







汉语拼音:huā xiāng






  1. was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-lighted, of ethereal calm .


  2. The day was fine, the sun was bright and the roses were lovely. The king picked one of them, but it turned to gold in his hand.


  3. Shake well and spritz upon the face and around the body for a lovely floral fragrance.


  4. Think you - is a reincarnation of the heartbeat clock, the wind brought floral quarter.


  5. As he remembered it later, it was like a stroll in company in peacetime through a fragrant autumnal forest.


  6. You 're just in Love I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare . All day long I seem to walk on air .


  7. Trembling as the wind blew, which told of his joy of reunion to me by the dense aroma of white lotus.


  8. Missing is a season of flowers, valleys, and I wish you over the attention is boundless, eyes, until the heart overflow. Happy New Year!


  9. If you remark the scent of a bean field crossing the road, perhaps your fellow traveler has no smell of it.


  1. 花香四溢。

    The flowers spread fragrance far and wide.

  2. 卖花赞花香

    Sell flowers and praise the fragrance of flowers.

  3. 暗夜的花香。

    Night of the flower.

  4. 我闻见了花香。

    I smell the fragrance of flowers.

  5. 花香使我心醉。

    The enchanting fragrance captivates my heart.

  6. 花香迎风飘来。

    The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.

  7. 空中传来的花香

    the scent of the flowers wafted through the air

  8. 空气中弥漫着花香。

    Flowers perfumed the air.

  9. 细细地品味山茶花香

    to savour the favour of camellia

  10. 微风送来了花香。

    The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze.

  11. 空气中充满了花香。

    The air was heavy with the perfume of the flower.

  12. 公园里飘溢着花香。

    The park is brimming with the fragrance of flowers.

  13. 空气中飘荡着花香。

    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.

  14. 轻风送来一阵花香。

    The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.

  15. 我弯下腰闻花香。

    I bent down to smell the flowers.

  16. 咖啡开始与花香交融。

    Coffee began to mingle with the floral scent.

  17. 空气中有浓郁的花香。

    The smell of blossom weighed down the air.

  18. 躲藏在秘密与花香之下。

    Hide under Secret and Fragrance.

  19. 它们里头都有花香精华。

    They all have essence of flowers in them.

  20. 森林中到处弥漫着花香。

    The scent of blossoms permeated through the forest.

  21. 让我们似乎感觉花香扑鼻。

    Let us apparently smell the fragrant of the flowers.

  22. 大花香石竹的倍性分析

    Ploidy analysis of Standard Carnation.

  23. 随风飘来一阵阵花香。

    The scent of the flowers was wafied to us by the breeze.

  24. 空气里带着淡淡的花香。

    The faint smell of flowers lay on the air.

  25. 微风拂拂, 空气里满是花香。

    The wind brings the scent of flowers.

  26. 耶加雪啡具有明显的花香。

    Yirgacheffe has a potent flowerlike aroma.

  27. 微风拂拂,空气里满是花香。

    The wind brings the scent of flowers.

  28. 因为它驻足, 只为花香扑鼻

    Because they stop to smell the flowers

  29. 我想出去走一走,闻一闻花香。

    I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers.

  30. 微风吹过, 飘来馥馥花香。

    With a breeze gently blowing, I smelled the rich fragrance of flowers.


  1. 问:花香鸟语拼音怎么拼?花香鸟语的读音是什么?花香鸟语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花香鸟语的读音是huāxiāngniǎoyǔ,花香鸟语翻译成英文是 A variant of 鸟语花香.

  2. 问:花香不一定美丽,能说不一定会做拼音怎么拼?花香不一定美丽,能说不一定会做的读音是什么?花香不一定美丽,能说不一定会做翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花香不一定美丽,能说不一定会做的读音是huāxiāng bú yīdìng měilì ,huì shuō bù yīdìng huì zuò,花香不一定美丽,能说不一定会做翻译成英文是 Action is better than oration.; A fragrant b...



“花香”是个多义词,它可以指花香(电影), 花香(江蕙演唱歌曲), 花香(作家), 花香(许绍洋演唱歌曲), 花香(花的香气), 花香(范海洲歌曲)。

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