




1. 爽 [shuǎng]爽 [shuǎng]明朗,清亮:~目。轻松,利落:清~。凉~。~口。痛快,率(shuài )直:~朗。~快。~利。豪~。直~。差失,违背:~信。~约(失约)。毫厘不~。屡试不~。干脆,索性:~性。舒服:~心。~意。……



汉语拼音:zhí shuǎng








  1. 直截痛快。

  2. 指言行坦率、爽朗。

    《老残游记》第十六回:“我看你人很直爽,所招的一丝不错。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第二幕:“这一点我很明白。我知道你是个知书达礼的人,一看就看出是个直爽人。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十章:“她觉得 罗大方 这个人挺直爽,一见面就很关心别人的生活。”



  1. It was I, " said a sailor of a Frank and manly appearance " and it was time, for you were sinking.


  2. Words can be very direct, very straightforward person, better than hypocrisy.


  3. From then on, I began to collect all his informations and learnt that he was free with others and active too.


  4. He is a straight shooting man caught up in the politics of a crooked little town.


  5. Mother is democratic, the child's character is independent, candid, cooperation and friendly, sociality and creative.


  6. Frank does not flow in vulgarly , helps the human warm-heartedly, caused me to obtain the good personal connection.


  7. Lena Mae is an upfront, straight professional, and she's doing her part for the war effort.


  8. Cheerily, with bluff good humor, careful not to give offense to his guests, he called out.


  9. Ed Koch, an outspoken former mayor of New York, thinks Democrats should not take the Jewish vote for granted.


  1. 纯洁直爽的姑娘

    a dewy maiden

  2. 她说话直爽。

    She has a direct way of speaking.

  3. 他是个直爽的人。

    He is a downright sort of person.

  4. 他看来那么直爽,那么温厚。

    He looked so bright and gentle.

  5. 性格直爽,说话容易伤人。

    Candid, talk easy character hurts.

  6. 他是那种直爽的人。

    He is a downright sort of person.

  7. 对坦白或直爽公开承认

    make no bones about To be forthright and candid about acknowledge freely.

  8. 她直爽的说话风格令人钦佩。

    She was admired for her plain speaking.

  9. 我总觉得她很坦诚直爽。

    Ve always found her direct and open.

  10. 他是一个我欣赏的直爽的人。

    He is a blunt man who I admire.

  11. 这就是我为直爽而付的代价。

    The price I pay for being me.

  12. 经理是个直爽人,待我很好。

    The director was a square guy and treated me right.

  13. 她是直爽的!她什么都告诉我了。

    She was quite frank with me, and she's told me everything.

  14. 你们要知道,他这人真直爽得不得了。

    He was terribly downright, you know.

  15. 用于表示佩服她们的朝气, 直爽和能干

    Used admiringly to express their strength, straightforwardness and crackajack

  16. 你知道我是一个直爽的人,你说吧。

    You know I'm a foursquare person, just tell me.

  17. 埃莉, 来自北伦敦, 她的做法更直爽。

    Ellie, from North London, is much more blunt in her approach.

  18. 我妻子是一个直爽的人,请随意吧。

    My life is an open book, just look for yourself.

  19. 她那天真直爽的态度叫他觉得安心。

    Her direct simplicity put him at his ease.

  20. 他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。

    He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

  21. 他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。

    He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

  22. 说话时可以很直接,人很直爽,总比虚伪好。

    Words can be very direct, very straightforward person, better than hypocrisy.

  23. 射手随性,直爽是你的风格。因此,没有人比你更。

    Royal purple and midnightblueare your best colors.

  24. 北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。

    The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.

  25. 北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。

    The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.

  26. 达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚,坦白直爽。

    Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness.

  27. 她性格中不同寻常之处是她又为人直爽,却又小心谨慎。

    The anomaly in her personality is that she is both outgoing and circumspect.

  28. 如果你直接去找你亲爱的,那么你就是个很直爽的人了。

    If you went and got your loved one yourself, then you are pretty direct.

  29. 他是个坦率而体格粗壮的人, 说话直爽, 眼中流露神采。

    A bluff, beefy man, he didnt mince his words, but there was a twinkle in his eye.

  30. 直爽而不流于粗俗, 热心助人, 使我获得了绝佳得人缘。

    Frank does not flow in vulgarly, helps the human warmheartedly, caused me to obtain the good personal connection.


  1. 问:直爽拼音怎么拼?直爽的读音是什么?直爽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直爽的读音是zhíshuǎng,直爽翻译成英文是 forthright

  2. 问:直爽的拼音怎么拼?直爽的的读音是什么?直爽的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:直爽的的读音是,直爽的翻译成英文是 chaste




拼音:zhí shuǎng 英文:forth right 词义: 形容人的性格很直 做事很干脆 就是一个人无论做事还是干什么 都什么爽快 说话做事利落 不拖拖拉拉

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