







汉语拼音:jiè bèi









  1. 警戒准备;警戒防备。

    《国语·晋语三》:“内谋外度,考省不倦,日考而习,戒备毕矣。” 明 张居正 《请谕戒边臣疏》:“臣看得北虏连年欵塞,目前虽若安寧,然虏情叵测,戒备宜谨。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·聂小倩》:“ 宁 感谢,问戒备之期,答以明宵。” 姚雪垠 《长夜》三八:“寨墙上的老百姓也不答话,也不放枪,带着戒备的神气偶尔探出头看看他们。”



  1. This will be changed under the war situation, did not alert the enemy, soon surrendered.


  2. He said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members.


  3. "Listen, " suddenly cried Enjolras, who was still on the watch, "it seems to me that Paris is waking up. "


  4. But China Telecom was understandably wary of any company controlled by one of its main competitors.


  5. She was frank, because she had nothing to conceal, assured because she knew of nothing to be on her guard against.


  6. The contamination is already spreading up the East Coast, so be watchful anywhere the Gulf waters may have contact with you.


  7. Although her husband has promised again and again to be faithful to her, Mary is still hard pressed to let her defenses down.


  8. Greg showed me that there was no reason to always be on your guard - that sometimes people are just being friendly.


  9. She was now absolutely alarmed and really grateful for her old lover's protection.


  1. 小心戒备着

    be careful.

  2. 戒备提防或戒备

    to be careful or on the alert

  3. 处于戒备状态

    put on the alert

  4. 无线电戒备时期

    radio alert period

  5. 全城戒备森严。

    The town is armed at all points.

  6. 戒备的心理状态

    A defense mechanism.

  7. 戒备森严的监狱

    a maximum security prison

  8. 入口处戒备森严

    the entrance was heavily guarded

  9. 入口处戒备森严

    the entrance was heavily guarded

  10. 弹药库戒备森严。

    The ammunition depot is heavily guarded.

  11. 军事重地戒备森严。

    The military area is heavily guarded.

  12. 军事重地戒备森严。

    The military area is heavily guarded.

  13. 前呼后拥,戒备森严。

    there wasa great fanfare, with people waiting on and guardsswarming all around.

  14. 进入戒备状态之信号

    ground alert

  15. 他愿意怎样戒备就怎样戒备。

    He takes what precaution he likes.

  16. 采取严密的戒备措施。

    Tight security is in force.

  17. 难怪戒备那么森严呢。

    No wonder security was so tight.

  18. 部队处於全面戒备状态。

    The troops were placed on full alert.

  19. 应严加看守, 小心戒备。

    To be kept in strict solitary confinement, and to be closely watched and guarded.

  20. 全团奉命进入阵地戒备。

    The whole regiment were ordered to stand to.

  21. 他命令士兵解除戒备状态。

    He ordered the men to stand down.

  22. 军队戒备着可能的来犯。

    Troops are on the alert against any possible aggression.

  23. 神仙世界也是戒备森严的。

    Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

  24. 现在开始黄色戒备等级宵禁。

    A yellowcoded curfew is now in effect.

  25. 他脸部带有戒备的神情。

    He wears the guard on his expression.

  26. 她整个人保持着戒备状态。

    Her whole bearing was alert.

  27. 他们已使军队进入戒备状态。

    They have put the army on the alert.

  28. 政府已让部队进入戒备状态。

    The government has put the army on alert.

  29. 我们的军队处于高度戒备状态。

    Our military is on high alert status.

  30. 整个海军都处于全面戒备状态。

    The whole navy was placed on full alert.


  1. 问:戒备拼音怎么拼?戒备的读音是什么?戒备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备的读音是jièbèi,戒备翻译成英文是 be on the alert

  2. 问:戒备的拼音怎么拼?戒备的的读音是什么?戒备的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备的的读音是,戒备的翻译成英文是 precautious

  3. 问:戒备命令拼音怎么拼?戒备命令的读音是什么?戒备命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备命令的读音是jiè bèi mìng lìng,戒备命令翻译成英文是 Alert Order

  4. 问:戒备时刻拼音怎么拼?戒备时刻的读音是什么?戒备时刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备时刻的读音是jiè bèi shí kè,戒备时刻翻译成英文是 A Hour

  5. 问:戒备森严拼音怎么拼?戒备森严的读音是什么?戒备森严翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备森严的读音是,戒备森严翻译成英文是 heavily-guarded

  6. 问:戒备水平拼音怎么拼?戒备水平的读音是什么?戒备水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备水平的读音是jiè bèi shuǐ píng,戒备水平翻译成英文是 Readiness Category

  7. 问:戒备演习拼音怎么拼?戒备演习的读音是什么?戒备演习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备演习的读音是jiè bèi yǎn xí,戒备演习翻译成英文是 Alert Exercise

  8. 问:戒备状态拼音怎么拼?戒备状态的读音是什么?戒备状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备状态的读音是jiè bèi zhuàng tài,戒备状态翻译成英文是 Defense Condition

  9. 问:戒备电报拼音怎么拼?戒备电报的读音是什么?戒备电报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备电报的读音是jiè bèi diàn bào,戒备电报翻译成英文是 Alert Message

  10. 问:戒备等级拼音怎么拼?戒备等级的读音是什么?戒备等级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备等级的读音是jiè bèi děng jí,戒备等级翻译成英文是 Alert Conditions

  11. 问:戒备能力拼音怎么拼?戒备能力的读音是什么?戒备能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备能力的读音是jiè bèi néng lì,戒备能力翻译成英文是 Readiness Capability

  12. 问:戒备司令部拼音怎么拼?戒备司令部的读音是什么?戒备司令部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备司令部的读音是jiè bèi sī lìng bù,戒备司令部翻译成英文是 Readiness Command

  13. 问:戒备动员小组拼音怎么拼?戒备动员小组的读音是什么?戒备动员小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备动员小组的读音是jiè bèi dòng yuán xiǎo zǔ,戒备动员小组翻译成英文是 Readiness Initiative Team

  14. 问:戒备提高技术拼音怎么拼?戒备提高技术的读音是什么?戒备提高技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备提高技术的读音是jiè bèi tí gāo jì shù,戒备提高技术翻译成英文是 Readiness Enhancement Technology

  15. 问:戒备状态系统拼音怎么拼?戒备状态系统的读音是什么?戒备状态系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备状态系统的读音是jiè bèi zhuàng tài xì tǒng,戒备状态系统翻译成英文是 Alert Condition System

  16. 问:戒备显示器型号拼音怎么拼?戒备显示器型号的读音是什么?戒备显示器型号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备显示器型号的读音是jiè bèi xiǎn shì qì xíng hào,戒备显示器型号翻译成英文是 Readiness Indicator Model

  17. 问:戒备执行情况报告拼音怎么拼?戒备执行情况报告的读音是什么?戒备执行情况报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备执行情况报告的读音是jiè bèi zhí xíng qíng kuàng bào gào,戒备执行情况报告翻译成英文是 Alert Implementation Reports

  18. 问:戒备部队能力测验拼音怎么拼?戒备部队能力测验的读音是什么?戒备部队能力测验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒备部队能力测验的读音是jiè bèi bù duì néng lì cè yàn,戒备部队能力测验翻译成英文是 Alert Force Capability Test




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