




1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……



汉语拼音:miàn hù







  1. 亦作“麵糊”。

    1.用面粉加水调成的糊状物。 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·养牛马驴骡》:“汤洗疥,拭令乾,煮麵糊,热涂之,即愈也。”引申为糊涂。 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷四:“评事不读律,博士不寻章。麵糊存抚使,眯目圣神皇。”

  2. 指性格黏糊的人。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》上二:“他是个面糊,有什么厉害?”



  1. But a bit of better butter - that would make my batter better.


  2. So she bought a bit of butter , better than her bitter butter, and she baked it is her batter, and the batter was not bitter.


  3. Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen.


  4. Shaking the rest of the batter from his clothes and picking up his oak-leaf cap, which had fallen off, Tom ran home as fast as he could.


  5. Tavares hilariously details the ensuing chaotic play as fielders scramble to find it and the batter makes his way around the bases.


  6. But she said the butter is bitter if I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.


  7. Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled.


  8. So her bought a bit of butter, well dawn her bitter butter, or her baked it in her batter, or the batter am not bitter.


  9. So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter.


  1. 浇薄面糊均匀。

    Pour thin layer of batter evenly.

  2. 蘸面糊煎的鱼

    fish fried in batter

  3. 是娶面糊还是面糊娶你

    To Marry for Batter or Vice Versa

  4. 滴流性搅合面糊

    drop batter

  5. 炸土豆片用的面糊

    crispy batter

  6. 我就搅了搅面糊。

    I just stirred the batter.

  7. 我就搅了搅面糊。

    I just stirred the batter.

  8. 面条煮得太面糊了。

    The noodles are cooked too soft.

  9. 你可以做面糊洋葱卷。

    You can make onion rings with the batter.

  10. 这面糊已发了一晚上

    The batter proofed overnight.

  11. 我的手指上沾上了面糊,

    There was pastry on my fingers

  12. 米克我在搅和面糊啊。

    Mick Im stirring the batter mix.

  13. 加奶使奶油面糊变稀

    added milk to make the batter more liquid.

  14. 我们在面糊里,加入酵母。

    And we infuse that clay with an ingredient that we call leaven.

  15. 在面糊里放少量的糖。

    Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter.

  16. 将面糊用盐和胡椒调味。

    Season well with salt and pepper.

  17. 面糊太僵硬了,不能搅拌。

    The batter was too stiff to beat.

  18. 面糊太稠了,不容易搅拌。

    The batter was too stiff to beat easily.

  19. 用来制作细切的奶油面糊。

    batter for making fritters.

  20. 粘稠度应该像薄饼面糊。

    The consistency should be like thick pancake batter.

  21. 粘稠度应该像薄饼面糊。

    The consistency should be like thick pancake batter.

  22. 面糊状的在稠度上似面糊的

    Resembling paste in consistency.

  23. 把菠萝片轻轻铺在面糊上。

    Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.

  24. 加点面粉把面糊调厚些。

    Please thicken up the paste with a little more flour.

  25. 用来制作薄烤饼的奶油面糊。

    Batter for making pancakes.

  26. 当面糊和稀粥吃的东西。

    eaten as mush or as a thin gruel.

  27. 将蛋黄面糊与蛋白面糊轻手混合。

    Combine the egg yolk and egg white batter carefully.

  28. 取2汤匙面糊加入可可粉拌匀。

    Take out2 tbsp of batter and mix with cocoa powder.

  29. 把面粉和牛奶和成均匀的面糊。

    Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.

  30. 将面糊平均地倒入蛋糕模内。

    Pour the batter into a cake mould.


  1. 问:面糊拼音怎么拼?面糊的读音是什么?面糊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面糊的读音是miànhù,面糊翻译成英文是 paste; soft and floury

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