







汉语拼音:huān sòng








  1. 高兴地送别。多用于集体方式。

    欧阳山 《高干大》第五章:“欢送大会就在乡政府前面那块坪台上开。”



  1. Today we gather here to have a send-off meeting, as Mr Li, our good friend, is going to leave for his homeland tomorrow.


  2. When you leave China, there might be a farewell feast for you out of politeness.


  3. The company is giving a farewell party for him on Friday.


  4. Plans have been set on foot by the*company for a party, because Miss Jackson is retiring.


  5. And give this send-off for her as if she is alive.


  6. Kindly inform me by the 5th whether you will attend the farewell party to be given on the next Saturday in honor of our former president.


  7. However, the greater frequency of these farewells does not make them any easier to deal with, if you are the one doing the leaving.


  8. He went to all the trouble of organizing a leaving party for her, and she didnt even bother to turn up.


  9. When we want to leave to be British, they return to hold the farewell party for us, good sweet, good will person .


  1. 欢送代表团

    see a delegation off

  2. 我们举办欢送会。

    We have on farewell party.

  3. 结业典礼暨欢送晚会

    Closing Ceremony and Farewell Party

  4. 欢送考察组离校

    Bidding Farewell to Investigating Group

  5. 举办的小型欢送宴

    for our friend Regina.

  6. 或许, 给你办一场欢送派对?

    Perhaps a farewell party instead?

  7. 为大使举办了一个欢送会。

    A farewell party was held in honor of the ambassador.

  8. 小批订货往年也蒙欢送。

    A small order this year also welcome.

  9. 她在飞机场受到了热情的欢送。

    She was given a good sendoff at the airport.

  10. 欢送会得20张票我卖不出去。

    No way I can sell 20 tickets for the party.

  11. 礼拜五公司要为他举行欢送会。

    The company is giving a farewell party for him on Friday.

  12. 全天参观寒泉小学。晚上欢送会。

    Day at Cold Spring Elementary School. Evening Farewell gathering.

  13. 今天我们怀着无限惜别的心情,欢送

    With a sense of great sorrow, we bid farewell today to

  14. 欢送会的20张票我卖不出去。

    No way I can sell 20 tickets for the party.

  15. 我们将为他举行一个退休欢送会。

    We will have a retirement party for him.

  16. 那位英雄受到一大群人的热烈欢送。

    That hero was warmly sent off by a large crowd.

  17. 那位英雄受到一大群人得热烈欢送。

    That hero was warmly sent off by a large crowd.

  18. 看来你的兄弟给自己办了个欢送会。

    I see your buddy threw himself a goingaway party.

  19. 你要不要为她举行一个小型欢送派对?

    Would you like to give her a little farewell party?

  20. 你们准备为他举行一个黄泉欢送会?

    You decided to throw him a dead man's party?

  21. 当他们开始新的远航时,我们鸣炮欢送了他们。

    Before they took a long voyage, we fired firecrackers to see them off.

  22. 当他们开始新的远航时,我们鸣炮欢送了他们。

    Before they took a long voyage, we fired firecrackers to see them off.

  23. 那位战斗英雄受到一大群人的热烈欢送。

    That combat hero was warmly sent off by a large crowd.

  24. 他们为升调到总部的约翰安排了一个欢送会。

    They arranged a farewell reception for John, who had been transferred to the head office.

  25. 嘿,我们为你准备了一个欢送会,7点钟开始。

    So we thought wed throw you a little going away party around 7.

  26. 妈妈说我们可以给她举行一个让她惊喜的欢送派对。

    Mom says we can give her a goingaway surprise party.

  27. 妈妈说我们可以给她揪行一个让她惊喜的欢送派对。

    Mom says we can give her a surprise party.

  28. 图为2月22日,该站广场上正在举行农民工专列欢送仪式。

    Farewell ceremony for migrant workers train at the station square on February22nd.

  29. 当约翰逊服役期满最后离船时,汽笛长鸣欢送他上岸。

    When Johnson left his ship for the last time at the end of his period of service,he was piped ashore.

  30. 你为我操办欢送会并赠送厚礼,这样的深情厚谊我铭记在心。

    I am doubly indebted to you for the party and for your generous gift!


  1. 问:欢送拼音怎么拼?欢送的读音是什么?欢送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢送的读音是huānsòng,欢送翻译成英文是 see … off




拼音:huānsòng 英文:send off,see off

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