




住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……



汉语拼音:guī fáng







  1. 小室;内室。常指女子的卧室。

    《文选·班固<西都赋>》:“闺房周通,门闥洞开。” 吕延济 注:“闺房,小室也。”《汉书·张敞传》:“﹝ 张敞 ﹞又为妇画眉, 长安 中传 张京兆 眉憮。有司以奏 敞 。上问之,对曰:‘臣闻闺房之内,夫妇之私,有过於画眉者。’” 唐 杨炯 《原州百泉县令李君神道碑》:“淑问秀於闺房,柔风治於诗礼。” 巴金 《利娜》:“我,我刚从一间香喷喷的闺房里出来。”

  2. 借指妇女;妻室。

    《宋书·良吏传序》:“左右无幸謁之私,闺房无文綺之饰。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺一·龚陈诗》:“ 陈 有《乌丝词》三卷,多瓌奇,闺房游侠之词尤妙。” 清 袁枚 《续新齐谐·露水姻缘之神》:“幸而尊夫人所遇庸奴也,贪财之心胜於好色,汝速还家可免闺房之丑。”



  1. And for that reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her boudoir.


  2. She walked into her boudoir, and before her mirror began to dress for a dinner to which she had been invited.


  3. She chid Miss Alicia in a playful, laughing way, for her boldness in introducing two great men into my lady's rooms.


  4. Later, overwhelmed housing intermediary tireless harassment calls, I decided to Her marriage.


  5. After my return from the hills I was the principal speaker at my mother's open air gatherings on the roof terrace in the evenings.


  6. It opens with the splendors of a palatial bedroom and its boudoir meant for a fashionable lady of high society.


  7. Her younger brother, Jose, recently found it neatly folded and tucked between two pages of a photo album she keeps in her den.


  8. Beautiful boudoir curtain in volume do not moonlight, at the flick ramming stone clothing moonlight but it came again.


  9. A long, plump, pillowed sofa stretched the length of one wall, and upon it four women were disposed like odalisques in a harem.


  1. 历史的闺房

    Historical Boudoir.

  2. 到你悲伤的闺房

    down in you shady bower.

  3. 宫殿闺房的阳台上

    The Harem on the Terrace

  4. 哦, 上帝。成闺房了。

    Oh my God that's a girlie room.

  5. 哦,上帝。成闺房了。

    Oh my God that's a girlie room.

  6. 闺房椅及搁脚凳

    boudoir chair and ottoman

  7. 在杜巴里的闺房里

    in the boudoir of the Dubarry

  8. 这就是你的闺房,对。

    So this is your bedroom.Yep.

  9. 这就是你的闺房,对。

    So this is your bedroom. Yep.

  10. 她的闺房干净而整齐。

    Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

  11. 她从来不待在闺房里。

    She doesn't stay in the boudoir.

  12. 我怀疑它是更多闺房。

    I suspect it is more of a harem.

  13. 请你到我的闺房里来

    Welcoming you to my Harem

  14. 她于闺房跨出三个脚步。

    She made three paces thro the room.

  15. 闺房中世纪城堡中妇女之私房闺房

    A womans private chamber in a medieval castle a boudoir.

  16. 我俩沉醉于爱神 甜蜜的闺房。

    Which we buried in Love's sweet bowers.

  17. 像搬走闺房里易于破碎的家具。

    Like the breakable furniture of a boudoir.

  18. 我在闺房中叹息着春天的结束。

    In my boudoir I sigh over the close of spring.

  19. 但谁将是这个闺房的新主人呢?

    But who will be the master of my boudoir then?

  20. 仙姑洞可能是神仙美女的闺房吧!

    The weibliche Unsterbliche Cave There may be the boudoir of the Weibliche Unsterbliche.

  21. 我有几个闺房密友可以分享我的秘密。

    I have several intimates with whom to share my secrets.

  22. 只有米米的密友才被允许进入她的闺房。

    Only Mimi's intimates were admitted to her boudoir.

  23. 雄性孔雀会用他们的羽毛吸引闺房的雌鸟。

    Males may use their feathers to attract harems of several hens.

  24. 奎尔普太太正在她的闺房里度着愁苦的岁月。

    Mrs. Quilp was pining in her bower.

  25. 在亚洲, 阉割男孩是为了让他们作闺房看守。

    In Asia, boys were castrated in order to make them harem guards.

  26. 他一阵闪电雷鸣冲进了塞墨勒的闺房。

    With thunders and lightnings he entered thechamber of Semele.

  27. 居住在闺房中的妻子,妾,女眷和婢女等的总称。

    The wives,concubines,female relatives,and servants occupying such a place.

  28. 他闪电雷鸣般地冲进了塞墨勒的闺房。

    With thunders and lightenings he entered the chamber of Semele.

  29. 露西整理好闺房,然後穿上她最好的白色连衣裙

    Lucy arranged her bower and put on her best white frock

  30. 露西整理好闺房,然後穿上她最好得白色连衣裙

    Lucy arranged her bower and put on her best white frock.


  1. 问:闺房拼音怎么拼?闺房的读音是什么?闺房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闺房的读音是guīfáng,闺房翻译成英文是 boudoir; harem




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