







汉语拼音:zhí zhì






  1. 直到。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷九:“世间好事必多磨,缘未来时可奈何!直至到头终正果,不知底事欲蹉跎?” 毛泽东 《关于“三反”“五反”的斗争》三:“轻者批评教育,重者撤职,惩办,判处徒刑(劳动改造),直至枪毙一批最严重的贪污犯,才能解决问题。”



  1. The West and its partners must be ready to maintain political, economic and military pressure until he is gone.


  2. Call blocks until at least one of the registered sockets is ready to perform at least one of the registered operations without blocking.


  3. But FEMA on Monday indicated that it had sufficient cash reserves to sustain itself through the end of the fiscal year, Friday.


  4. It is not until the child of a resident is run over while crossing the highway that things begin to turn around.


  5. "We used to keep going till 10am but now we're on the road we have to be sensible and have a few early nights, " he said.


  6. It shall be the business of my life to deepen this disappointment in every woman's heart until she bows down to it no longer.


  7. them or at least putting them out of the membership of the church for a stated period until they repented.


  8. Up to now I found self-reliance is a very difficult thing and sometimes I see it too easy to think.


  9. My resulting fury at what was, to me, the most tragic loss, is something I cannot, even now, describe.


  1. 穷追直至抓获

    hunt down.

  2. 直至2008年被捕

    until his arrest in 2006.

  3. 直至他们到达

    after they got there.

  4. 工作直至深夜

    worked deep into the night.

  5. 直至天青风住?

    Wait till the sky is blue.

  6. 直至朝阳初照?

    Wait till the sun gets here.

  7. 直至包材毁坏。

    Until the material damage.

  8. 直至云破日出?

    Wait till the sun shines through.

  9. 直至与海洋汇合。

    Till I merge with the sea.

  10. 继续如此直至迷失?

    Drive until you lose the road.

  11. 宾客饮宴直至深夜。

    The guests banqueted until midnight.

  12. 推迟直至结束为止

    Wait out To delay until the termination of

  13. 岩石风化, 直至损坏。

    Rocks weather until they are worn away.

  14. 岩石风化,直至损坏。

    Rocks weather until they are worn away .

  15. 名誉扫地, 直至绳之以法

    Have their credibility ruined and are even punished according to law

  16. 主甲板直至驾驶台。

    Over main deck to bridge.

  17. 直至死亡将我们分离。

    Until death do us part.

  18. 加热直至水全部蒸发。

    Heat until all the water has evaporated.

  19. 宫颈变短直至展平

    cervical effacement

  20. 停留处于中止状态直至

    after an abeyance of many years

  21. 直至今日情况仍然如此

    of an apocalyptic planetary calamity.

  22. 警察穷追窃贼,直至抓获。

    The police ran the thief down.

  23. 他磨碾你直至洁白。

    He grinds you to whiteness.

  24. 我们饮酒谈天,直至深夜。

    We sat up drinking and talking.

  25. 工厂关闭直至七月中旬。

    The factory is closed until mid July.

  26. 打开开关直至充分起泡。

    Switch the shaver on till the soap lathers nicely.

  27. 磨亮,磨平摩擦直至光滑

    To polish until smooth.

  28. 全归我主, 直至永远。

    Power and might be unto our God, forevermore.

  29. 不断喝水直至排尿。

    You should keep drinking fluids until you urinate.

  30. 全归我主,直至永远。

    Power and might be unto our God, forevermore.


  1. 问:直至拼音怎么拼?直至的读音是什么?直至翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直至的读音是zhízhì,直至翻译成英文是 until; till

  2. 问:直至通知拼音怎么拼?直至通知的读音是什么?直至通知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直至通知的读音是zhí zhì tōng zhī,直至通知翻译成英文是 Till Notice

  3. 问:直至存货售完拼音怎么拼?直至存货售完的读音是什么?直至存货售完翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直至存货售完的读音是zhí zhì cún huò shòu wán,直至存货售完翻译成英文是 as long as the stock lasts

  4. 问:直至死亡将我们分开拼音怎么拼?直至死亡将我们分开的读音是什么?直至死亡将我们分开翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直至死亡将我们分开的读音是,直至死亡将我们分开翻译成英文是 Until Death Do Us Part




【读音】zhí zhì




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