







汉语拼音:pā xià







  1. 趴伏下。

    孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·纪念》:“‘渴的厉害!’我失望的说,‘没有就算了,快趴下吧!’” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第六段:“ 援 朝大队的工人插在当间,见了照明弹,有人想趴下。”

  2. 倒下。

    孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第五章:“ 黑老蔡 眼明手快,兜屁股一枪打去,他就在房门口趴下,不动了。” 谌容 《褪色的信》二:“才干一天,就快趴下了,那点出息!”



  1. Get a comfy seat with plenty of padding and shock absorbency, and dropped handlebars that allow you to drop down in windy conditions.


  2. Back home, she knocks me down with a roundhouse, puts her boot on the back of my neck and executes me with a bullet to the back of the head.


  3. In case of an air attack, low down and creep quickly to the nearest bomb shelter.


  4. Immediately he gets down on his hands and knees. He creeps slowly along over the ice.


  5. But I think I can guess how it's happening with you. Let me just make a little test, to confirm my guess. Lie down.


  6. Any fool can see the sheep are getting away - just at the moment you're expecting him to lie down and be patted.


  7. Regular book also say with smile: "if you had not soup bag, I would have been WanJin brake pressure down. "


  8. That is why it is so dangerous to duck for cover during the attack. It was not so easy to get up again!


  9. Dogs crouches in front of the neighbor's wide-open gates, casting a meek glance at you as if they were your old friends.


  1. 趴下,趴下,快趴下!

    Down!Down!Get down!

  2. 趴下,趴下,快趴下!

    Down! Down! Get down!

  3. 迅速趴下!

    Now hit the dirt!

  4. 趴下,隐匿自由!

    Down!Occultatum Libera!

  5. 趴下,隐匿自由!

    Down! Occultatum Libera!

  6. 停止,趴下,打滚!

    Stop, drop and roll!

  7. 是克劳迪娅,趴下

    Oh, that's Claudia. Getget down!

  8. 普莱斯队长探照灯,趴下。

    Captain Price Spotlight, hit the deck.

  9. 喔, 要命趴下下士, 小心左翼。

    Oh, shit. Man. Get down! Corporal, watch your left flank !

  10. 看上去你快要累趴下了。

    it seems that you are letting things get you down.

  11. 我把你们都吓趴下了吧

    So, now that I've scared the crap out of you.

  12. 我外婆也能把你喝趴下。

    My granny can drink you under the table.

  13. 我想我说过了吧,迅速趴下

    Now I believe I told you to hit the dirt!

  14. 他并没有在这一打击下趴下。

    He did not lie prostrate under this blow.

  15. 他们一直干到快要累趴下了。

    They worked until they were fit to drop.

  16. 莉翻了个身趴下,开始晒后背。

    Leigh rolled over on her stomach to tan her back.

  17. 您为什么非要把自己累趴下呢?

    Why must you exhaust yourself?

  18. 他打开发动机盖,趴下身子查看发动机。

    He opened the hood and leaned over to look in the engine.

  19. 你要再那样我就把你揍趴下!

    Ill flatten you if you do that again!

  20. 到终点后你就该累趴下了。

    When we get to the end and you're ready to drop.

  21. 朋友,面对黑暗,站直了,别趴下。

    Friend, face the blackness, stand to keep, do not crouch down.

  22. 如果不付钱,我就把你打趴下。

    If you don't pay me, I will pound you into the ground.

  23. 工作了一整天之后,我完全累趴下了。

    After working all day, I'm plum tired.

  24. 工作了一整天之后,我完全累趴下了。

    After working all day, I'm plum tired.

  25. 她恨不得把个个人都累趴下为止。

    She expects everyone to work till they drop, ie very hard.

  26. 大家都趴下, 敌人的直升机飞过来了。

    Everybody face down, there are enemy helicopters coming over!

  27. 阿里克斯把枪给我!快点!趴下!

    Alex Give me the gun. Now! Get down!

  28. 因为他今天下午嘲笑我。我要把他打趴下。

    Because he teased me this afternoon.I have to beat him.

  29. 没人会累趴下,你不用每晚照顾她

    No one gets too exhausted, you're not on very night.

  30. 他的小狗很听话, 主人叫它趴下它就趴下。

    His dog is obedient it will lie on its stomach when its master orders.


  1. 问:趴下拼音怎么拼?趴下的读音是什么?趴下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趴下的读音是pāxià,趴下翻译成英文是 lie on one's stomach; breakdown physically o...



pā xià ㄆㄚ ㄒㄧㄚˋ 趴下

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