


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:diào bō








  1. 调唆挑拨。

    元 关汉卿 《金线池》第一折:“俺再在女孩儿根前调拨他,等他两个不和,訕起脸来,那时另接一个富家郎。”《封神演义》第六七回:“奸舌利齿,妄为是非,调拨士卒,互相争斗,致乱行伍,此为刁军;犯者斩。”《红楼梦》第九回:“﹝ 贾蔷 ﹞走至后面,悄悄把跟 宝玉 书童 茗烟 叫至身边,如此这般,调拨他几句。”

  2. 点拨;指点。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·晚霞》:“但闻鼓鉦喤聒,诸院皆响。既而诸院皆息。姥恐 阿端 不能即嫺,独絮絮调拨之。而 阿端 一过,殊已了了。”

  3. 调动分拨。

    《水浒传》第二十回:“且説 济州 府尹点差团练使 黄安 ,并本府捕盗官一员,带领一千餘人,拘刷本处船隻,就 石碣村 湖荡调拨。”《儒林外史》第四三回:“调拨已定,往前进发。” 刘绍棠 《鹧鸪天》二:“我看不如(把汽车)调拨到大学或科研单位。”



  1. Is it a government policy to allow its departments to transfer resources to one another in an underhand manner?

  2. While Cleopatra did provide quite a few ships from the Egyptian Navy, the number of non-marine Egyptian soldiers was quite limited.

  3. Already the Bank Group is mobilizing significant financing through the Climate Investment Funds.

  4. If government departments may employ one another's resources, what is the point of preparing Budgets?

  5. There will also have to be a significant reallocation of resources from domestic consumption to tradeable goods manufacturing.

  6. But Europe is not a state and any hint of a transfer union is anathema to Germany and others.

  7. A quickly concocted loan, guaranteed by the government for up to 28 days, allowed the brokerage to open its doors that morning.

  8. These two commitments do not necessarily mean the creation of new clusters or special programmes, or a reallocation of funds.

  9. Council had to modify its work schedule and redirect resources in the light of major external issues thrust upon it .


  1. 接收调拨间

    tail house.

  2. 烟叶的调拨

    allocation of leaf tobacco.

  3. 材料调拨单

    material appropriation sheet.

  4. 商品调拨计划

    commodity allocation plan.

  5. 动态优化调拨

    dynamic optimal allotment.

  6. 补偿资金调拨

    compensatory financial transfer.

  7. 物资调拨平衡

    balanced transfer of materials and goods.

  8. 资金调拨支出。

    Expenditure on allocated and transe.

  9. 物资的统一调拨

    material allocation scheme

  10. 调拨款项购置图书

    allocate funds for books

  11. 电子资金调拨系统

    electronic funds transfer

  12. 一收购统一调拨

    state purchase and allocation on a monopoly basis

  13. 商业内部调拨价格

    transfer prices among commercial enterprises

  14. 跨国公司内部调拨价格

    Transfer price of transnational corporation

  15. 目前木材是调拨供应。

    Timber is under allocation at present.

  16. 他开始调拨频率键盘。

    He manipulated the frequency dial of the radio.

  17. 像库存调拨单, 购物申请单,

    such as stores requisition, purchase requisition

  18. 全国汇兑资金清算调拨系统

    System for Accounting and Allocation of National Remittance Fund

  19. 提高盐运质量确保调拨安全

    Advanced the Quality of Salt Transportations for Safe Distributions

  20. 国家给他们调拨了大量化肥。

    The state allotted them large quantities of chemical fertilizer.

  21. 对跨国内部调拨价格的分析。

    Allocate the analysis of the price to the multinational inner part.

  22. 机车配件调拨综合管理信息系统

    Comprehensive Management Information System of Machinery Fittings Allotting

  23. 政府保证调拨更多资源用于教育。

    The government has promised to free up more resources for education.

  24. 正在调拨更多的资源给这个项目。

    More resources are being allocated to the project.

  25. 他的收音机永远调拨在无线电1 台上。

    His radio is permanently tuned to Radio 1.

  26. 装备动态优化调拨系统体系结构研究

    Systematic Design on the System of Equipments Dynamic Optimal Allotment Based on Agent

  27. 人道主义事务协调厅调拨了紧急赠款。

    The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs allocated an emergency grant.

  28. 烟叶、复烤烟叶的调拨必须签订合同。

    A contract must be concluded for any allocation of leaf tobacco or redried leaf tobacco.

  29. 电子资金调拨的运用对公司越来越重要。

    EFT applications are increasingly important for companies.

  30. 与长春总公司协调资金调拨, 现金流预测

    Work with FCAS Changchun for cash planning and cash forecast


  1. 问:调拨拼音怎么拼?调拨的读音是什么?调拨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调拨的读音是diàobō,调拨翻译成英文是 send

  2. 问:调拨单拼音怎么拼?调拨单的读音是什么?调拨单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调拨单的读音是diào bō dān,调拨单翻译成英文是 requisition note

  3. 问:调拨人员拼音怎么拼?调拨人员的读音是什么?调拨人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调拨人员的读音是diào bō rén yuán,调拨人员翻译成英文是 K-BALL Cannibalize

  4. 问:调拨价格拼音怎么拼?调拨价格的读音是什么?调拨价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调拨价格的读音是tiáo bō jià gé,调拨价格翻译成英文是 allocated price

  5. 问:调拨物品库存状况报告拼音怎么拼?调拨物品库存状况报告的读音是什么?调拨物品库存状况报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调拨物品库存状况报告的读音是diào bō wù pǐn kù cún zhuàng kuàng bào gào,调拨物品库存状况报告翻译成英文是 Active Item Stock Status Report




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