







汉语拼音:fǔ rǔ







  1. 豆乳,豆腐浆。

    《儒林外史》第四八回:“ 王玉辉 忍着泪,出茶馆门,一直往 虎邱 那条路上去。只见一路卖的腐乳、席子、耍货,还有那四时的花卉,极其热闹。”

  2. 即豆腐乳,俗称酱豆腐。豆制品的发酵产品之一,为我国特产。



  1. The preserved beancurd zymosis sieve includes a sieve bottom made of plastic material; a side wall is extended around the sieve bottom.


  2. Special with simple flavours applied to the shrimp but used the spicy fermented preserved tofu with the eggplant.


  3. In this study, change of isoflavone contents and compositions in sufu (fermented tofu) during pre-fermentation and salting was investigated.


  4. Sufu and lobster sauce are Chinese traditional fermented soybean products, which are fermented by microorganisms .


  5. And my grandma made the tasty food: fermented soybean and beancurd as the wonderful appetizer.


  6. Marinated vegetable, Marinated bean cube, Peanut, Marinated radish peel.


  7. Ji initial billet fermented bean curd pickled with salt water, called "post-fermentation. "


  8. Canada people not eat shrimp sauce, fish sauce, bean curd and unpleasant smell, the smell of food and animal offal.


  9. The utility model discloses a preserved beancurd zymosis sieve, which belongs to the technical field of food processing equipment.


  1. 细菌型腐乳

    bacterial sufu.

  2. 腐乳汁烧肉

    Stewed pork with preserved bean curd.

  3. 腐乳盐坯盐分

    sodium chloride content in salted pehtze sufu.

  4. 土家腐乳开发项目

    Tujia Preserved Bean Curd Development

  5. 广西桂林腐乳厂

    Guilin Fermented Bean Curd Factory

  6. 论腐乳的酶法生产

    Sufu Production by Enzymes

  7. 浅谈腐乳的营养价值

    Elementary introduction on nutritive value of fermented bean curd

  8. 我国腐乳的生产概况

    The present status of the production of preserved beancurd in China

  9. 细菌型腐乳的加工技术

    Processing technology of bacteroidal preserved beancurd

  10. 腐乳在烹饪中的调味作用

    The effect of sufu on Chinese cuisine

  11. 兼有咸菜和腐乳的风味。

    It is a sort of flavor of pickles and preserved beancurd.

  12. 关于腐乳的感官品评方法

    Sizing up of sense organ about fermented bean curd

  13. 青方腐乳加工工艺研究

    Research on the process technics of blue and green square fermented bean curd

  14. 腐乳的聚类与相关分析

    Cluster and correlation analysis of sufu

  15. 克东腐乳的微生物学研究

    Study on the Microorganisms from Kedong Fermented Bean Curd

  16. 青方腐乳汤料的配制技术

    Preparation technique for the dressing mixture of grey sufu FU Chun

  17. 冷榨豆饼制作腐乳试验报告

    Using cold pressing bean cake to make fermeated bean curd

  18. 腐乳培菌期的生化变化

    The Biochemical Changes in the Culture Phase of Beancurd Cheese

  19. 腐乳生产后期发酵的化学变化

    Chemistry Change During the Ageing of Beancurd Cheese

  20. 大豆腐乳加工工艺的研究

    Study on Optimization of Soybean Curd Fermentation

  21. 腐乳是中华民族的传统发酵美食。

    Fermented bean curd is a traditional Chinese fermented food.

  22. 不同包装材料对腐乳质量的影响

    Effect of Different Package Materials on Sufu Quality

  23. 原料对细菌型腐乳质量的影响

    The influence which materials have on the quality of bacterial vegetable cheese

  24. 酶菌腐乳品质的影响因素研究

    The study on the effect of different factors on the quality of fermented bean curd

  25. 绍兴腐乳发酵过程主要成分变化探讨

    Discussion about the main composition variety of Shaoxing sufu

  26. 应用现代生物技术酿造腐乳的技术探讨

    Application of Modern Biotechnology in Brewing Sufu Technology

  27. 瓶装速酿发酵腐乳生产工艺的探讨

    The Discussion of Produce Technical for Bottle Packing Fermented Bean Curd

  28. 对商品房预售合同的认识腐乳的研究进展

    Research on the Contract of Selling Commodity Houses in Advance

  29. 可以自由选择,按他们的腐乳自己的品味。

    Can be freely selected according to their own taste of fermented bean curd.

  30. 瓶装速酿发酵腐乳规模化生产新工艺

    New technology of scale production of the bottled quick brewing zymolytic preserved beancurd


  1. 问:腐乳拼音怎么拼?腐乳的读音是什么?腐乳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腐乳的读音是fǔrǔ,腐乳翻译成英文是 fermented tofu; fermented bean curd



腐乳,又因地而异称为“豆腐乳”。腐乳是一种二次加工的豆制食品,是中国汉族人发明,非常具民族特色的发酵调味品,为华人地区的常见佐菜美食,也可用于烹调。一般用来配粥或白饭食用。通常腐乳主要是由用毛霉菌发酵的,包括腐乳毛霉(Mucor sufu)、鲁氏毛霉(Mucor Rouxianus)、总状毛霉(Mucor racemosus),还有根霉菌,如华根霉(Rhizopus chinensis)等。

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