







汉语拼音:xīn jìng






  1. 心里平静。如:这人一向心静,很少见他烦躁。



  1. "Quiet the mind, " said Simmons. The entrepreneur who has a still mind is the entrepreneur who can do anything, he said.

  2. Sixth, looking calm naturally soft, and her husband made him look like a real woman.

  3. I really enjoy yoga----it gives me a sense of inner calm.

  4. Want to resist the temptation of life is necessary to calm the mind, so want to see famous for self-cultivation.

  5. We tend to think of calm, peaceful Zen master types as the healthiest and happiest people in the species.

  6. Taijiquan is a sport combining health-improving and martial art, which stresses the idea of peaceful mind, mental and physical relaxation.

  7. In karate there is an image that's used to define the position of perfect readiness: "mind like water. "

  8. Actually, inner peace and freedom from restless and incessant thinking is a great boon anytime and everywhere.

  9. She says people can introduce calm by placing a small fountain or fish bowl in the north-east corner of their home or office.


  1. 心静自然凉。

    So long as one keeps calm, one doesn't feel the heat too much.

  2. 不要急得到, 心静便无恼。

    Don't get angry, I will not.

  3. 早点做了她的活,早心静。

    Earlier do Le her Huo earlier be quiet.

  4. 心静如止水, 喜欢这片澄净啊!

    Calm the mind, such as sealing, like this piece beneath pure ah!

  5. 其作用是表示快乐和安人心静。

    Its function is to show happiness and put people at ease.

  6. 不与人说, 享受自己的一份心静。

    Not with people that enjoy themselves in a calm the mind.

  7. 入心静脉口环状超声消融动物实验。

    Animal Experiment in Catheter Ablation at The Vein Orifices Into The Heart by Ultrasound.

  8. 听着寺院里的梵呗,他觉得心静了许多。

    He felt calm when listening to the Buddhist service.

  9. 听着寺院里的梵呗,他觉得心静了许多。

    He felt calm when listening to the Buddhist service.

  10. 她兴致勃勃,正如她对自己说的,她的心静不下来。

    She was interested, she was, as she said to herself, floated.

  11. 我心静如水, 坦然对之, 不焦不躁, 体味人生。

    I calm, such as water, the calm and right, not Coke hypomanic, taste of life.

  12. 心静的没有压力,不为未来,考试,周匝的人而烦恼。

    The future, examination and people around wont baffle me.

  13. 聪明者不迷正见者不邪有容者不妒心静者不烦。

    Wise people are not deluded. Those who know Buddhism are not corrupted. Magnanimous people are not jealous. Serene people are not bothered by adversity.

  14. 闭关是很重要得, 可以把我们得心静下来, 过滤掉尘垢。

    Having a retreat is very important. It allows us to calm down and to filter our any dust and dirt.

  15. 有着吐气若兰、气质似竹、心静如水、才情像海。

    Has aspirates if the orchid, the makings resemble the bamboo, the calm like water, the talent likely sea.

  16. 闭关是很重要的,可以把我们的心静下来,过滤掉尘垢。

    Having a retreat is very important. It allows us to calm down and to filter our any dust and dirt.

  17. 每天抽出一点时间, 让自己澄心静虑, 使心灵宁静!

    Spend a little bit of time everyday reflecting yourself.

  18. 汽轮机空心静叶吹扫性能的试验研究和数值计算

    Experimental Study and Numerical Calculation of Blowing Performance for Hollow Static Blade of Steam Turbine

  19. 心静平胶囊治疗冠心病室性期前收缩的临床研究

    Manila Flat Capsule Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Before Sexual Period Contraction of Clinical Research

  20. 我的心静谧似水, 捧起一掬清泉翘首等待一场宿命的爱情。

    Your heart is mad wild be like fire, ignite a bundle of hot blaze to make god general time firing and cindery.


  1. 问:心静拼音怎么拼?心静的读音是什么?心静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心静的读音是xīnjìng,心静翻译成英文是 calm

  2. 问:心静脉拼音怎么拼?心静脉的读音是什么?心静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心静脉的读音是xīn jìng mài,心静脉翻译成英文是 cardiac vein, vena cardiaca, vena cordis...

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