我吃饭。

    He wants me to dine with him tonight.

  21. 昨天她要我留下来吃饭。

    I like to stay put by the fire on a cold day.

  22. 阿乔今晚要请我吃饭。

    Joe will treat me to dinner tonight.

  23. 杰克今晚要请我吃饭。

    Jack wants me to dine with him tonight.

  24. 我记得你今晚要请我吃饭的。

    I remember that you will give me a treat this evening.

  25. 很苦恼,跑来找我,要跟我吃饭。

    Distressed and came running to me, and I want to eat.

  26. 我的一个朋友今晚要请我吃饭。

    One of my friends wants me to dine with him this evening.

  27. 我干的不赖吧,你要请我吃饭,再见!

    I did good so buy me a drink like you promised, see you later!

  28. 我问谁要来吃饭?

    I asked,who's coming for dinner?

  29. 说啥她也不让我走,非要留我吃饭。

    She wouldn't let me go no matter what I said, and pressed me to stay for supper.

  30. 我问谁要来吃饭?

    I asked, who's coming for dinner?

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