


1. 绷 [bēng]2. 绷 [běng]3. 绷 [bèng]绷 [bēng]张紧,拉紧:~紧。小褂紧~在身上。当中用藤皮、棕绳等物绷紧的竹木框:床~。棕~。绣~。~子。一种缝纫方法,粗粗缝上或用针别上:~被头。束,包扎:~带。(物体)……





汉语拼音:běng liǎn






  1. For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month. Now he comes back and wants to watch football.


  1. 她今天一直绷脸, 肯定遇到什么不开心的事情了。

    Wearing a long face, she must have encountered something unpleasant today.

  2. 她今天一直绷脸,肯定遇到什么不开心的事情了。

    Wearing a long face, she must have encountered something unpleasant today.

  3. 她的脸绷的很紧,显得非常痛苦。

    Her face twisted into a picture of pain.

  4. 绷起脸,噘起嘴

    Go into a pout.

  5. 绷着脸说笑话

    dry humor

  6. 她紧绷着脸。

    The skin of her cheeks tautened.

  7. 他绷着脸不说话。

    He kept a straight face and remained speechless.

  8. 他绷着脸表示不满。

    He plumped up his cheeks in an expression of annoyance.

  9. 一连三天都绷着脸不高兴

    to sulk for three days together

  10. 他绷着脸茫然地四下张望着。

    He looked sullenly, uncertainly about.

  11. 弗烈特绷着脸愠怒地瞪着他弟弟。

    Freddie stared sullenly at his younger brother.

  12. 理查德正在楼上绷着脸闹脾气。

    Richard's having a bit of a sulk upstairs.

  13. 萨拉走上前来,紧绷着脸,怒气冲冲。

    Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face.

  14. 那一夜特别漫长, 老公也对我绷着脸。

    That night specially long, the husband also pulls a long face to me.

  15. 我看见老板绷着脸在办公室里走来走去。

    I saw the boss going about the office with a long face.

  16. 然而, 礁石绷着脸, 皱着眉, 又一次拂下白浪。

    However, the reef frowning, and again under the white brush.

  17. 我又揿了一下门铃,一名侍女紧绷着脸把门开了。

    I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door.

  18. 但是, 在这一点上, 有谁能绷着脸做出这样的断言。

    But can anyone, at this point, make those claims with a straight face ?

  19. 她绷着脸, 下决心不同从男爵的年轻夫人结成亲密的关系

    She set her face with a sulky determination against any intimacy between herself and the baronets young wife

  20. 因忧愁而绷着的脸

    a face drawn with sorrow

  21. 他说话时绷紧了脸,觉得无计可施。

    He spoke rather sulkily, feeling himself stalemated.

  22. 快乐一点吧。不要成天绷着个脸。

    Cheer up.Don't be such a sourpuss.

  23. 最好别绷着个脸我告诉你为什么

    better not pout, im tellin you why

  24. 他接过信,扫了一眼,就绷起了脸。

    He took the letter, glanced over it,and then his face became stern.

  25. 他脸紧绷绷的,像很生气的样子。

    He had a taut expression on his face as if he were very angry.

  26. 普林斯噢,拜托,别老是绷着个脸,起来和我跳支舞。

    Prince Ohcome on, sourpuss, get up and dancewithme.

  27. 姨妈绷紧的脸一下子松开了, 她眼里突然闪现出慈祥的目光。

    The hard lines in his aunt's face relaxed and a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes.

  28. 她的脸看起来绷得紧紧的。

    Her face used to appear so strained and tight.

  29. 他的脸没有刚才绷得那么紧了,说话的语气也婉转一些了。

    There was an easy agreeable note in his voice when he spoke.

  30. 相反,她一脸严肃,面部紧绷,一声不吭地等着。

    Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence.


  1. 问:绷脸拼音怎么拼?绷脸的读音是什么?绷脸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绷脸的读音是běngliǎn,绷脸翻译成英文是 pull a long face

  2. 问:绷脸的人拼音怎么拼?绷脸的人的读音是什么?绷脸的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绷脸的人的读音是,绷脸的人翻译成英文是 pouter



◎绷脸 [汉语拼音]běngliǎn [英文]pull a long face [解释] [口]∶不愉快的表情,拉长脸

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