


劝酒:~酢。用财物报答:~劳。~谢。~金。报~。交际往来:应(yìng )~。~对。~和(hè)(用诗词应答)。~唱(用诗词互相赠答)。实现愿望:壮志未~。……





汉语拼音:chóu bào







  1. 报答;报偿。

    《晋书·刘弘传》:“ 皮初 之勋宜见酬报。” 宋 司马光 《辞明堂宿卫札子》:“在人臣恩礼优厚,无以復加,捐生陨命,不足酬报。” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“这关渡过去,你这点功劳我要充分酬报的。”



  1. Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. --- St. Augustine.


  2. Don't expect to be remunerated for every little thing you do . In the long run , all the efforts you have made will be duly rewarded.


  3. Then almost compassionately he said, "You should be greatly rewarded. "


  4. I long to use the most precious words I have for you; but I dare not, fearing I should not be paid with like value.


  5. A company investigation later concluded that the study results were withheld as a result of a "regrettable human error. "


  6. Finch Mockingbird in the south office, his integrity and calm, often gratuitous justice for the poor.


  7. Despite much of its riches having been founded on oil revenue, the UAE has recently been looking into renewable energy.


  8. The evaluation involved business-to-employee contributions and or special achievement of recognition and compensation measures or policies.


  9. The emotion drive is one humanist thought management, has manifested the scientific development concept request.


  1. 酬报好心人

    reward good-hearted people

  2. 西圆的斑斓是酬报的。

    Beauty in the West is unninuring.

  3. 对个人服务的小小酬报

    offer a small reward for personal services

  4. 爱情作酬报, 劳苦必轻松。

    Labour is light where love doth pay.

  5. 善行会有幸福酬报。

    Good deeds are rewarded By happiness.

  6. 人如何酬报你的好意呢?

    How can I reward your kindness ?

  7. 我的工作得到了每日的酬报。

    My work is rewarded in daily wages.

  8. 在那光荣里, 有我伟大的酬报。

    And in the glory there my Great Reward.

  9. 我们工作很努力,应该有些酬报了。

    We are due for a treat because we have been working very hard.

  10. 对你提供的服务、做出的努力的酬报

    Repayment for your services, efforts

  11. 我不敢, 我怕得不到相当的酬报。

    But I dare not, fearing I should not be paid with like value.

  12. 时机一到你就会得到酬报。

    You will have your reward in the fullness of time.

  13. 她的成功是对她辛勤工作的应得的酬报。

    Her success is just reward for all her hard work.

  14. 公司给每个员工500美金作为酬报。

    The company gave each of its employees a bonus of five hundred US dollars.

  15. 他们很少懂得舍弃自我就是酬报。

    Few of them understood that the renunciation of self is its own reward.

  16. 我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。

    We must give him sth. for his pains.

  17. 有人喜乐地施与, 那喜乐就是他们的酬报。

    There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.

  18. 请带我回家, 我会用平生来酬报你!

    Please take me home, I would like to reward you with a lifetime!

  19. 忍耐的人暂时容忍,最后必有喜乐的酬报。

    A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him.

  20. 为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。

    He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

  21. 善行会有幸福酬报。他的善行是人所共知的。

    Good deeds are rewarded By happiness. His beneficence was well known.

  22. 灰尘遭到益辱, 却以她的花朵来酬报。

    The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.

  23. 我的确太骄傲而不愿接受酬报,但不是礼物。

    To proud indeed am I to receive wages, but not gifts.

  24. 有时辰一个酬报不花钱获得的工具支出的价钱最高。

    Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

  25. 此外,它证明这种变化是受到国际社会的欢迎和酬报的。

    Moreover, it proves that such a change is welcomed and rewarded by the international community.

  26. 这个制度优厚地酬报那些控制着资本或土地的人。

    The system rewards handsomely those who control capital or land.

  27. 我做任何事不外是为了有所回报,我总要获得酬报。

    I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.

  28. 你可能会遇到麻烦,但最大的酬报属于敢于冒大险的人们。

    You might get into trouble, but the big rewards go to those who take big risks.

  29. 蓬哈就是要知道他对柯帕乌怎么效劳, 方能得到酬报。

    Bonhag was interested to see what he could do for Cowperwood for a price.


  1. 问:酬报拼音怎么拼?酬报的读音是什么?酬报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酬报的读音是chóubào,酬报翻译成英文是 reward

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