




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:zuò jī







座机 [zuò jī]
  1. 座机,zuòjī,是专人坐乘的飞机。固定电话也称之为座机。



  1. Moments earlier, Madden had landed on this same road; he took the photo through the window of his plane.


  2. Home machine rang, allison finish DE law to big can wind send messages to let him see her, she came out in a unit the door.


  3. Inexplicably, the Force told him to fire on a friendly vessel, and he shot Shira Brie out of the sky.


  4. So it isn't surprising that he would be in negotiations with the Chinese to produce a cheap 200-seat airplane.


  5. I've paid for the landline and I've paid for all the calls that I've incurred using that landline and I never defaulted.


  6. Jane: Maybe we can use the landline to call directory assistance. The operator should be able to give us her number.


  7. When you talk into a landline, your voice is captured and replayed through the ear piece, so you hear your own voice loud and clear.


  8. White House South Lawn, President of the United States helicopters landing in this plane.


  9. Surprisingly, he recalls, they called him on the phone, using an ordinary land line.


  1. 磨气门座机

    valve seat grinder.

  2. 装配鞋跟座机

    heal seat lasting machine

  3. 总统座机由五架战斗机护航。

    The president's plane was convoyed by five jet fighters.

  4. 好的。请问您家里有座机吗?

    OK. Do you have a fixed phone at home?

  5. 对了,我从来不听座机留言。

    Oh, and I never, ever listen to landline answerphone messages.

  6. 稍后我找个座机再打给你。

    I'll try you again later when I get to a landline.

  7. 你的座机安排在明天东航001班次。

    Your space is confirmed on China East Flight001 for tomorrow.

  8. 你可以用一部座机干同样的事情。

    You can do exactly the same thing with a landline.

  9. 方便得话,告诉我你得座机号码,我给你打过去。

    Could you tell me your office or home telephone number so that I can call you on that.

  10. 方便的话,告诉我你的座机号码,我给你打过去。

    Could you tell me your office or home telephone number so that I can call you on that.

  11. 他选择的座机不比那便宜,但远远致命得多。

    His conveyance of choice was no less expensive, but it was far more deadly.

  12. 公司甚至可以记录交易员通过办公室座机进行的通话。

    Companies can even record conversations that traders have from their desk phones.

  13. 蓝牙无线监控座机设计中密码技术的研究及应用

    Research and Application of Cryptography Technology in Bluetooth Wireless Monitoring Master's Design

  14. 所以新总统座机必将成为有史以来造价最为昂贵的运输机。

    The planes will be the most expensive transport aircraft ever produced.

  15. 他还需要一个约15人的机组来管理这架豪华座机。

    He ll also need a flight crew of about 15 to operate the luxury liner.

  16. 拨打国际国内长途,呼叫手机用户,电话卡都比家用座机实惠。

    Phone cards are cheaper than using your home phone to call overseas, interstate and mobile.

  17. 后座机枪手在其飞机被摧毁后录的录像可以重放了

    Records taken by a human gunner after the host aircraft was destroyed can now be replayed

  18. 首先, 他分配工作去俘获一艘帝国交通梭作为突击队的座机。

    First, he assigned the task of capturing an Imperial shuttle to a unit of soldiers.

  19. 那您需要自己买个座机。请您填一下单子,在这边选一下电话号码。

    You need to buy one. Please fill in the sheet and choose a telephone number here.

  20. 飞得好的人绝对是在作弊。没在座机舱里,偷偷用机外视角。

    Anyone perfect must be cheating, flying with externals and their cockpit off.


  1. 问:座机拼音怎么拼?座机的读音是什么?座机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:座机的读音是zuòjī,座机翻译成英文是 setphone; private plane




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