







汉语拼音:qióng rén







  1. "Wait a minute, " yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor! "


  2. The third factor, he said, was "the fact that he has a heart for the poor. "


  3. Among the victims was freshman Austin Cloyd, who was an active volunteer for the poor.


  4. And just a great understanding among the poor can bring a revolution in the world.


  5. The poor do not, on the whole, seem to love the colonel.


  6. Once upon a time there was a poor man . He had an orange tree in his garden . On the tree there were many oranges .


  7. For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.


  8. As a matter of fact, during those days to call somebody poor was an insult.


  9. It does not take too flinty a heart to interpret that as a mandate to trim higher-education funding, even if that were to hurt the poor.


  1. 穷人经济学

    The Economics of Being Poor.

  2. 穷人教育学

    poor education.

  3. 穷人和富人

    the rich and the poor

  4. 富人与穷人

    the rich and the poor.

  5. 我们只是穷人

    We're just poor.

  6. 穷人盼出头。

    The poor expect to see daylight.

  7. 他们帮助穷人。

    They aided the poor.

  8. 穷人不犯愁。

    Who so merry as he that have nothing to lose.

  9. 捐钱给穷人

    Donate money to the poor.

  10. 我们是穷人吗

    Are we poor people?

  11. 他想帮助穷人。

    He wanted to help poor people.

  12. 他对穷人慈善。

    He was beneficent to the poor.

  13. 对穷人给予帮助

    to administer to the poor

  14. 穷人要翻身了。

    The poor are turning their past upside down.

  15. 穷人总是接受者。

    Poor people are recipients.

  16. 穷人经常饿肚子。

    Poor people often go hungry.

  17. 穷人接受了救济。

    The poor have accepted doles.

  18. 帮助穷人的道义

    A moral obligation to help the poor

  19. 她总是同情穷人。

    She always sympathized with the poor.

  20. 和穷人一样正当

    are just as valid as poor people's problems.

  21. 蔑视穷人的势利眼

    A snobbish contempt for the poor.

  22. 富人应该帮助穷人。

    The rich ought to help the poor.

  23. 很多穷人无家可归。

    A lot of poor people were unhoused.

  24. 我致力于帮助穷人。

    I devote myself to helping the poor.

  25. 高利贷者压榨穷人。

    The usurer squeezed the poor people.

  26. 富户穷人在世相遇,

    The rich and the poor have this in common

  27. 穷人值得我们同情。

    The poor have a claim to our sympathy.

  28. 穷人慷慨, 富人贪婪。

    Poor and liberal, rich and covetous.

  29. 富人出错。穷人高兴

    When the rich go wrong, the poor delight

  30. 穷人慷慨,富人贪婪。

    Poor and liberal, rich and covetous.


  1. 问:穷人拼音怎么拼?穷人的读音是什么?穷人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穷人的读音是qióngrén,穷人翻译成英文是 poor people

  2. 问:穷人跑拼音怎么拼?穷人跑的读音是什么?穷人跑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穷人跑的读音是qióngrénpǎo,穷人跑翻译成英文是 pauper model, cheap domestically produced spor...

  3. 问:穷人犯罪拼音怎么拼?穷人犯罪的读音是什么?穷人犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穷人犯罪的读音是qióng rén fàn zuì,穷人犯罪翻译成英文是 crime of the poor

  4. 问:穷人保护员拼音怎么拼?穷人保护员的读音是什么?穷人保护员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穷人保护员的读音是qióng rén bǎo hù yuán,穷人保护员翻译成英文是 guardians of the poor



“穷人”是个多义词,它可以指穷人(汉语词语), 穷人(俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰原创作小说), 穷人(人教版小学语文课文), 穷人(长篇小说《穷人》陀思妥耶夫斯基), 穷人(基础含义)。

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