







汉语拼音:wéi xīn







  1. 二心;异心。

    《左传·桓公六年》:“‘嘉栗旨酒’,谓其上下皆有嘉德而无违心也。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·献饭》:“若有违心,皇天鉴,决不爽。”

  2. 违背本人心意。

    《北史·高允传》:“违心苟免,非臣之意。” 宋 陆游 《闲趣》诗之三:“世情元自懒,不是事违心。”《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“只因为你两个名誉未成,使我作违心之事,冒不韙之名。” 鲁迅 《野草·死后》:“我生存时说的什么批评不值一笑的话,大概是违心之论罢。”



  1. Having bailed out so much of the system this time round, promises not to do so again ring a touch hollow.


  2. I wish to see her everyday, but be me real see her, but I have nothing to say, talking some words that disobey the heart always.


  3. To cause the same end of the year total assets, you take the day is against Falcon, the Falcon or a year?


  4. despite of a profit the company may make from this project, company executive still refused the participation to bid.


  5. Yuchun: If I say no, I feel against my will. If I say yes, I fell a little narcissistic.


  6. But I made it very clear: I would not say anything against my conscience.


  7. He compounded this original sin both by pretending that everything was on track and by adopting the rhetoric of his enemies.


  8. that complies against his will is of his own opinion still.


  9. But, he adds, at least he won't have to feel bad about persuading people to buy "second rate" cars he doesn't believe in any more.


  1. 说违心的话

    say the opposite to what one intends.

  2. 他违心地帮助了我。

    He helped me against my will.

  3. 违心的恭维出自他们的嘴唇。

    Insincere compliments fell from their lips.

  4. 他违心地投了赞成票。

    He voted for the motion against his conscience.

  5. 他违心地投了赞成票。

    He voted for the motion against his conscience.

  6. 我已经违心等了整整三年。

    Three years I've been waiting against my own will.

  7. 他被劝服去做他违心的事。

    He was persuaded into doing it aginst his own wish.

  8. 我被迫违心地签了这份协议。

    I was forced to sign the agreement against my will.

  9. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。

    I was forced to sign the agreement against my will.

  10. 我猜我学会了不能做违心的事情。

    I guess I learned that my duty is to my heart.

  11. 我有点违心地接受了他的建议。

    I took his advice, somewhat against my better judgment.

  12. 她甚至违心地崇尚起人的知识来。

    She, almost against herself, clung to the worship of the human knowledge.

  13. 他感到自己正违心地陷人家庭事务之中。

    He felt he was being enmeshed in the family business against his will.

  14. 突然, 违心地, 志贵被从地上拎了起来。

    Suddenly, against his will, Shiki is lifted off the ground.

  15. 你不要再怪他了, 他的话都是违心之论。

    Stop blaming him. What he said was not what he really thinks.

  16. 你不要再怪他了,他的话都是违心之论。

    Stop blaming him. What he said was not what he really thinks.

  17. 我势单力薄,不得不依靠社会和违心的。

    I stand alone, bound to accept society and unwilling.

  18. 查理看到,他不得不违心地下令撤军了。

    Very unwillingly Charles saw that he must give the order to retreat.

  19. 明明说的是违心的假话,却说那是自己的真心话。

    Obviously told de lie which is contrary to convictions, but said that is own truth.

  20. 啊, 那些妒忌人的糊涂虫竟然违心说钱无所谓!

    Oh, the jealous fools who said money was n't everything!

  21. 可这件事是咒语让我做的最违心的一件。

    But this is the worst thing the curse has ever made me do.

  22. 你是在设法说服我,让我违心地接受你的看法。

    You are endeavouring to disarm me by reason, and to convince me against my will.

  23. 汤姆违心地让他的爱犬去参加这次比赛。

    Tom had his lovely dog entered in the competition against his will.

  24. 汤姆违心地让他得爱犬去参加这次比赛。

    Tom had his lovely dog entered in the competition against his will.

  25. 出卖良心,写违心话,是为人工打胎,胎亦死。

    When a writer sells his conscience and writes things against his convictions, that is artificial abortion, and the embryo is always stillborn.

  26. 我势单力薄, 不得不依靠社会这也并非是违心的。

    I stand alone, bound to accept society and unwilling.

  27. 是的,他必须为那夜的恣意妄为负责,但毕竟是违心的。

    Yes, he has to be unscrupulously wild for that night in order to be responsible for, but after all disobey heart.

  28. 是得,他必须为那夜得恣意妄为负责,但毕竟是违心得。

    Yes, he has to be unscrupulously wild for that night in order to be responsible for, but after all disobey heart.

  29. 他说没有任何一个父亲曾经强迫他的女儿违心地嫁人。

    He said no father ever forces his daughter to marry against her will.

  30. 还是连违心赞美的勇气也消失殆尽,只能苦涩地怀想。

    Or even against one's will praise the courage disappeared, only bringing back memories of the bitter way.


  1. 问:违心拼音怎么拼?违心的读音是什么?违心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违心的读音是wéixīn,违心翻译成英文是 against one's will

  2. 问:违心之论拼音怎么拼?违心之论的读音是什么?违心之论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:违心之论的读音是wéixīnzhīlùn,违心之论翻译成英文是 the words against one’s own will




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