






1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……




1. 椅 [yǐ]2. 椅 [yī]椅 [yǐ]有靠背的坐具:~子。坐~。木~。躺~。椅 [yī]落叶乔木,木材可以制器物。亦称“山桐子”。……



汉语拼音:dì èr bǎ jiāo yǐ






  1. But as long as the "BLACK MAMBA" still roams the courts, he will have to play second fiddle.


  2. By the end of 2010, Google's Android will sneak into second place behind Symbian with 17. 7 percent market share.


  3. After selling itself to Rupert Murdoch's Fox for $580 million last year, MySpace is now the Web's second most popular website.


  4. Alibaba now owns a 9. 3% market share and the number two spot in China's online ad market, according to Analysys International ( Word doc).


  1. 到时候你就是第二把交椅了。

    You will be a second master.

  2. 希拉里决不会满足于第二把交椅。

    Hillary could never be content with second place.

  3. 坐上头把交椅

    occupy the first highest post

  4. 让出头把交椅

    abdicate the highest post.

  5. 他是我们圈中的第一把交椅。

    He was the first man among us.

  6. 你的外科医生是国内的第一把交椅。

    Your surgeon is the best in the country.

  7. 她在部门坐上了第一把交椅。

    She occupies the highest position in the department.

  8. 她在部门坐上了第一把交椅。

    She occupies the highest position in the department.

  9. 第一把交椅获得第一名银质勋章。

    Earn the Silver Number 1 medal.

  10. 我的病诗神把交椅让给了别人。

    And my sick muse doth give an other place.

  11. 工行的头把交椅似乎坐得很稳当。

    Its grip on the top spot looks strong.

  12. 他一步一步地坐上了公司的头把交椅。

    He worked his way inch by inch to the top of the company.

  13. 他的名字叫陶德,大人,理发界的第一把交椅。

    Of or relating to barbering or a barber.

  14. 的确喜欢第二把, 有关二爷爱物的风范。

    Really like the second piece, of Guan Eryes favor style.

  15. 经历了金融危机后,深圳工业企业谁坐头把交椅?

    Experienced a financial crisis, industrial enterprises in Shenzhen who ride the top spot?

  16. 但让他们坐上头把交椅的,还是对失业率的预测。

    It was their prediction on unemployment, however, that catapulted them to the front of the pack.

  17. 迈克尔乔丹曾是称霸篮坛第一把交椅的球员。

    Michael Jordan used to reign as the number one basketball player in NBA.

  18. 我是这个行业的第一把交椅, 因为我拥有最佳的支援团队。

    I am number one in this business because I have a very supportive team!

  19. 第二把匙子变得橡皮和然后跳动像宽松橡胶。

    The second spoon then becomes rubbery and flops around like loose rubber.

  20. 当我得到第二把小提琴时,已是二年级的学生了。

    I owned a second violin when I was a student in grade two.

  21. 英皇所委托的这人,是世上宝石匠中的第一把交椅。

    The man to whom it was committed was one of the most skillful lapidaries in the world.

  22. 第二把好, 不过好像失去了那种浑厚拙朴的感觉!

    The second Dao is better, but it seems that it lacks of rustic feel.

  23. 布里,你还记得吧,我的羊角包 一向稳坐紫藤郡的头把交椅。

    Bree, you remember how my croissants were always the best on the lane.

  24. 第二把是木瓜镡得腰刀, 有点象坛子里贴过得骑兵旁刀。

    The second one is Muguatan waist sword, like cavalry Pang sword posted on the forum.

  25. 第二把是木瓜镡的腰刀,有点象坛子里贴过的骑兵旁刀。

    The second one is Muguatan waist sword, like cavalry Pang sword posted on the forum.

  26. 堪称高仿!不错!第二把的漆如能用传统漆工艺会更完美。

    Not bad!The second piece will be more perfect if with traditional lacquer

  27. 把第二个选择移走

    Where I eliminated the middle option.

  28. 现在得把第二个也找出来。

    He had now to seek the second.

  29. 把第二笔总额加在第三笔总额上。

    Add the second total to the third.

  30. 第一位骑士把第二位推下马来。

    The first knight dismounted the second.

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