


察看;监管:监~。~办。~导。~察。~促。~师。~率(shuài )(亦作“督帅”)。~战。~学。责罚:~过(督察责备)。~责。古代将官名:都~。~邮。~护。总~。提~。~抚。……





汉语拼音:dū dǎo







  1. 监督指导。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第八章五:“就因为这些都是我们的朋友,所以我们才有胆量,接受中制的业务督导。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二八:“本保里是唯求 戚主任 和各位官长指示督导,他做保长的无有不切实遵行的。”



  1. This is because the driving front wheels are trying to go around the steering axis inclination pivot point with a negative scrub radius.


  2. A few days ago, a traffic warden was beaten by a group of lawyers for stopping a lawyer's motorcycle for a traffic violation on The Mall.


  3. John Tyson, the company's boss, also employs an ordained minister as an executive coach to help him wrestle with ethical questions.


  4. Toe-out on turns is not adjustable and is corrected by replacing steering arms.


  5. So far as public opinion goes, this was a grave tactical error, because voters distrust Congress and wanted Mr Obama to supervise.


  6. I was in charge of the office in a general way. I supervised three other girls and also took care of the company''s correspondence.


  7. And, I remember eating a lavish dinner with Mary Kay as she trained the Million Dollar Directors.


  8. The Steering Group first heard a report on the situation the city and with the city of AIDS Working Committee member in a meeting.


  9. As soon as more than a few inches of snow are on the ground, school superintendants must decide whether to call off school for the day.


  1. 教诲式督导

    didactic supervision.

  2. 议会督导制度

    ombudsman system

  3. 专案督导小组

    project supervision group

  4. 督导感化主任

    Supervising Probation Officer.

  5. 基本法推广督导委员会

    Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee

  6. 必须主管经常督导及催促。

    Often be supervised and hastened by supervisor.

  7. 节目委员会应督导什麽活动?

    What activities should the program committee oversee ?

  8. 学校噪音消减措施督导委员会

    Steering Committee on Noise Abatement Measures for Schools

  9. 督导各员工工作态度及礼貌。

    Supervise the work and manner of staff.

  10. 安置床位寓所住客督导小组

    Steering Group on Rehousing Bedspace Apartment Lodgers

  11. 督导是一边倒略有出来的车轮。

    Steering is by leaning slightly out of the wheel.

  12. 督导是一边倒略有出来得车轮。

    Steering is by leaning slightly out of the wheel.

  13. 督导物料的储存,装,运和发运。

    Supervise the store, packing, moving and delivery process.

  14. 关于随班就读的督导评价问题。

    Problems about assessment of Learning in Regular Class.

  15. 他正在督导我们造堡垒的工作。

    He was superintending the work on the blockhouse we were building.

  16. 坚持与时俱进观念发挥教育督导职能

    Keep up with Time, Give Full Play to the Educational Inspectors

  17. 你愿意在自我的督导下工作吗

    Do you enjoy working under your own supervision

  18. 那这个性生活督导会做什么呢?

    And what would this sexual surrogate person do?

  19. 结论应进一步加强合理用药的督导。

    There are dosage duration improper, dosage improper, pharmacological antag.

  20. 那些应该以社会督导为职业的人。

    Whose job it is to be the guardians of their society.

  21. 资金短缺使联合国无法督导救援工作。

    A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.

  22. 处事独立, 具良好督导技巧及领导才能

    Independent, good supervisory skill and leadership skill

  23. 你做事需要多大程度的监管和督导?

    How much supervision do you want or need.

  24. 提交人力资源数据分析报告并督导执行。

    Provide HR information analysis report and track the progress.

  25. 设立由福局局长担任主席的督导委员会。

    A Steering Committee chaired by SHWF will be set up.

  26. 餐厅零售店贩售商品与营运管理督导。

    Third, the supervision of the goods and management of the restaurant retail shops.

  27. 结果在改善督导响应和最优阿克曼。

    Results in improved steering response and optimal Ackerman.

  28. 其他经监视业务督导会报决议之处置。

    Other measures adopted by resolution of the Surveillance Operations Oversight Committee.

  29. 我主要的工作是督导一个大百货公司。

    My main job is overseeing a large department store.

  30. 建立护士长督导制全面提高护理质量

    Establish head nurse supervising and directing system to improve nursing quality


  1. 问:督导拼音怎么拼?督导的读音是什么?督导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:督导的读音是dūdǎo,督导翻译成英文是 superintend and guide

  2. 问:督导职责拼音怎么拼?督导职责的读音是什么?督导职责翻译成英文是什么?

    答:督导职责的读音是dū dǎo zhí zé,督导职责翻译成英文是 supervisory role

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