




1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……



汉语拼音:kǒu gǎn






  1. In the mouth it has a perfect acidity along with peach and fruit flavors that makes it a very fresh and pleasant wine.


  2. Cantonese cuisine with a taste Potaninia Run, do not eat greasy, etc. , is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food.


  3. Simple apparatus was needed in this craft, easy to enlarge the production, also the products taste good, hygiene and convenient.


  4. Note: do not like the taste of a child Ruoyin eat, not fresh longan can be added dry or raisins.


  5. He said that, this kind of biscuit feeling in the mouth "exquisite" , has a moist taste.


  6. It gives it a bit of a rich character, rich taste.


  7. The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish.


  8. radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microstrip sweet taste, a bit less spicy.


  9. Taste the complexity of tannin sense of a strong model for the Cabernet Sauvignon wine.


  1. 这种面条口感不错。

    These noodles have a nice chewy texture.

  2. 口感优雅,清新,芳香。

    Flavour Elegant, fresh and sapid.

  3. 突出表现产品口感

    Give prominence to the mouth feeling of the products

  4. 不是口感,也不是材质

    It's not in their taste, really. It's not in their texture.

  5. 口感细致,余味悠长。

    The wines are rich,fruity,and spicy,with minty and mineral aromas.

  6. 如何描述咖啡的口感

    How to Describe the MOUTHFEEL of the Coffee

  7. 口感有点像棉花糖。

    Sort of like the texture of cotton candy.

  8. 以及它对口感的影响。

    through the egg proteins and its impact visavis taste.

  9. 这种面条吃起来口感好。

    These noodles have a nice chewy texture.

  10. 它的香味和口感极佳。

    The aroma and the texture of it are superb.

  11. 嗅觉和口感热带水果, 晚熟。

    In the nose and mouth tropical fruit.Ripens late.

  12. 口感丰润饱满, 口味十分丰富。

    Full, smooth and rich in flavors.

  13. 口感醇浓而又不乏轻快。

    Unctuous but vivacious in the mouth.

  14. 这酒口感一定很独特吧。

    The liquor must be special in taste.

  15. 口感浓醇强劲, 单宁柔和。

    In the mouth it is powerful and ample with smooth tannins.

  16. 比如说 我们喜欢脆脆的口感

    To give just one example, we love crunchiness, mouthfeel.

  17. 口感丰富, 饱满且余香持久。

    The palate is rich and mouth filling with exceptional length.

  18. 提高粮食酒口感质量措施探讨

    Discussion on Improve the Mouthfeel Quality of Grain Wine

  19. 这种奶酪口感松脆,味道浓郁。

    This cheese has a crumbly texture with a strong flavour.

  20. 香草,香料和浆果的口感层出不穷。

    Layers of vanilla, spice, and berry fruits.

  21. 天然野生果汁,名贵饮品口感好。

    Wild fruit juice, a famous and precious drink, has a good taste.

  22. 莲蓬子口感清爽,我非常爱吃。

    The lotus seed tastes fresh. I love it very much.

  23. 莲蓬子口感清爽,我非常爱吃。

    The lotus seed tastes fresh. I love it very much.

  24. 蜂王浆与什么冲喝口感更好?

    Royal jelly and what are strong it is better to drink mouthfeel ?

  25. 水果和糖果口味,口感鲜活丰富。

    It shows a lively, rich palate with load of fruit and some confectionary like character.

  26. 这种疾速成型的过程提升了口感。

    The speedy process boosts taste.

  27. 托比叔叔朱古力口感麦果粑

    UNCLE TOBY Chewy Chocolate Chip Muesli Bar

  28. 口感令人愉悦,易饮,回味清新。

    Open bouquet of soft red fruit cherry, raspberry, redcurrant.

  29. 口感柔顺,并带有红色水果的味道。

    Supple mouth with red fruit notes.

  30. 松脆口感,奶油酱汁,再加鲁迪

    Crunchy, creamy and Rudy.


  1. 问:口感拼音怎么拼?口感的读音是什么?口感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口感的读音是kǒugǎn,口感翻译成英文是 taste; flavor; mouthfeel



kǒugǎn [taste]形容饮食的味觉,(食物吃到嘴里时的感觉)。


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