







汉语拼音:kè zhuō






  1. 上课时学生用的桌子。

    孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“他就从讲坛上走下来,在我们课桌的行间,来回踱步。”



  1. To her surprise, she found herself in a classroom that had been turned into a makeshift teahouse - complete with fancy tea sets.


  2. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.


  3. Behind him on a large screen was a stock photo of two white college students seated at desks.


  4. End sufficient number of measurement used in machines after I put them to move to a training room and a neatly on a desk on.


  5. To keep myself focused on the paper in front of me, I'd visualize a set of blinders for my eyes, and an imaginary fort around my desk.


  6. A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him.


  7. It is visible as a child laboriously climbs a flight of stairs or tries to sit at a classroom desk, much less rise out of it.


  8. Rachel came into the classroom Monday morning and there was a note in her desk.


  9. There was no one around, so how did the note get in her desk?


  1. 整洁的课桌

    a neat desk.

  2. 她的课桌杂乱无章。

    Her desk is very disorganized.

  3. 课桌是我的舢板。

    The desk is my sampan.

  4. 把课桌好好擦一擦。

    Give the desk a good rub.

  5. 盘腿坐在课桌上。

    I'm excited for sitting like this.

  6. 课桌上有一些彩笔。

    There are some colour pens on the desk.

  7. 请把课桌摆成4排。

    Please put the desks in four rows.

  8. 将课本放在课桌上。

    Put your books on top of the desk.

  9. 课桌上有一台收音机。

    There is a radio on the desk.

  10. 他们并排坐在课桌上。

    They sat on the desk, side by side.

  11. 灯在课桌的正上方。

    The light is over the desk.

  12. 有个钝的在课桌上。

    There is a blunt one on the desk.

  13. 也许你的扇子在课桌上。

    Perhaps your fan is on the desk.

  14. 竹子可以制成课桌和椅子。

    Bamboo can be desks and chairs.

  15. 教室里面有许多课桌和椅子。

    There are many desks and chairs in it.

  16. 把你们得书放在课桌上。

    Put your books on your desks.

  17. 他的课桌上有四支铅笔。

    There are four pencils on his desk.

  18. 他坐在课桌旁,没穿鞋子。

    He sat at his desk, his shoes off.

  19. 我的铃铛在课桌上吗?

    Is my bell on the desk?

  20. 在他们的课桌旁用粉笔留言。

    Write a chalk message on their sidewalk.

  21. 他满抱参考资料返回他的课桌。

    He carried an armful of references back to his desk.

  22. 我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。

    I found a winglet in the desk.

  23. 有一张课桌被放在一边。

    One desk was put apart from the others.

  24. 课桌上有多少本书和多少支钢笔?

    How many books and pens are there on the desk ?

  25. 他愤怒地用拳头撞了一下课桌。

    He struck the desk angrily with his fist.

  26. 在课桌和墙壁之间有一个盒子。

    There is a box between the desk and the wall.

  27. 课桌上放着一本新教科书。

    There is a new textbook on the desk.

  28. 课桌是用木头做的。桥是石头造的。

    The desk is made of wood. This bridge is made of stone.

  29. 课桌在书柜附近,植物在课桌上,床在课桌左边。

    Bookcase desk in the vicinity of the plant in desks, the desks in the left side of the bed.

  30. 拿出笔记本,把它们放在课桌上。

    Take out your notebooks and put them on your desks.


  1. 问:课桌拼音怎么拼?课桌的读音是什么?课桌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:课桌的读音是kèzhuō,课桌翻译成英文是 school table; desk




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