


替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……





汉语拼音:dài yán rén







  1. 代表某方面发表言论的人。

    邹韬奋 《萍踪忆语》一九:“就以上所谈到的大概情形,可以看到 美国 的新闻事业显然分为两大阵营:一方面是资产阶级的代言人,一方面是劳工阶级的代言人。” 巴金 《作家要有勇气,文艺要有法制》:“文艺家究竟是作人民的代言人,还是作‘长官意志’的传声筒?作传声筒,当然比较保险,但是,你就失去了人民的信任;作人民忠实的代言人,有危险,可能挨到棍子,但是尽了责任。”



  1. In the traditional environment, the source credibility is usually used in assessment of advertising spokesperson.


  2. If you own your own company, you will be the best spokesperson for yourself. No one will be able to sell your ideas better than you!


  3. It was her first ever advertising campaign as a model and also led to a three-year contract to be the face of Hudson Jeans.


  4. As the spokesperson of these brands, LiXi with a butterfly tattoo on left side of face is sparkling, and leaves a deep impression to us.


  5. Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator.


  6. Hi, I'm Bob. I'm the spokesperson for the Coca-Cola Company. I'm here today to ask you to continue buying Cokes.


  7. Medvedev showed his willingness to continue to perform this role should Mr. Putin choose to leave him in the Kremlin.


  8. He did not deserve to be the spokesperson for this competition because he has set a very bad example to weight loss.


  9. Folks, what I want to tell you is something I've never seen nor been a part of in my entire life of net surfing or entrepreneurship.


  1. 形象代言人

    image speaker.

  2. 闯荡形象代言人江湖

    The World of Fashion Spokesman

  3. 是我喜欢的代言人。

    I like the endorser.

  4. 眼睛是爱情的代言人。

    Are the spokesmen on behalf of love.

  5. 律师作为当事人的代言人。

    A lawyer acts on behalf of his client.

  6. 他选朋友为他的代言人。

    He chose his friend to act as his spokesman.

  7. 他选朋友为他的代言人。

    He chose his friend to act as his spokesman.

  8. 你是未来医学的代言人

    Don't you want that face to be twitchfree?

  9. 波塞冬在世间的代言人

    Poseidon's voice on Earth.

  10. 波塞冬在世间的代言人。

    Poseidon's voice on Earth.

  11. 我们让琼斯做我们得代言人。

    We'll have Jones as our spokesman.

  12. 我们让琼斯做我们的代言人。

    We'll have Jones as our spokesman.

  13. 比如代言人, 通过他表达观点

    one, such as a spokesperson, through whom views are expressed

  14. 企业需要什么样的形象代言人

    What kind of figure spokesman does the enterprise want

  15. 我来当你的代言人,老爸

    I'll be your poster child, dad.

  16. 我想让你做我们的代言人。

    I mean you to work as our spokesman.

  17. 不仅仅要成为姚明的代言人。

    That this was not just him being a mouthpiece for Yao ming.

  18. 你们都别吭声, 让我来做代言人。

    You all keep quiet and let me do the talking.

  19. 品牌形象代言人的作用及其选择策略

    On the Functions and the Selection Strategies of Brand Image Spokesman.

  20. 当好海河代言人管好入河排污口

    To be a competent spokesperson of the Haihe River Basin, better governance of pollution discharge orifices

  21. 你想不想成为迪纳哥新的代言人?

    How'd you like to become the new face of dinoco?

  22. 事实是,你是弱者,而我是邪恶的代言人。

    The truth is, you're the weak and I'm the tyranny of evil men.

  23. 她还是知名化妆品品牌欧莱雅的代言人。

    She is also the spokesperson for L'Oreal.

  24. 我们是毁灭者在此星上的代言人。

    We are the destroyer's agents on this plane.

  25. 该由诸神和他们的代言人来判断。

    It is for the gods and those who speak for them.

  26. 女代言人运动或事业的女性主要发言人

    The chief spokeswoman of a movement or cause.

  27. 他很受欢迎。一个代言人是必要的。

    And they loved him. You need a symbol of something.

  28. 他是唯美主义的实践者和代言人。

    He is the practical writer of aestheticism and the spokesman of it.

  29. 我们何不请来最红的名模做代言人。

    Why don't we get the most popular supermodel to be the spokesperson ?

  30. 品牌代言人法律地位的确定对我们的启示。

    Fourth, our enlightenment In determination of brand spokesman's legal status.


  1. 问:代言人拼音怎么拼?代言人的读音是什么?代言人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代言人的读音是dàiyánrén,代言人翻译成英文是 spokesperson



“代言人”是个多义词,它可以指代言人(品牌策略), 代言人(萧亚轩演唱歌曲)。

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