


衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:diàn fù






  1. 暂时替人付钱。

    徐家柱 等《白璧无瑕》:“厂领导感到这样动用厂里的材料、动力、设备和垫付资金为职工个人做家具,不符合财经纪律,便及时制止。”



  1. After 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was depleted and he was to be released.


  2. The Bulgarian government says it has fixed problems identified by the EU, and will pay urgent grants out of national coffers.


  3. You have to pay out of your own pocket, so save all the receipts from your business trip.


  4. We Beijing helped you to advance the money.


  5. no , the account was small , so the bank paid the check.


  6. The landlords were only partially productive, the partially coming from the capital advances they had made to the farmers.


  7. Once a farmer who has joined the scheme is hospitalized, incurred costs can be reimbursed on a sliding scale.


  8. It is very likely that the first time you visit the doctor you will have to pay for it wait for the insurance company to reimburse you.


  9. If ATTORENYS advance on CLIENT'S behalf any or all of these costs or expenses, CLIENT agrees to reimburse ATTORNEYS for such advancements.


  1. 正当垫付费用

    proper disbursement

  2. 医药费也应先垫付。

    Medical expenses should also be the first advance.

  3. 退返垫付款项的请求权

    Claim for restitution of advance payments

  4. 垫付款项充作临时及非常费用。

    Advances to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expenses.

  5. 垫付普通基金款项充作预算支出。

    Advances to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure.

  6. 安吉洛留给我的钱先垫付一下

    that Angelo left me to cover that.

  7. 我只垫付了这么多, 就只能收下这么多!

    I can only accept as much money as I have advanced for you!

  8. 密封金属齿形垫付片的设计与加工

    Design and Machining of the Metallic Dentiform Gasket for Seal

  9. 他为图书馆的一个漂亮女孩垫付了钱。

    He made advances towards a pretty girl in the library.

  10. 本计划包包含一揽子保险项目及医疗垫付服务。

    The scheme is consisted of a package plan and a prepayment service for emergent medical treatment.

  11. 我现在手头没有钱,请你先帮我垫付一下房租吧。

    I haven't any money now. Would you please pay the house rent for me?

  12. 这样吧, 我先帮你垫付, 下次见面你再还我就行。

    Well, I could pay it first for you, give it back the next time we meet.

  13. 你必须自己先垫付, 所以你要保存出差时的所有单据。

    You have to pay out of your own pocket, so save all the receipts from your business trip.

  14. 经理在考察了我们的财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  15. 经理在考察了我们得财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  16. 进口商不需要预垫资金, 或仅需垫付较短时间得资金。

    Importers do not need to advance funds, or only a short time to advance funds.

  17. 进口商不需要预垫资金,或仅需垫付较短时间的资金。

    Importers do not need to advance funds, or only a short time to advance funds.

  18. 目前, 病儿筛查及治疗费用均由各定点医院先行垫付。

    At present disease screening and treatment of children by the costs of the hospitals to advance.

  19. 曾经一位加入该计划农民住院了,产生的费用按比例垫付。

    Once a farmer who has joined the scheme is hospitalized, incurred costs can be reimbursed on a sliding scale.


  1. 问:垫付拼音怎么拼?垫付的读音是什么?垫付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫付的读音是diànfù,垫付翻译成英文是 pay for somebody and expect to be repaid later...

  2. 问:垫付款拼音怎么拼?垫付款的读音是什么?垫付款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫付款的读音是diàn fù kuǎn,垫付款翻译成英文是 funds advanced

  3. 问:垫付费用拼音怎么拼?垫付费用的读音是什么?垫付费用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫付费用的读音是diàn fù fèi yòng,垫付费用翻译成英文是 out -of -pocket expenses



【垫付】 diànfù 暂时替别人付钱。 例句:在旧书摊上看到一套好书,我带的钱不够,幸好有同学替我垫付才买了下来。 英文为advanced。 例句:money advanced for sb. to be paid back later。 暂替别人代付钱款等

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