







汉语拼音:wén kē







  1. 科举制时以经学考选文士之科,别于武举而言。最有名的是进士科。

    唐 刘禹锡 《苏州谢上表》:“谬以薄伎,三登文科。”《旧五代史·选举志》:“近代设文科,选胄子,所以纲维名教,崇树邦本也。” 宋 陈师道 《送伯兄赴吏部改官》诗:“犹须教儿子,早要中文科。”《宋史·选举志三》:“是岁廷试,始依文科给黄牒,榜首赐武举及第。”

  2. 学问体系科别之一。对文学、语言、哲学、历史等学科的统称。亦指学校教学分科之一,与“理科”对称。



  1. The company of a good man is the light of the soul , an evil man the poison of life .


  2. Lately there have been accusations that some private, competitive liberal arts colleges are trying to avoid being seen as "too female. "


  3. Sebastian Giovinco has a galaxy of stars in front of him in the Juventus pecking order, but insists he's "not afraid of competition. "


  4. For those prepared to pay fees, entry to an arts degree can be obtained through the Dublin Business School at about 250 points.


  5. It seems to us that science is not normal arts, and the exam, using mobile phones copied is perfectly justified.


  6. So now, she uses that new professional Facebook account for her job in alumni relations at a small liberal arts college.


  7. Despite this, Rossi is not scared, and he points to the prodigious talents of Sebastian Giovinco, and a host of other promising starlets .


  8. Today some science and engineering universities of China tends to realize their comprehensiveness by developing arts.


  9. When Simon began to go against his wishes, Venco targeted him as well.


  1. 文科毕业生

    the liberal art graduates.

  2. 文科研究生

    liberal arts graduate students.

  3. 历史属于文科。

    History is among the arts.

  4. 高中文科生

    High school art students

  5. 文科共有八个系。

    There are eight departments in the humanities.

  6. 我上大学时读文科。

    I was a liberal arts major in college.

  7. 我是一个文科毕业生。

    I am an arts graduate.

  8. 包括文科, 理科以及商科。

    These subjects include the arts, science and business.

  9. 文科学术论文学术价值的估量

    Evaluation of the Academic Value of the Research Paper on Liberal Arts

  10. 她于1974年获文科学士学位。

    She received a bachelor s degree in arts in 1974.

  11. 文科和理科授予的学士学位。

    A bachelor's degree in Arts and sciences.

  12. 我上大学时读的是文科。

    I was liberal arts major in college.

  13. 他准备今年取得文科硕士学位。

    He will proceed to the degree of M. A. This year.

  14. 高校文科逻辑学教学改革探讨

    On logic teaching reform in liberal art schools of universities

  15. 高校文科学报编辑改稿刍议

    On Editing the Learned Journal of Humanities of Higher Institutions

  16. 文科和理科,通识教育与人文。

    Liberal Arts And Sciences, General Studies And Humanities.

  17. 清钦天监天文科职官年表

    A Chronological Table for Officials Serving in the Division of Astronomy of the Qing Dynasty Qintianjian

  18. 高校文科学报学术质量平议

    About Academic Quality of Liberal Art Journals in Universities

  19. 大学文科包括的科目范围很广。

    The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects.

  20. 论民族高校文科学报讲政治

    How to Stress Politics in Liberal Art Journal of Colleges and Universities

  21. 谁知道辽宁09高考文科估分情况

    Who knows 09 Liaoning college entrance examination liberal arts estimates mark of condition

  22. 在座的各位都是文科班的学生。

    All of you are arts students.

  23. 文科这个词通常指人文和社会科学。

    The term arts usually refers to humanities and social sciences.

  24. 肖恩去加州上一所文科大学。

    Shawn went to California to attend a liberal arts college.

  25. 女孩子似乎对文科比对理科更感兴趣。

    Girls seem to be more interested in the arts than the sciences.

  26. 我拿文科硕士学位其实就是觉得好玩儿。

    I took my M. A. just for fun really.

  27. 物理和化学是理科, 而历史和文学是文科。

    Physics and chemistry are sciences, and history and literature are arts subjects.

  28. 我希望能得到英文系的文科学士学位。

    I hope to get a Bachelor of Arts in English.

  29. 我是河南文科考生。426能上你们的学校么

    I am a Henan liberal arts examinee. Can 426 your school

  30. 如果我不是文科院的学生,该怎样申请?

    If I am not an Arts student, how do I apply ?


  1. 问:文科拼音怎么拼?文科的读音是什么?文科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科的读音是wénkē,文科翻译成英文是 humanities

  2. 问:文科硕士拼音怎么拼?文科硕士的读音是什么?文科硕士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科硕士的读音是wénkē shuòshì,文科硕士翻译成英文是 MA

  3. 问:文科中学拼音怎么拼?文科中学的读音是什么?文科中学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科中学的读音是,文科中学翻译成英文是 Gymnasium

  4. 问:文科学士拼音怎么拼?文科学士的读音是什么?文科学士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科学士的读音是Wénkē xuéshì,文科学士翻译成英文是 Bachelor of Arts

  5. 问:文科维奇拼音怎么拼?文科维奇的读音是什么?文科维奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科维奇的读音是Wénkēwéiqí,文科维奇翻译成英文是 Venkovits

  6. 问:文科和理科拼音怎么拼?文科和理科的读音是什么?文科和理科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文科和理科的读音是wénkē hé lǐkē,文科和理科翻译成英文是 Arts and Sciences




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