


给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……





汉语拼音:jiù jí







  1. 解救危急。

    汉 刘向 《新序·节士》:“辅君安国非为身也,救急除害非为名也。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“微解药性,小小和合,居家得以救急,亦为胜事。” 孙犁 《秀露集·乡里旧闻》:“春天的麦苗,也可以救急。”



  1. Pour yourself one cup of skim milk. Believe it or not, milk has enough fast-acting sugar to help you out in a hypoglycemic jam.


  2. It would be a great mistake to use an emergency to justify a permanent expansion of government .


  3. Golkar, Suharto's own party, had been haranguing Ms Mulyani for months, accusing her of malfeasance in bailing out a private bank in 2008.


  4. Recommendations are: to distinguish the reasons for borrowing money, in the case of emergency (medical, life-saving) should help.


  5. The system is powered by a 12-volt receiver and a 12-volt transmitter that can be recharged from the mains or an emergency vehicle.


  6. The foreign banks that dominate Mexico's financial system stopped lending , as they shored up their balance-sheets at home .


  7. He has notes to help him when the memory is not enough to use.


  8. The rescue involved inserting a narrow ladder into the elevator from above, through the emergency hatch, Captain Melvin said.


  9. Worried that the temperature would drop considerably at night, local Tzu Chi volunteers brought victims blankets and aid packages.


  1. 救急制动器

    accident brake.

  2. 救急行军散

    Jiuji xingjun Powder.

  3. 救急呼吸器

    emergency breathing apparatus.

  4. 他的救急大麻

    His emergency weed.

  5. 海上救急船

    sea boat

  6. 摘几个钱救急

    borrow some money to meet an urgent need

  7. 救急不救穷

    One may give financial aid to others in an emergency, but should not do so if they are perennially in need of money.

  8. 用直升机运送救急物资

    to helicopter the life goods

  9. 有一台救急的发电机备用

    Have an emergency generator ready

  10. 救急球是很危险的。

    It was fatal to run after a fast ball.

  11. 谢谢你最后一刻来救急。

    Thanks a lot for coming at the last minute like that.

  12. 还有我找不到救急大麻了

    And I can't find my emergency weed.

  13. 应带备急救箱, 以作救急之用。

    A first aid kIt'should be brought along for emergency purpose.

  14. 你们支援我们这些材料, 可真救急了。

    You gave us this material just when we needed it most.

  15. 对此救急之举,很少人持有异议。

    To this help sb to deal with an emergency lift, demur of hold of very few person.

  16. 演出期间出现空场主持人就得出来救急。

    If a player does not appear during the performance, the compere should come out to relieve the emergency.

  17. 演出期间出现空场主持人就得出来救急。

    If a player does not appear during the performance, the compere should come out to relieve the emergency.

  18. 剧院面临着倒闭,除非有大笔救急现金投入。

    The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.

  19. 目得建立救急行军散得薄层色谱鉴别项目。

    Objective To a TLC identification method of Jiujixingjun Powder.

  20. 摘要目得建立救急行军散得薄层色谱鉴别项目。

    Objective To establish a TLC identification method of Jiujixingjun Powder.

  21. 为解决经费问题, 左宗棠只好奏请惜洋款救急。

    To address the problem of funding had petitioned Xi Yang Tso emergency section.

  22. 救急物资送到最偏僻的村庄要再花上一周。

    The dispersion of emergency supplies to the remotest villages will take another week.

  23. 络合滴定法测定救急行军制剂中的硫化汞含量

    Determination of Mercury Sulfide in March Preparations for Emergency Treatment by Complexometric Titration

  24. 摘要目的建立救急行军散的薄层色谱鉴别项目。

    Objective To establish a TLC identification method of Jiujixingjun Powder.

  25. 怎样在一个月内把晒黑的皮肤变白啊?救急啊!

    How to bleach suntanned skin inside a month Help sb to deal with an emergency! ! !

  26. 想要证明救急措施将导致政府的无限扩张是大错特错的。

    It would be a great mistake to use an emergency to justify a permanent expansion of government.

  27. 如今, 终于终于, 我有了自己真正的救急钱, 一笔现金储备。

    Now, at last, I'm finally building a real emergency fund, a cash reserve.

  28. 除了救急救难,还要经常将神圣意念回向给他人。

    Automatically transmitting Divine Will rather than trying to save people.

  29. 血液透析抢救急慢性肾衰竭合并高钾血症123例临床分析

    The clinical analysis for 123 cases applying hemodialysis rescue acute or chronic renal failure patients complicated with hyperkalemia


  1. 问:救急拼音怎么拼?救急的读音是什么?救急翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急的读音是jiùjí,救急翻译成英文是 to help meet an urgent need; to help cope wit...

  2. 问:救急衣物拼音怎么拼?救急衣物的读音是什么?救急衣物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急衣物的读音是jiù jí yī wù,救急衣物翻译成英文是 emergency clothing

  3. 问:救急贷款拼音怎么拼?救急贷款的读音是什么?救急贷款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急贷款的读音是jiù jí dài kuǎn,救急贷款翻译成英文是 stand-by credit

  4. 问:救急食物拼音怎么拼?救急食物的读音是什么?救急食物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急食物的读音是jiù jí shí wù,救急食物翻译成英文是 emergency food

  5. 问:救急不救穷拼音怎么拼?救急不救穷的读音是什么?救急不救穷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急不救穷的读音是Jiù jí bú jiù qióng,救急不救穷翻译成英文是 There are too many poor people to help.; H...

  6. 问:救急口粮包拼音怎么拼?救急口粮包的读音是什么?救急口粮包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急口粮包的读音是jiù jí kǒu liáng bāo,救急口粮包翻译成英文是 Survival Food Package

  7. 问:救急战队GOGOV拼音怎么拼?救急战队GOGOV的读音是什么?救急战队GOGOV翻译成英文是什么?

    答:救急战队GOGOV的读音是,救急战队GOGOV翻译成英文是 Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive



即:解救危急。《东周列国志》第二回 :“时郑伯友正在朝中,以司徒为前导,闻命大惊,急趋至骊宫奏曰:‘烟墩者,先王所设以备缓急,所以取信于诸侯。今无故举烽,是戏诸侯也。异日倘有不虞,即使举烽,诸侯必不信矣。将何物征兵以救急哉?

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