


1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……




1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……





汉语拼音:gè rén yǐn sī



  1. He greatly resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.


  2. Society, she said, has therefore placed a priority on preventing crime and disputes and that has come at the expense of privacy.


  3. Although it might feel like you're out on your own, the reality is that millions of other people have the same goals as you.


  4. But in a case involving AT&T the court ruled this month that the company has no right to personal privacy.


  5. Explain to him that you are a very private person and hesitant to go into your history with people, but you meant to tell him before now.


  6. Several European governments were up in arms, and ordered the company to cease such wholesale invasion of their citizens' privacy.


  7. It is usually used when someone tells you something personal or private that you did not want to know.


  8. "The filming meant giving up my privacy, " Dau explains, "but I knew it might spread the word and help my people. "


  9. We talk with the foreign President, in most cases and age we should not ask such a question of personal privacy.


  1. 个人隐私问题

    privacy problem.

  2. 个人隐私案件

    cases involving the private affairs of individuals.

  3. 这是个人隐私。

    It's personal.

  4. 对个人隐私的非法侵犯

    an impermissible invasion of privacy

  5. 这是对个人隐私的干预。

    This is an evasion of individual privacy.

  6. 我明白了,你很注重个人隐私

    I get that you're a private person.

  7. 这是个人隐私,不适合公之于众。

    This is personal and it is inappropriate to reveal it to the public.

  8. 拆我得信是对个人隐私得侵犯。

    Opening my letters is an invasion of privacy.

  9. 我不喜欢别人窥窃我的个人隐私。

    I don't appreciate people looking into my personal life.

  10. 个人隐私在小数据时代 是主要挑战

    Privacy was the central challenge in a small data era.

  11. 个人或者政府的对个人隐私的错误的干扰。

    the wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs with which the public has no concern.

  12. 玛莎我也不想侵犯你的个人隐私。

    Marsha And I dont want to invade your privacy.

  13. 新闻媒体常常不尊重个人隐私的权利。

    News media often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.

  14. 司机不涉及乘客个人隐私和商业秘密。

    Drivers should not involved in personal privacy and business secret.

  15. 尊重和保守客户的商业秘密及个人隐私。

    Respect and protect client's commercial interests and individual secrets.

  16. 这实在是个人隐私。我这里满屋子都是人。

    It's rather personal, and I'm a room full of people.

  17. 但这样的个人隐私正趋向于成为社会的悲剧。

    But such private matters have a tendency to become public tragedies.

  18. 是指某人侵犯了你维护个人隐私的权利。

    An invasion of privacy is when someone violates your right to keep your personal information secret.

  19. 是指某人侵犯了你维护个人隐私得权利。

    An invasion of privacy is when someone violates your right to keep your personal information secret.

  20. 她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。

    She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.

  21. 为保护个人隐私, 不要想在网上任意留个人资料。

    In order to protect privacy, don't put personal information on the Internet on a whim.

  22. 个人隐私和知识产权两者都限制信息的自由流动。

    Both are restrictions on the free flow of information.

  23. 对于可能窥探我个人隐私的无人机,我会有何看法?

    How would I feel about a drone that could snoop on me?

  24. 看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。

    Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy.

  25. 第一修正案在个人隐私不受政府侵犯方面较为模糊。

    The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.

  26. 但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理。

    Cases involving state secrets or private affairs of individuals shall not be heard in public.

  27. 你的薪水是你的个人隐私,请不要将它告诉其他人。

    Your salary is your personal and should not be disclosed to anyone.

  28. 如果报告,那么联邦政府就侵犯了个人隐私和公民自由。

    If they are reported, the government may infringe on privacy and civil liberties.

  29. 生物技术的时代将给我们更充分的理由来保护个人隐私。

    The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our privacy.

  30. 同样的先进技术也使侵犯个人隐私和商业秘密成为可能。

    The same advanced techniques also make possible invasions of personal and business privacy.


  1. 问:个人隐私拼音怎么拼?个人隐私的读音是什么?个人隐私翻译成英文是什么?

    答:个人隐私的读音是gè rén yǐn sī,个人隐私翻译成英文是 personal privacy



个人隐私 privacy of individual 是指公民个人生活中不愿为他人公开或知悉的秘密。隐私权是自然人享有的对其个人的、与公共利益无关的个人信息、私人活动和私有领域进行支配的一种人格权。

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