


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……


1. 薄 [báo]2. 薄 [bó]3. 薄 [bò]薄 [báo]厚度小的:~片。~饼。冷淡,不热情:~待。味道淡:~酒。土地不肥沃:~田。薄 [bó]义同(一),用于合成词或成语,如“厚薄”,“浅薄”,“尖嘴薄舌”等。轻微,少:~礼。……



汉语拼音:qiǎn bó










  1. 肤浅。多指人的学识、修养等。

    《荀子·非相》:“智行浅薄,曲直有以相县矣。”《汉书·公孙弘传》:“愚臣浅薄,安敢比材於 周公 !” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·雅量》:“ 王生 自负,怒曰:‘吾诚浅薄,与 夏侯孜 同年乎?’不悦而去。” 田北湖 《与某生论韩文书》:“夫事理不辨,学理不精,发为文章,已弗能达,况根柢浅薄,有文无质哉?” 老舍 《不成问题的问题》:“他觉得这样的败退,并不是因为自己的浅薄虚伪,而是因为他的本领出众。”

  2. 鄙薄,简慢。

    《韩非子·亡徵》:“见大利而不趋,闻祸端而不备,浅薄於争守之事,而务以仁义自饰者,可亡也。” 陈奇猷 集释:“浅薄,简慢也。”

  3. 浇薄;轻浮。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·为人者天》:“好仁厚而恶浅薄,就善人而远僻鄙,则心悦矣。”《后汉书·皇后纪上·和熹邓皇后》:“时俗浅薄,巧伪滋生。” 北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·秦太上君寺》:“ 齐 土之民,风俗浅薄,虚论高谈,专在荣利。” 宋 文天祥 《跋<吕元吉先人介轩记>后》:“风气浅薄,其能刻厉矫揉以窃毅然丈夫之名者,已不多见。”

  4. 轻微;微薄。

    《三国志·吴志·吴主传》“此言之诚,有如 大江 ” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“虽致命虏廷,梟获 关羽 ,功效浅薄,未报万一。”《水浒传》第一一○回:“ 宋江 叹口气道:‘想我八字浅薄,命运蹇滞。’” 清 蒋士铨 《临川梦·拒弋》:“自知福命浅薄,平生无此妄想。” 陈登科 《活人塘》十四:“ 孙在涛 捧着一块长方形的油皮纸封的纸包……走向铺边,深深一躬:‘老弟,浅薄得很,以表寸心。’”



  1. Absence diminish little passion and Increase great one , just as the wind blow out a candle and fan a fire .


  2. But in the beginning, his knowledge was as poor as his thoughts were shallow, so he ran into snags and was foiled everywhere.


  3. He usually told which people he did not like, made malicious jokes about their, in his opinion, odd ways or shallow questions.


  4. "That I should have been blinded, " said Quilp, looking contemptuously at him, "by a mere shallow gambler! "


  5. Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.


  6. An MBA, completed in 1997, "opened my eyes to how much I didn't know as a reasonably senior manager, " says Mr Ashurst.


  7. And I try to say funny or profound things like, "Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot. "


  8. Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, just as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire.


  9. It's the kind of simplified generalization that tends to be made by an individual with a shallow understanding of a language and a culture.


  1. 浅薄的头脑

    a shallow mind.

  2. 浅薄的喜剧

    A yeasty comedy.

  3. 浅薄的情趣

    brittle gayness.

  4. 浅薄的议论

    shallow argument.

  5. 浅薄的志向

    jerkwater notions.

  6. 浅薄和献媚

    trivial and Kitsch.

  7. 浅薄的论据

    trumpery arguments.

  8. 浅薄的谈话

    a frothy conversation.

  9. 浅薄含水层

    shallow and thin aquifer.

  10. 轻浮的。浅薄的。空洞的

    A frothy mixture of eggs and milk

  11. 浅薄的法国轻喜剧

    A frothy French farce.

  12. 我的经历浅薄幼稚

    My experience was limited and underfed

  13. 轻浮浅薄的浪漫小说

    frothy romantic novels

  14. 我没那么浅薄与下作。

    I'm not that shallow and creepy.

  15. 她的个性相当浅薄。

    She has a rather shallow personality.

  16. 电视糊弄人的浅薄无聊。

    The mesmerizing inanity of television.

  17. 没有友谊的爱情是浅薄的。

    Love without friendship is shallow.

  18. 他的论点显得浅薄乏味。

    His arguments seemed shallow and tedious.

  19. 这样浅薄的议论没有价值。

    Such shallow argument is of no value.

  20. 浅薄的作家, 议论, 交谈, 书。

    a shallow writer, argument, conversation, book

  21. 有人说我有点浅薄。

    Some might say I am a bit shallow.

  22. 既不博学亦不浅薄的人

    Someone who is neither a highbrow nor a lowbrow

  23. 但是他的分析太浅薄了。

    But his analysis is too shallow.

  24. 我得目标会如此浅薄吗?

    Are my purposes wont to be so shallow?

  25. 我的目标会如此浅薄吗?

    Are my purposes wont to be so shallow?

  26. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。

    It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.

  27. 所有这些的,渺小,浅薄,空洞。

    The pettiness, the shallowness, the emptiness of all this.

  28. 所有这些得,渺小,浅薄,空洞。

    The pettiness, the shallowness, the emptiness of all this.

  29. 许多是沙质或是非常浅薄。

    Many are sandy or very shallow.

  30. 他的历史知识很浅薄。

    He has a very meagre knowledge of history.


  1. 问:浅薄拼音怎么拼?浅薄的读音是什么?浅薄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅薄的读音是qiǎnbó,浅薄翻译成英文是 superficial

  2. 问:浅薄的拼音怎么拼?浅薄的的读音是什么?浅薄的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅薄的的读音是,浅薄的翻译成英文是 dilettante

  3. 问:浅薄沙珊瑚拼音怎么拼?浅薄沙珊瑚的读音是什么?浅薄沙珊瑚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅薄沙珊瑚的读音是qiǎnbóshāshānhú,浅薄沙珊瑚翻译成英文是 Psammocora superficialis



“浅薄”是个多义词,它可以指浅薄(汉语词汇), 浅薄(2010年中信出版社出版图书)。

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