




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:mài shēn








  1. 把自身或妻儿等卖给别人。

    《敦煌变文集·秋胡变文》:“ 董永 卖身葬父母,天女以之酬恩。”《景德传灯录·南泉普愿禅师》:“ 王老师 要卖身,阿谁要买?” 元 无名氏 《广客谈》:“因父亡家贫,母将妾卖身於此。” 何其芳 《画梦录·楼》:“还有一个王孙公子,卖身为奴。”

  2. 比喻丧失人格,投靠有权势的人。

    孙中山 《国民会议为解决中国内乱之法》:“那些议员,总是不顾民利,只顾私利。到 北京 之后,不做别事,只要有钱,便去卖身,造成 曹锟 的贿选。” 徐兴业 《金瓯缺》第十二章:“凡是要卖身于别人的人--无论是他的祖先卖身给 契丹 贵族,无论是他本人又回过头来卖身给 北宋 王朝,除了需要有一点为新主子效劳的本领以外,也需要贴好看的标签才卖得起好价钿。”

  3. 指女子出卖肉体。

    清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话续集·难女》:“我等卖艺不卖身,客何犯我规耶?” 石三友 《金陵野史·桃花章的风波》:“但彼辈歌女,则认为卖艺不卖身,佩了桃花章,有损人格,群起抗争,并非无理取闹。”

  4. 丧生;献身。

    唐 李白 《笑歌行》:“笑矣乎,笑矣乎! 赵 有 豫让 楚 屈平 ,卖身买得千年名。”



  1. Township head: fage, our a xing, is lover of vernon. Besides, he mortgaged his indenture to my hand for her.


  2. A premium fee is justified by the risks involved in working in an illegal industry, as well as the related stigma of being paid for sex.


  3. Now she was sharing a room with three other prostitutes, and they were all pimped to guests.


  4. Township head: good wish. I tell you not to take back the indenture if he doesn't pay one million and five hundred thousand.


  5. In those days some of the young women were able to survive by selling themselves.


  6. Many, if not most, of the early colonists America arrived under some version of bound labor, either as a slave or an indentured servant.


  7. Chiu went into the business about 40 years ago, after a man she had lived with for two decades died.


  8. Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light. Those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night.


  9. Instead of serving prison sentences, criminals would be sentenced to indentured servitude, whipped, sold into slavery, or executed.


  1. 靠卖身养活自己。

    Selling my body. It was before I started working in the playhouse.

  2. 他说我这是卖身。

    He called me a whore and a slut.

  3. 穷文人, 雇佣文人, 卖身投靠的文人

    a hack writer

  4. 乔已确实卖身给魔鬼。

    That Joe had sold himself to the devil.

  5. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。

    The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders.

  6. 千万别使你们的女儿卖身。

    Do not prostitute your daughter.

  7. 有些人为了生存而开始卖身。

    Some turned to prostitution in order to survive.

  8. 男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。

    Man begs, woman sells.

  9. 工会领导人被指责卖身投靠雇主。

    The Union leaders were accused of selling out to the employers.

  10. 如果我让你去卖身,我早发了。

    If I was seiiing your pussy, I'd be rich aiready.

  11. 他宁可自杀而不愿卖身投靠敌人。

    He committed suicide rather than sell himself to the enemy.

  12. 在这儿卖身以维持自己的毒品供应

    is turning tricks up here to support her drug habit.

  13. 为求葬老爹,唯有卖身为奴自作贱。

    In order to bury my father, I have to sell myself.

  14. 很显然那个坏蛋一定卖身投靠了魔鬼撒旦,

    for plainly this miscreant had sold himself to Satan

  15. 如果不是被逼迫, 谁也不会卖身为奴。

    No man would sell himself into thraldom uncompelled.

  16. 这位小哥, 你大清早在这卖身葬父。

    Are you selling yourself to bury your dad

  17. 她肯定是个农村姑娘, 父母把她卖身为奴。

    She was some peasant girl, doubtless, whom her parents had sold into slavery.

  18. 由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。

    She had to sign an indenture to sell herself, because she owed money to the landlord.

  19. 由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。

    She had to sign an indenture to sell herself, because she owed money to the landlord.

  20. 有时候他可怜女儿, 女儿是卖身养着两个弟弟!

    At other times, he pitied her because she was selling her body to feed her brothers.

  21. 那时候一些年轻的女子靠卖身才能活下来。

    In those days some of the young women were able to survive by selling themselves.

  22. 那时候一些年轻得女子靠卖身才能活下来。

    In those days some of the young women were able to survive by selling themselves.

  23. 一个牛津大学的学生成为一个卖身仆,是一件奇闻。

    It was an odd thing to find an Oxford scholar in the situation of a bought servant.

  24. 我要在澡池附近找工作,必要的话,就去卖身为奴。

    I'll find work near the bath, sell myself as a slave if I have to.

  25. 其后父亲亡故,董永卖身至一富家为奴,换取丧葬费用。

    Later, his father died and Dong Yong sold himself to a rich family as a slave so as to bury his father.


  1. 问:卖身拼音怎么拼?卖身的读音是什么?卖身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖身的读音是màishēn,卖身翻译成英文是 sell oneself; sell one's body or soul

  2. 问:卖身契拼音怎么拼?卖身契的读音是什么?卖身契翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖身契的读音是màishēnqì,卖身契翻译成英文是 A body-selling indenture; in ancient time, the...

  3. 问:卖身投靠拼音怎么拼?卖身投靠的读音是什么?卖身投靠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖身投靠的读音是màishēntóukào,卖身投靠翻译成英文是 to barter away one's honour for somebody's patron...




拼音:maì shēn 解释: 1. [sell oneself or a member of one's family]∶把自己或妻子儿女卖给别人 卖身契 2. [prostitute]∶卖淫 详细解释1. 把自身或妻儿等卖给别人。

《敦煌变文集·秋胡变文》:“ 董永 卖身葬父母,天女以之酬恩。”《景德传灯录·南泉普愿禅师》:“ 王老师 要卖身,阿谁要买?” 元 无名氏 《广客谈》:“因父亡家贫,母将妾卖身於此。” 何其芳 《画梦录·楼》:“还有一个王孙公子,卖身为奴。”

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