




1. 呢 [ní]2. 呢 [ne]呢 [ní]一种毛织物:~子。~绒。毛~。呢 [ne]助词,用在句末(a.表示疑问,如“你干什么~?”b.表示确定的语气,如“他没来~”。c.表示动作正在进行,如“我正吃饭~”。d.使句子略停顿一下,如“……



汉语拼音:huā ní






  1. 指表面起条、格、点等花纹的一类毛织品。



  1. The Hollywood version of me: a young starlet with impossibly shiny hair and a tweed blazer.


  2. She's a dark-haired girl with brown eyes and she's dressed in a blue tweed skirt and a white blouse.


  3. Where can we buy some of these peonies with such a venerable bloodline?


  4. One person might understand casual to mean khakis and a sports jacket. Another might think it means a pair of jeans and tank tops. . .


  5. Y: Of MY tulips? I brought those in here to brighten the place up, not for you to eat! And who eats flowers anyway?


  6. Sarah: How much do you want to spend?


  7. In an age mildly embarrassed by the royal males' enthusiasm for wearing tweed and killing wildlife, her middle-class origins are a plus.


  8. I saw him looking closely at the colors in the tweed. They seemed to fascinate him, so again I gave him my jacket.


  9. A herringbone tweed jacket in brown, blue or gray: Tweed is the easiest and most classic way for a man to bring color into his wardrobe.


  1. 我穿着我的花呢套装。

    I was wearing my tweed suit.

  2. 花呢。花式套头衣料

    fancy suiting

  3. 他们身上还带着花呢。

    And they are all wearing flowers too.

  4. 为什么萨莉不应该摘那些花呢

    Why must n't Sally pick the flowers

  5. 玛莎穿着一件花呢厚大衣。

    Martha was wearing a heavy tweed coat.

  6. 玛莎穿著一件花呢厚大衣。

    Martha was wearing a heavy tweed coat.

  7. 玫瑰花。夜贼为什么要拿花呢?

    Roses. Why does a burglar take flowers?

  8. 精纺粗做花呢的设计与开发

    Design and development of woollenworsted fancy fabric

  9. 假如你有一百万镑 你怎麽花呢?

    Suppose you had a million pounds how would you spend it?

  10. 莎拉那你打算花多少钱买花呢?

    Sarah How much do you want to spend.

  11. 知道吗?,好多女人从未收过花呢?

    Do you know how many girls never get flowers?

  12. 小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民。

    The pub was full of tweedy farmers.

  13. 衣料采用花呢等毛织物及棉织物

    Material the use of wool fabric and cotton fabrics such as Tweed

  14. 我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。

    I bought a skirt length of tweed.

  15. 这50亿怎么花呢, 马云是肯定计划好了。

    This is how 5, 000, 000, 000 tweed, Ma is definitely a good plan.

  16. 查理一世在位的时候人们种些什么花呢?

    What flowers grew in the reign of Charles the First?

  17. 去看看厨房的地板上,靠门的地方有些花呢。

    Go look on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the door.

  18. 每个人心里都开着花呢,一朵一朵得,可漂亮了。

    There are beautiful flowers in the heart of everyone.

  19. 每个人心里都开着花呢,一朵一朵的,可漂亮了。

    There are beautiful flowers in the heart of everyone.

  20. 美国北部使用的一种非常正式的,厚厚的格子花呢毯子。

    a thick plaid blanket formerly used in NW US.

  21. 这家饭店里满是些少年老古董,穿着花呢上衣,抽着烟斗。

    The restaurant was full of young fogeys wearing tweed jackets and smoking pipes.

  22. 她非常轻地靠在他的肩上, 脸颊贴着富有弹性的花呢。

    She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.

  23. 萨克福羊的毛有7到8厘米长,大约26微米用于针织,编织品和花呢。

    The fleece of the Suffolk is seven to eight centimeters in length and of about 24 microns and is used for hosiery, knitting yarns and tweeds.

  24. 但是你能在监狱里花多少呢, 基恩?

    But how much can you spend in Parkhurst or the Scrubs, Gene ?

  25. 他每个月的工资还不够他自己花的呢。

    The monthly salary that he earns is not enough for his own spending.

  26. 那要花多少钱呢

    Then how much did it cost

  27. 一共要花几多钱呢?

    How much will all this cost

  28. 胸膜炎得治疗大概要花多少钱呢

    How many money should the cure of pleurisy spend probably

  29. 房子造好后装修要花多少钱呢

    After the house is built, how much will it cost to decorate

  30. 但是, 它可能会将钱花在何处呢?

    But what might it spend that money on?


  1. 问:花呢拼音怎么拼?花呢的读音是什么?花呢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花呢的读音是huāní,花呢翻译成英文是 tweed

  2. 问:花呢格纹拼音怎么拼?花呢格纹的读音是什么?花呢格纹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花呢格纹的读音是,花呢格纹翻译成英文是 Tartan

  3. 问:花呢选项拼音怎么拼?花呢选项的读音是什么?花呢选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花呢选项的读音是huā ní xuǎn xiàng,花呢选项翻译成英文是 tweed option



花呢(fancy suiting),采用起花方式织制而成的一类毛织物。

ancy suiting),采用起花方式织制而成的一类毛织物。

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