







汉语拼音:fāng xīn






  1. 指花蕊。俗称花心。

    宋 苏轼 《岐亭道上见梅花戏赠季常》诗:“数枝残緑风吹尽,一点芳心雀啅开。” 金 元好问 《同儿辈赋未开海棠》:“爱惜芳心莫轻吐,且教桃李闹春风。” 明 韩洽 《雪下红》诗:“芳心良独苦,谁谓不知寒。”

  2. 指女子的情怀。

    唐 李白 《古风》之四九:“美人出南国,灼灼芙蓉姿。皓齿终不发,芳心空自持。” 宋 欧阳修 《蝶恋花》词:“照影摘花花似面,芳心只共丝争乱。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺五·徐氏》:“窗外芭蕉点点,做尽凄切,禁不住芳心欲折。” 茅盾 《子夜》六:“那还不是一定要引起公园中各式各样的女性,狷介的,忧郁的,多情善感的青年女郎,对于他的美丽僵尸洒一掬同情之泪,至少要使她们的芳心跳动?”



  1. And I'm going to go to this woman to see if I could win her heart. . .


  2. Men would stop by with wild berries, ice cream, truck parts and bullets to see if I was up for courting.


  3. There's nothing like an interest in common to start a friendship, but a man's got to see further than a fish bowl to win a girl's heart.


  4. As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man.


  5. Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice.


  6. Famously, he successfully courted his future wife, Michelle, by taking her to an organizing training session in a church basement.


  7. Jane's boyfriend is always proposing marriage to her on her occasion or another, but he has never managed to win her heart.


  8. When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits and hobbies.


  9. Only the little blacksmith's heart was full of hope for he finally had a chance to win the hand of the Princess.


  1. 他以勇敢赢得芳心无数。

    He won many hearts by his gallantry.

  2. 我完成了使命,赢得芳心。

    I finished my quest, I got the girl.

  3. 那家伙俘获了你的芳心

    That man gets a hold of your heart.

  4. 然后设法打动织女的芳心。

    On his way out to lunch, Mr. Cunningham stops at Mr. Weavers office.

  5. 就是我赢得你芳心的时刻。

    Was when I won your heart.

  6. 芳心既许, 永矢不变

    once a girl has attached herself to one man, she must be faithful to him forever regardless of all circumstances

  7. 只有你赢得她芳心,记得吗?

    You were the one that tooj her home, remember that.

  8. 他教授如何成功赢得女人芳心。

    He teaches how to succeed with women.

  9. 他教授如何成功赢得女人芳心。

    He teaches how to succeed with women.

  10. 我怎样才能赢得女孩的芳心?

    How can I win the girl's heart?

  11. 对别人芳心暗许的姑娘的人

    for the girl who's still in love with someone else.

  12. 聆听我得歌曲,你将识我芳心。

    You'll know who am by the songs that I sing.

  13. 聆听我的歌曲,你将识我芳心。

    You'll know who am by the songs that I sing.

  14. 我来赢取阿里阿德涅的芳心。

    I'm here to win the heart of ariadne.

  15. 我来赢取阿里阿德涅的芳心。

    I'm here to win the heart of ariadne.

  16. 他总是瞎吹他如何能赢得女子芳心。

    He's always shooting his mouth off about his success with women.

  17. 那青年想获取那位漂亮姑娘的芳心。

    The young man shines up to the pretty girl.

  18. 他很得意自己芳心猎手这一名声。

    He is proud of his reputation as a seducer of young women.

  19. 他费尽心思才得到了她的芳心。

    He wormed himself into her heart.

  20. 这两个男人都想博得她的芳心。

    The two men competed for her attention.

  21. 这两个男人都想博得她的芳心。

    The two men competed for her attention.

  22. 他的眼睛捕获了很多女孩的芳心。

    His eyes caught many girls' hearts.

  23. 听说它被寂寞芳心男孩偷走了。

    We hear it may have been stolen by lonely boy.

  24. 他说他未能得到那位女孩的芳心。

    He said he found no favour in that girl's eyes.

  25. 我到底要怎麽做,才能赢得你的芳心?

    What I gotta do to make you love me.

  26. 低沉的男性嗓音是打开女性芳心的钥匙?

    Is a deep, masculine voice the key to a womans heart?

  27. 他对赢得她的芳心不抱任何希望。

    He had a cat's chance in hell of winning her heart.

  28. 他对赢得她的芳心不抱任何希望。

    He had a cat's chance in hell of winning her heart.

  29. 阿拉丁, 你已经赢得了公主的芳心。

    Aladdin, you've just won the heart of the princess.

  30. 我希望能赢得她的芳心, 娶她做新娘。

    I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.


  1. 问:芳心拼音怎么拼?芳心的读音是什么?芳心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芳心的读音是fāngxīn,芳心翻译成英文是 the heart of a young woman; the affection of...





【拼音】 fāngxīn

【英译】 [feelings of a young woman]

【基本解释】指女子的心境 详细解释芳心,本意为具有香气的花蕊,引申为美好的心灵和情感。牡丹,被称为"国色天香",以其硕大的花瓣、摇曳的花姿、艳丽的花色、天然的花香,赢得了世人的喜好,是"富贵"的象征。其实牡丹之美不仅在外表,更在于其内在的精神气质,它不嫌贫爱富,不向权贵献媚,只要客观条件符合生长的需要,它就会依着本心无忧无虑地自由生长,发芽、抽枝、长叶、开花,把自己的美丽和芳香毫无保留地奉献给人间。因此有诗称赞牡丹说“国色天香人咏尽,芳心独抱有谁知?”这里“芳心”比喻美好的心灵。又因为人们常常把美貌的女人比做鲜花,所以用“芳心”一词来比喻她们内心美好的感情。人类最美好的感情是纯真的爱情,于是“芳心”一词如今就成了女人爱情的专有代名词。

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