











汉语拼音:zài shuǐ yī fāng



  1. The only beautiful picture still in the memories dancing in the wind, in the water side of the plot as if still like yesterday.


  2. If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.


  3. As you can imagine, , the so-called Iraqi people, in the water side.


  4. In March, when the water is one of Jiangnan.


  5. Attention "Jianjia the green and white dew cream, the so-called Iraqi people, in the water side, " is imagination!


  6. Looking at the white ceiling, I see far far away, but also understand the water side look.


  7. Who is to lean on the Xuan in the window listening pine leaves, bosom lute playing " side in the water" ?


  8. In one party of water [piano]


  1. 兼葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。

    Bulrush gray. dew white. my beloved, just on the water side.

  2. 碧草青青,烟雾迷离,有位佳人,在水一方。

    It goes'on the green bank opposite the river, stands a beautiful girl in mist.

  3. 括在方括号内。

    The list is enclosed in square brackets.

  4. 在方括号里有我给的注解。

    My annotations appear in square brackets.

  5. 匹配不包含在方括号内的任何字符。

    Matches any character not in the brackets.

  6. 选择你是否想要在方建立播放音乐。

    Choose whether you'd like music to play in room.

  7. 可选部分语句的可选部分括在方括号内。

    Optional portions Optional portions of a statement are enclosed by square brackets.

  8. 一读条款的编号将在方括号中表示。

    First reading articles will be shown in square brackets.

  9. 和在语法一节中规定的一样, 在方括号

    As stated in the syntax section, there must be an expression between the square brackets

  10. 未括在方括号中的参数及其值是必需的。

    A parameter and its value that are not enclosed in square brackets are required.

  11. 分裂的碎片如雨点般落在方圆250英里的地面上。

    The debris from the disintegration rained across A250 mile stretch.

  12. 本地膳食主义者 过去习惯在方圆100英里以内 获取食物

    The locavores used to get food taken in a radius of 98 miles.

  13. 您必须选择其中一项,除非所有项都包含在方括号中。

    You must choose one of the items unless all of the items also are enclosed in square brackets.

  14. 将在方括号内的案文中反映细微差别或各种变化。

    Nuances or variations would be reflected through text enclosed in square brackets.

  15. 对于上述两种情况,都可允许表达式出现在方括号中。

    In either case, it is permissible for an expression to appear inside the brackets.

  16. 当然,在方括号内当前节点一般和上下文节点就不同了。

    However, within square brackets the current node is usually different from the context node.

  17. 工作组同意, 应将这些定义保留在方括号内, 供委员会审议。

    It was agreed that they should be retained in square brackets for consideration by the Commission.

  18. 我希望你方在10月份装船。

    I hope you will effect shipment in October.

  19. 望你方在此事上予以合作。

    We hope you could cooperate with us in this matter.

  20. 留在后方的士兵

    an armchair soldier

  21. 可能他正在配药方。

    He has probably invented a cure by now.

  22. 可能他正在配药方。

    He has probably invented a cure by now.

  23. 你方在港口的人员确定了损坏的原因了?

    Have your people at the port determined the cause of damage

  24. 相信你方在见到我方汇票时即照付。

    We believe you will pay our draft on presentation.

  25. 这迫使我们留在后方。

    This obliged us to stay in the rear.

  26. 你方在推销我们的牛皮纸方面很有经验。

    You are experienced in promoting the sale of our craft paper.

  27. 我们信任你方在见到我方汇票时即照付。

    We believe you will pay our draftpresentation.

  28. 他们坚持要她待在后方。

    They insisted upon her staying in the rear.

  29. 我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。

    We trust you will pay our draftpresentation.

  30. 我们相信你方在见到我们得汇票时即照付。

    We trust you will pay our draftpresentation.



“在水一方”是个多义词,它可以指在水一方(歌曲), 在水一方(邓丽君歌曲在水一方同名专辑), 在水一方(琼瑶小说), 在水一方(1986年大陆版琼瑶电视剧), 在水一方(词语释义), 在水一方(《诗经》蒹葭:在水一方), 在水一方(房地产项目), 在水一方(国产单机游戏《古剑奇谭二》原声音乐集​), 在水一方(盐城楼盘), 在水一方(李健《我是歌手》第三季翻唱歌曲), 在水一方(品牌策划创意设计), 在水一方(1975年张美君导演香港电影)。

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